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Wheeling Gull Isle I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Printable Version

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I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Anathema - August 15, 2023

It was @Ava Amara she looked for today. Ana made a habit of keeping close to her littermates, and had just spent the day prior with @Saint.

Wherever she found her sister, Ana didn't hesitate to express her delight. Clicking rapidly, she wiggled up to Ava and reached for a few strands of her dark fur. If Ava didn't stop her, she started to chew enthusiastically on her fur.

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Ava Amara - August 16, 2023

sprawled out upon the cool stone of their den, ava stirred to wakefulness by a series of clicking and the preening touch of her sister. 

she jerked her head up, curling around ana’s touch with a raised paw and a playful half-yawn, half-glomming nip aimed somewhere near ana’s leg.

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Anathema - August 16, 2023

The steady presence of her siblings was all that kept Ana content. It was their affection she knew to rely on, their love she grew on and into and around. This was all she had ever known in the way of true warmth.

Her clicking slowed to a cheerful rhythm. She pressed her face into Ava's fur briefly, but popped back up at the feeling of teeth in her fur! A high and playful growl rose in her throat. She lunged for Ava's paws, jaws stretched as wide as they would go as she went into a chomping frenzy. For all that it looked fearsome, she was gentle with her teeth, and slobbered on her sister's paws more than anything.

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Ava Amara - August 16, 2023

getting up required effort, and ava was still so tired -- up until anathema's cheerful clicks turned into a rowdy spate of bites.

hey! no fair! her ears pulled back as she flailed her front legs, trying to push anathema away. it occurred to her after several seconds of struggling that she could use her hind legs too -- these she propped against the soft of anathema's belly, pushing with a little growl in answering play.

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Anathema - August 28, 2023

More paws! Ana squealed in delight as Ava added her hind paws to the mix, and went for those, too. She was rather unaffected by the kicks. As far as she was concerned, her sister was offering up all of her feet to be chewed on, and Ana was more than happy to oblige.

What could be better than chewing on a sibling? She tried to catch one of Ava's paws in her mouth and tug at it, as if to keep it to herself.

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Ava Amara - September 04, 2023

more little teeth came her way.

ava's kicks were futile, they served only to fuel the clicking monster on her campaign for claiming toes. with a squeal, ava curled all limbs under her, burying her head into her chest and taking on the repose of a hedgehog.

no touchy!

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Anathema - September 06, 2023

Hedgehog Ava was not nearly as fun as Normal Ava. Ana snorted as she was forced to cease her assault, then launched into a series of rapid-fire clicks that could best be described as her own version of telling her sister off. Then she stood and stepped closer, looming ominously for a moment —

and flopped unceremoniously onto Ava. If she couldn't chew her, she would use her as a bed!

RE: I am joined by Magister Soris Alar - Ava Amara - September 07, 2023

clicks sounded from above, followed by the heavy breath stirring hot against her fur. 

ava unfolded carefully, grunting as weight fell across her shoulders. she supposed pressure was kinder than teeth; she fired her own series of parroted clicks before pulling her sister close in a bear-hug, grooming her ear possessively.

the pair played a little longer before ava grew tired. trundling to her favorite elkskin, she emitted a tiny yawn and fell asleep. 

hey! i’m going to fade here since i let this get so out of date. i hope that is ok <3