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Redhawk Caldera Killed the lord, left for the new world - Printable Version

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Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 09, 2014

He's calling @Fox but anyone's welcome.

It was late when Peregrine finally arrived back at the caldera. During his travels, a cold front blew into the wilds, a frosty wind chasing him all the way home and sinking its frigid teeth into the marrow of his bones. As he drew up to the foot of the squat, topless mountain, he shivered. He looked forward to curling up next to his warm, fiery mate, though he had no idea if she would be happy to see him or angry with him for running off against her will.

There was only one way to find out. Peregrine lifted his swarthy muzzle into the air and called softly for his Alpha female. His song carried a note of apology. He knew he owed her that much and he would give it willingly. Shuddering, he seated himself with his back to the icy gale, black shoulders hunched and silver breath unfurling from the tip of his muzzle.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 09, 2014

Considering what had happened while Peregrine was away, a part of Fox was not excited to see him again. He had left her here, and if he had been there, perhaps less damage would have been done. At least he could have helped her to fend off the large cat. Alas, he had insisted on going to see Finley, determined to make sure that she was alright (something Fox did not think that Lasher would have been dishonest about). She was in the care of Blue Willow, and she was one of the few healers of the world that Fox would ever give an ounce of trust (despite their personal differences).

Where Perry's call echoed through the caldera, Fox was filled with a variety of emotions. Hurt for the way he had so carelessly treated her. Anxiety for what he might say when he saw her. Happiness, simply because they had been apart. Anger for the way he had left his home. These were all bundled, boiling in her chest as she strode toward him, and they amplified with each step. She knew that the long, ugly laceration on her face would be noticeable first, but she would allow him to react as he wished.

She finally spotted him, and her pace slowed, her heart thumping loudly in her ears.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 09, 2014

He saw a silhouette slipping toward him and he rose onto all fours. The wind blew his mate's scent toward him and he drew in a deep breath, intending to savor her singularly feminine fragrance. His heart skipped a beat when he smelled the telltale scent of a fresh wound. Lips parting, he took a step toward her as she began to slow, then trotted to close the distance between them.

When Peregrine saw the gash on her face, he couldn't help but think that fate had punished him for leaving her and for entertaining doubts behind her back while away. Tenderly, he reached out to touch his nose to her face, careful to avoid the ugly red mark so as not to hurt her. He felt like crying, yet swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I'm sorry I spoke to you that way, then ran off," he murmured in her ear "Finley's recuperating and will return as our Beta as soon as she can. Which is all well and good but... fuck, I'm so sorry, babe. I'll never leave your side again," he promised in a quiet, vehement voice before drawing back just far enough to gaze into her eyes. "Tell me what happened."

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 09, 2014

She took his apology at face-value, and pressed into him when his nose touched her. The gash would remain a physical reminder to her of what he had done, but she was quick to forgive. Forgetting was more difficult, but perhaps that would come in time. Oddly enough, Fox did not hold grudges. If Bazi showed up on her doorstep, she would have welcomed the girl with open arms. If Ferdie returned and acted "normal," she would have done the same. That went for Jace, Blue Willow, and Lasher as well. Fox only held ill will toward those who would not change their ways. So long as they were willing to learn and adapt, she was willing to look past their... well, past.

“I can’t expect you to always be here,” she said, wanting to make sure he understood that. Then again, if their numbers were few, it made more sense for him to be here, rather than out and about. She wondered if the cougar would have made its meal elsewhere if it hadn't thought there were so few wolves here. They would never know, and Fox never lingered long on hypotheticals.

“It was a cougar,” she replied, answering his question with that, first. “It noticed me before I noticed it, and I apparently interrupted its meal. Ashton and that new one, Elwood, helped me fight it off.” It went without saying that she had not gotten out of the scuffle unscathed.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 09, 2014

As I was writing this, my neighbor's kitty came to the door, asked for a few pets, then left, lulz.

"Yes," he disagreed emphatically, "you can. I barely ever left the plateau. It'll be the same way here. I only behaved the way I did because my head was all... fucky. It won't happen again." Of course, there would be times when venturing away from his domain might be necessary, but they would be few and far between. And next time such a scenario cropped up, he would consult and discuss with his mate properly before just running off into the sunset.

He brushed the tip of his muzzle over the unmarked side of her face, leaving a damp kiss beneath her eye. Peregrine shuddered at the word cougar. This could have been so much worse... "How are they? I'm glad they stepped up to the plate where I didn't. They'll be rewarded for it."

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 09, 2014

Being particularly vague on the details, since that thread hasn't progressed far, yet.

She did not argue with him, not wishing to discuss it further than they already had. Fox felt as though tensions between them had been high for quite some time, and just when they had begun to lower, what with their den shopping and all, they'd reared their head all over again. Hopefully, with winter coming their way, they could set aside (or compromise) their differences and work together more efficiently. She certainly hoped that was Peregrine's plan. If not, that was another discussion, but he seemed determined to right his wrong, something she was thankful for (and probably wouldn't have done, if she'd been in his position, honestly).

