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Follow sweet children - Printable Version

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Follow sweet children - Runt - November 09, 2014

The loner had somehow, again wandered into the territory of another pack. There were so many here, it seemed impossible to go somewhere without putting your foot on somebody else's dirt. But she had ignored the scent boundary as usual, casually continuing into the land. She laid down lazily on the earth. Her wounds were still there- a little fainter but still there. She wondered if she might encounter anyone or if her day would go smoothly.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 10, 2014

Silvermane had been spending the last several days resting, he had been attacked by every creature he encountered, but he took it, he was huge, so he had to bear it, he had spent few days relaxing, trying forms of relaxation or even highs found in the plants of Nature, but his anger, foul mouth, bloodlust and overal jerkness had not passed, he let himself scan the area, searching for someone to react to, and probably abuse verbally.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 11, 2014

Suddenly the loner could see a silver figure. She trotted closer till she was about two or three yards away. He was a big silver wolf. "Hallo." She said. She couldn't wait to see what happened. She kind of like getting on pack wolves' nerves, it was easy to bug them. "'Sup?" She asked him, even though she didn't know 'im.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 13, 2014

Silvermane quickly turned to face wherever the sound was coming to, and immediatly flicked back his ears, He saw a strangely coloured wolf, Whats up with those? speaking to him, at first he had mistaken it for a male, but soon saw the feminine posture and details, though her slang had put him off from realizing that. She didn not smell like his pack, so he had resorted to become much more hostile, "You shouldnt be here..." he snarled, he was much larger than her, so if he did get in trouble, he could surely push her away.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 13, 2014

"I asked you what's up, not if I should be here. I smelled your borders. I know I shouldn't be here." She said, her attitude that got on other's nerves coming out. Her true colors were fierce and annoying, but that was her. She waited eagerly to pounce on how he reacted and use it against him and his patience.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 14, 2014

Silvermane held back from laughing abit, was this puny female trying to Intimidate him? Surely she was abit hard-headed. "Then I shall answer that question," he responded lightly "The Sky." he said, the word "Sky" reminded him of that girl which had left, but it pained him to remember, so he decided to forget about it, and stared at the female infront of him. He stood up and took a step towards her.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 14, 2014

She was surprised at his calm, patient answer. Plus the logic. "You're not nearly angry as most usually are. How do you stay so calm?" She asked, and she was actually wondering. She was constantly angry or stressed or some negative emotion. Perhaps this guy could tech her to calm down, if he had a method of some kind.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 15, 2014

Bloodlust and Highs, said Silvermane, he was usually getting worked into a rage, but soon he found his form of meditation, he would spend days fighting, and driving his anger into blood and tears, and once he had finished, he would set himself to sleep. Silvermane took another step forward, Anger drove me, but now I drive it. he said softly Anger is a perfect tool, you only need to learn how to use it. he said. All in all, the chances that Silvermane was high were abit large for scale. Now, wherent you trying to Intimitade me? he said, staring down the female, not in a way of anger but of annoyance and wisdom

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 19, 2014

Hmm. Runt probably didn't have bloodlust or get high so... Yeah.... She chuckled a little with a small smile. "Not so much intimidate as bug or frusturate or annoy. Get on the nerves of. Sorry, but I like getting on pack wolve's nerves. You guys are easy to pick on. Usually." She added. Unless he would get annoyed now, then he was an odd rare condition. Most wolves could not handle her setting a toe in their land.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 19, 2014

"Well, then, why are you still here?" he spoke, "Unless, of course you were to join.." he added sarcastically, looking at the female, but he would have to do something sooner or later, or the Alpha would kill him, or drive him down the ranks.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 20, 2014

She wasn't gonna join, at least not today. For now she probably wasn't gonna join any packs yet. She needed a pack with an alpha who accepted wild behavior, and that was rare. Or an alpha who would enslave her and force her down so much that she had to obey. "'Cause I'm talkin' to you, dude. It'd be rude to just walk away from dis nice conversation." She said with a little roll of her eyes. No, it had been rude to trespass on the territory. She'd already been rude enough.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 26, 2014

Sorry for all these small posts x( I just dont know what to write

"Sure..." he laughed Would be a shame to end it now.. he said, taking another step forward, her accent was fairly annoying in his sense, yet amusing. Sill, he had to find someway to kick this little dirt off his ground, and then she could talk how much she wanted. Perhaps he could just knock her out with a little * -Knock- * and that would solve that, no more bitching, or annoying gestures

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 26, 2014

that's fine. Also I'm confused did her actually bump into her or just think about it?

