Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Whispers and Jesters - Printable Version

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Whispers and Jesters - Gunnar - November 09, 2014

Gunnar moved forward with a determined stride. Today he would look into hunting and see what he could help with. His father was currently recovering from a run in with a raven, and he was now missing an eye. Gunnar felt the heaviness of being the only male in his family able to do much at the moment. It was a hard pill to swallow, but one he was willing to work with regardless.

Gunnar shook his head and continued on a practiced jaunt. He hoped he could get something to eat to add to the caches, he was tired of coming up short. He was finally six months old it was time he acted like the adult he almost was.

RE: Whispers and Jesters - Aemilia - November 10, 2014

The lithe Roman girl was a few days into her arrival to Stavanger Bay and was quickly settling in, though she hadn't had the opportunity to meet one or two of her packmates thoroughly— though she had caught a glimpse of one or a couple.

She padded across the dried, crunchy brown leaves, her gait graceful, her stance alert and aware. Her footsteps were light across the remnants of Autumn, across the Bay territory. Aemilia wasn't travelling towards a particular destination— her duties were complete for the afternoon, and this was an in-between period. Perhaps she could go hunting for a bit, assist in filling in the pack's caches and maybe, only maybe, try out for the rank of gamekeeper?

She paused as she heard another crunching of leaves, from a short distance away. This wolf had the scent of the Bay on them, so she stopped, ready for a hopefully friendly encounter.

RE: Whispers and Jesters - Gunnar - November 11, 2014

Gunnar had not met any new wolves, he was fast becoming a quiet boy, but he was finally 6 months old, finally half way to an adult and he couldn't be more excited. It was a mile stone, that he was proud to have. He'd be an adult before he knew it.

He heard fleet paw steps and wondered at it. He tilted his head and his slate grey eyes alighted on a femme standing there looking at him. He peered at her from a mask of darker brown the sandy body alert and his tail wagged once and then twice in greeting. His entire body moving with it, in his enthusiasm.

Hi! I'm Gunnar!

RE: Whispers and Jesters - Aemilia - November 15, 2014

She paused as she caught sight of the wolf. A small male, a coat of sand encasing his body. He didn't seem much older than six months, though Aemilia could tell that he was quickly growing and would be bigger than herself in no time.

He spoke, a friendly greeting, in a flurry of excitement. He seemed rather... keen, though there was no telling of his personality just by a glance of a wolf. In addition to that, this was a puppy.

A slight smile graced her features. "Why, hello there. You can call me Aemilia."

RE: Whispers and Jesters - Gunnar - November 20, 2014

Gunnar was not large yet, and he was not fully grown, but his mind was much older than his body. He wasn't entirely sure why that was, but he just was what he was and he embraced it. No point in getting upset or being confused about who you were.

He wagged his tail again and dipped his muzzle Well met Aemilia. You are new to the bay? he didn't recognize her and he was curious. He liked to learn about others' it was fun and it gave him some knowledge that others didn't have. Where do you hail from?