“As they should be,” she agreed. “Neither of them are mortally wounded, though they did not come out unscathed.” She was infinitely glad for their help, and she would ensure that they were rewarded in whatever way she and Peregrine could. Their service had saved her life, and they deserved to be recognized for that.

“How long will it be before Finley can return? Did Blue Willow say?” she asked. Although Perry had left her in a way that she had not wished for, it would be good to know that their beta could actually come back and act as a beta. Her place was here, even though Fox suspected it would be quite some time before the Blackthorn girl would be allowed to return. Perhaps she could do most of her healing at the plateau, and then she could finish up here.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 09, 2014

Same here. I'm not sure yet how soon Fin can return, lol.

Peregrine frowned slightly. "Ashton's an aspiring Healer, so hopefully he'll know how to take care of himself and Elwood. Have you taken anything? For the pain, at least? It looks... incredibly painful." Acknowledging this made a fresh wave of guilt wash over him and he pressed closer to his mate, holding her now, murmuring apologies and sweet nothings into her ear.

"It shouldn't be too long. Finley's a fighter," he replied to his mate's question. "A bear fighter, as a matter of fact. That's how she got hurt. So Fin likes to fight bears and you like to fight cougars. You ladies are going to keep me on my toes, aren't you?"

"Come," he said, reluctantly withdrawing from Fox a moment later. "The entire way home, I looked forward to curling up beside you. Let's get out of this wind. Want to head up to the den?" They didn't really need to use it yet but Peregrine had already bunked down there a handful of times and wasn't opposed to retiring there on a nightly basis. It would be nice to get some shelter from these elements.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 09, 2014

Fox shook her head. She'd felt worse pain before, and the gashes and cuts were hardly debilitating. Sure, they looked ugly and painful, but her rib injury had been so much worse. It had taken a month and a half to heal, and she'd been required to keep using it day in and day out. At least with this particular set of injuries, it didn't hinder her movement in any way. Besides, the wound would make a nice addition to her already scarred up body. She'd certainly gathered quite a few in the nearly two years she'd been on this earth. Fox could only hope that she would be able to avoid such serious ones in the future. She was more conservative now, wishing to keep her body in good shape for her children to be.

“A bear? Fox repeated, astonished (though perhaps she should not have been) that Finley would take on such a feat. Sure, Fox was a fiery spirit herself, but a bear was even well out of her own league. Peregrine knew that first-hand, considering she'd had them scamper away from the one in Big Bear Valley. “What was she thinking?” Fox murmured, but then quickly added, “You know, I don’t even want to know.” She shook her head, hoping that Finley had at least learned a little bit of something from her antics.

Peregrine suggested they head toward the den, but Fox shook her head. “I haven’t finished the rounds,” she replied. Despite the injuries she had sustained, Fox had not let up on her patrol duty. In fact, she'd been out more since she'd been attacked, determined to make sure that the hellcat stayed far, far away. “You go on,” she urged, “I’ll join you when I’m done.”

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 09, 2014

"I'm willing to bet," Peregrine replied evenly, squinting off into the distance as if giving Finley a playful glare from afar, "that our good friend Finley wasn't thinking at all." His dusky eyes returned to his mate's face, impulsively trailing over the scar that marred it. He was glad it wasn't bothering her much. He wondered if it would heal completely or leave a scar. It was a good thing he was in it for her ass, not her face.

Fox's insistence that he head up to the den and leave her to a patrol made him hesitate. "Are you sure? I'd like to come with you, if you'll have me," he said in a low voice, uncertain as to whether she might be wanting (or needing) the time alone.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 09, 2014

dat avatar

She could definitely see the Finley not thinking thing. The girl, while incredibly sweet and terribly fun to be around, wasn't the brightest in the box. Then again, neither was Fox. Perhaps they would make a couple of dumb, thrill-seeking leaders. Peregrine would always be there to round them out, and maybe their eventual beta male would be a little more placid as well. Idly, Fox wondered if any of their current male comrades would fit into that role well. They still had time to prove themselves worthy, and she did not think they would be seeking a fourth leader any time soon. Perhaps when the time of children was more near, considering she and Peregrine would be busy with that.

“Of course I’ll have you, you big buffoon,” she replied, knocking his shoulder with her own. “We can retire to the den together, once we’re done.” She had thought he would be too worn to come along, or she would have invited him in the first place. If he had refused, she imagined he would have felt more guilt. Fox was just thankful to have him back in the caldera, where he belonged.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 09, 2014

*blue steel*

He smiled and nipped her ear when she bumped against him. "I love you," he told her as they began to pick their way through the darkness, roaming the caldera's circumference in tandem like two mismatched horses drawing an invisible carriage. "And I really am sorry for the way I spoke to you. Oh," he added even as a thought occurred to him. "I apologized to Lasher too while I was there. I was an assbeast to you both." He let his tail droop to show the sincerity of his words.