"Wouldn't it be." She said as she took a step back. "So whatcha wanna talk about?" She asked, becoming slightly cautious. Her hackles rose just a little. "'Cause I'm gettin' pretty bored of talkin' about talkin'." She said. "How 'bout hobbies. I like fightin'. You like fightin'?" She asked with a little grin.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 26, 2014

He didnt actually, he was just imagining it like you said XD

Silvermane laughed a deep, almost evil laugh. Sure, he said quickly do you want to fight? he said But, since you like to fight, lets make a deal he spoke, his voice lowering We should fight. he responded If you win, you can do whatever you want, and I wont stop you he continued But- if I win, you leave. immediately. his voice began to tone more gravely.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 26, 2014

She smiled mischievously. "Sure." She narrowed her eyes. "Let's go." She said, and it turned into a growl. Without warning she leapt with speed, aiming at his side, attempting to barrel into him. Then she bit down hard on his front right leg, attempting to make him bleed. Her eyes begun to glow with the light of battle.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - November 27, 2014

Silvermane was caught off guard, but he easily parried the attempt to dislodge him, but while she bit on his leg, trickles of blood flowing from his leg, he immediately begun to get angry, he swooped in with his jaw, his mouth snapping at her, trying to bite at her neck, and swing her around, his plan was to toss her up, then slam her back down, which would knock her out, and if it would not work, he would end it by force.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - November 28, 2014

She found herself lodged in his jaws as she tried to escape- his speed had overcome hers. She shook around, trying to get herself out, but it was difficult. She began to kick her back feet and front feet on his muzzle. She stretched her neck, trying to let her head reach his muzzle too. Her jaws reached and she continued to try and snap at him, she was unsure whether her attempt would work. She was very worried that he might bite down till he crushed her spine or something. I'm too young to die!

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - December 07, 2014

Sorry for the delay, I had musical rehearsals XP

Silvermane had felt the young wolf's strange fur inbetween his jaws, and he held tighter, but not hard enough to actually bite through skin. After sometime, he finally decided to thrust her down, hoping she would hit her head by accident, he wanted to make this quick, and clean, but she had begun nipping at him, some blood had begun to spot on his fur from her mischevious bites, but he wasnt harmed, or atleast, he didnt think so.

RE: Follow sweet children - Runt - December 07, 2014

that's okay! I'll probably fade here, if you want you can say he like awkwardly nudged her outside the border or whatever, or carried her. Or he could just leave her there, whatever you want.

As several of her bites landed she felt triumphant, but his tightening grip worried her. Suddenly she was thrown down. Her head was knocked against the ground. A surprisingly small trickle of blood ran from her forehead as she fell unconscious. Perhaps she would learn to respect their pack and stay away from their borders. He had knocked her out, after all.

RE: Follow sweet children - Silvermane - December 09, 2014

I guess Ill archive this, Is it ok that I powerplay that Silvermane drags her away? If not, send me a PM & Ill edit it out.

Silvermane looked down towards the opponnent, and sighed. He quickly moved abit backwards, his aching bleeding neck making his body sore, he quickly grabbed her neck with his jaw, and slowly began to drag her away. She had not put up the longest of battles, but certainly she did pack a punch in those few minutes. He dragged her loose body away, and slowly wondered how long this would last. A good wolf keeps a good watch, and if he did, he should stay. The sun, setting behind him, had ended not only the day, but this fight.

Fades to black