Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine Don't run, don't hide - Printable Version

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Don't run, don't hide - ZC22 - November 09, 2014

Preferably someone Sia hasn't met yet!

Sialuk was positively strutting as she descended into the Spine, carrying a goose by its neck. The bird had been mourning the loss of its mate near the lake, and was probably one of the last geese left in the Wilds due to the annual migration. Sialuk hadn't eaten it herself, but planned to keep it as a gift for the Alpha. The warshaman need to pay the male back for allowing her to remain in the pack, and padding the cache wasn't quite enough in her mind.

The pale female stopped to rest a moment on a short ledge overlooking the pack's lake. The goose she placed down at her paws, carefully hovering over it lest another wolf try to take it from her. Ever since meeting with Sidewinder, the Arctic bitch had been far more cautious about food around the pack. Surely not all of them were untrustworthy, but she was unwilling to take chances.