"Damn, it is fucking cold out here," Peregrine observed as the wind blew into their faces, forming miniature icicles on his whiskers. "Winter's coming early this year. Hey, when exactly is your birthday, my dear?" Although winter could be brutal, it would probably also bring his young mate into her first season and that was enough to heat his blood.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 10, 2014

Fox was glad that he had made amends with Lasher (or at least he had attempted to). While she cared little for the way Lasher was now choosing to live his life with Blue Willow, it was out of character for Peregrine to treat him like he had. Fox was supposed to be the bad cop, and Peregrine the good one. Their balance had been turned right around the day that Lasher had come to tell them of Finley's whereabouts, and it had not been good. He also gave her another apology, and she glanced at him, acknowledging it with a nod and a slow blink. He needn't apologize more, if only because he was already back and doing his part once again.

“Uh,” she replied hazily to his question, “Definitely when there’s snow on the ground, since I remember it was just beginning to melt around the time of my first memories.” For all she knew, it was in a few days. She could count the moons, but beyond that, she was helpless. Weeks and dates were a human invention that she had never learned, but she knew that the sun rose each morning, and the moon went from full to new to full again in roughly thirty days. The year was approximately twelve moon cycles, and then there were four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 10, 2014

It didn't surprise him that Fox didn't know the specifics; he also didn't really remember nor celebrate the anniversary of his birth. But based on her response, she had probably been a few months old when the snow had begun to melt, which typically happened in early spring. She'd probably been born in the middle of winter then, which meant she could theoretically go into season at any time. His blood went from warm to hot.

"It could be time at any time," he said excitedly. "Your first heat, I mean." If he felt any awkwardness about talking about his mate's cycle, it didn't show. Only excitement gleamed on Peregrine's dark features. "And I'd say we're pretty much ready, right? We're all settled in and we have the den picked out and everything." He grinned, now mindless to the cold as they continued to canter around the caldera.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 10, 2014

Fox's ears flicked backward as she listened. Just as he was unashamed to talk of bodily functions, so was she. The yearling was a primal creature, and she had been taught by her mother how things would go down when the time came. No fear, anxiety, or shame was mixed in with the subject, and Fox was under the impression that it was that way for everybody. It was natural, after all, and she was eager to bring Peregrine's children into the world. They would be fantastic; she just knew it.

“I do believe so,” she replied with a swish of her tail. Hopefully Finley would be back in action long before the children were born, if only because Fox wanted another body out there while she was restricted to the children. “I was thinking…” she trailed off, wondering what Peregrine would have to say on the matter, “that I might give one of the children a middle name after Haunter. If it’s okay with you.” Peregrine had never even met him, but he had been a large part of Fox's life at one point, and she felt he deserved to be remembered in one way or another.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 11, 2014

He held his breath when Fox trailed off, instinctively bracing himself. When she asked if they could name one for her former flame, he let out his breath. He thought on it for a few footfalls. It was perhaps a little strange for Fox to memorialize the man who would have been in his place, had he not died, but Peregrine quickly got over the peculiarity of the request. He knew it would mean a lot to his mate, which was what mattered.

"Sure," he answered simply, "just as long as doing so won't somehow summon his spirit, leading to some sort of Oedipal situation..." Peregrine snickered, then darted sideways in case Fox smacked him for making disgusting incest jokes about their unborn son (for he automatically assumed that they would name a boy for Haunter).

That thought bred another. "You know, my mom did a gender swap when she named my sister and me. Osprey was our uncle and Peregrine was our aunt. We should do the same with ours. Rather than naming a son Atticus, we should call one of our girls Attica. And we should totes name another daughter Haunter. Jeez, I hope we have enough to use all these name ideas!" Well, even if Fox didn't have the hoped-for dozen, at least they'd already agreed on firsts and middles.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 11, 2014

Fox scrunched up her face at him, and swatted lazily at him; he was too quick and moved away before she could make contact. Knowing it was merely his sense of humor, she didn't bother going after him a second time. Instead, she fell into step beside him again, head bobbing as they moved forward and Peregrine began to wax on about his family traditions and how he wanted to keep them going. Fox couldn't blame him, especially since she planned on doing much the same. Granted, her own family had never had middle names (and the girls had always lacked a surname), but she certainly intended to pick out the most animal-looking ones and name them after whatever they decided to copycat.

“If there aren’t enough this time,” Fox assured him, “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of litters afterward. Unless I get so fat that you can’t stand to look at me anymore.” The latter part was said with a heavy dose of sarcasm, and she glanced over at her mate playfully. Even if Peregrine was so fat he squished her while they were doing the deed, Fox didn't think she could just walk away from him. Fox did not take mateship lightly, and she was definitely a lifer in that regard.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 12, 2014

Peregrine had been so focused on their first litter together that he'd not given much thought to future years. When Fox reminded him of this, he felt a warmth spread from his chest all the way down to his toes. He and this lovely woman would make many adorable children together. He could hardly wait, though Peregrine reminded himself not to wish his life away.

"Babe," he said in a mock hurt voice, "do you really think I'd judge the way you look, especially while carrying my babies? Anyway, I'm clearly not with you for your looks..." He motioned at her in all her scarred glory. "I'm with you for your shining personality... oh, wait." He leered at her teasingly.

The next moment, he swept in front of her, forcing her to stop in her tracks. Peregrine then pressed himself against her, his neck arching over hers to preen her ears. "You are beautiful. When you carry and deliver our children, it will only make you more beautiful. That may sound like total sap but... it's the truth."

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 12, 2014

If she'd had the strength or more motivation to do so, she would have bitten his tail for his remarks. As it were, she had neither, so she rolled her eyes instead. Fox was well-aware that her personality clashed with many others, but Peregrine and the few that resided in Redhawk seemed to get along with her quite well. Perhaps it was just making sure they had the right mix of wolves. Or maybe her personality had morphed since she had been at the plateau. Whatever the reason, she was happy to have the wolves that were here, and even more happy that they didn't seem to hate every ounce of her being.

When Peregrine blocked her from moving forward, her eyes widened in slight surprise, but she quickly relaxed to his touch. Fox had never been much of a romantic, but she couldn't help but melt at his words. She nibbled at the fur on his chest before licking it with a few broad strokes of her tongue. Sure, they had their problems, but Fox could overlook that in a heartbeat when there were moments like this.

“I think we’ve done our part for the caldera,” she said quietly, withdrawing from his embrace, “Shall we go back to the den and warm up?” The question was said with as much suggestiveness in the tone as there was cold in the air.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 12, 2014

"Aw," he protested when she slipped away from him, leaving a chilled emptiness between them, "don't go..." But when she told him they were done here and that they should head up to the den, he grinned. "Are you coming onto me, Mrs. Redleaf-DiSarinno?" he asked in a scandalized voice, as if they didn't jump each other's bones every chance they got, regardless of breeding seasons.

Laughing in her ear, he gave Fox a nudge and then turned. He stuck by her side as they began to climb up to their den, as if he was her evening shadow on a sunny day.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 12, 2014

“Can’t let you have all the fun,” she said with a giggle, nipping at his shoulder. With Peregrine by her side—where he should be—Fox began to make her way to their carefully picked-out den. It would be the birthplace and playplace of their children. The first litter, at least. She wondered if they would end up moving dens each year, or if they would stick around in this one for many years to come. Fox certainly wouldn't mind having their home base be a permanent kind of thing.

Glancing sideways to Perry, she grinned for no reason in particular, and then spoke. “I’m glad we can get over stuff. I know we won’t always see eye-to-eye on everything, but being able to bounce back… I don’t think every couple can boast of that same compatibility.” Fox wouldn't contribute it to love, perhaps not even loyalty. It was more of a good match, she thought, than anything else. Their flame had started a tiny cinder, turned into a wicked flame, and she had a feeling it would burn as a hot coal for as long as they both lived.

When they arrived at the mouth of their mossy den, Fox paused outside the entrance, raising an eyebrow with a silent, enticing offer: her wiggling bum-bum.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - Peregrine Redhawk - November 12, 2014

As they ascended, Peregrine mused about the fact that Fox never took his dirty jokes and ran with them. There was an amused smile playing about his lips, though he quickly rearranged his face as they neared the entrance to the den and she laid some serious words on him.

"Every couple fights. The couples who say they don't are liars," was his response, shrugging. "The important thing is to recognize one's wrongdoing and make it right. Am I doing a good job?" He smiled crookedly, then placed a soft kiss on her snout.

He must be, for she began wriggling her hindquarters in his face. A noise somewhere between a laugh and a growl burst from his mouth as he playfully grabbed her by the scruff, "claiming" her, then gently tugged her into the den and in between his legs.

RE: Killed the lord, left for the new world - RIP Fox - November 12, 2014

Fox wasn't sure she believed him, considering she'd never seen her parents squabble, but they had always been more about business and less about emotions. She realized that she'd come over to the emotional side more than she had expected to. Not that it was a terrible thing, of course, but she certainly had changed. “That you are,” she replied, licking his chin in kind.

When they finally curled up in the den together, Fox was quite cozy. It took all of five seconds for her to go from wide-awake to passed out, snoring against Peregrine's chest with his front leg draped over her.