Wolf RPG
Swiftcurrent Creek where the wild things go - Printable Version

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where the wild things go - Scimitar - November 10, 2014

The grey clouds rolled above with the same trepidation he seemed to feel as well. The days seemed quiet, but he knew better – the dam was about to burst, and soon the Creek wolves would be flooded with consequences.. whether it was the news of Bazi’s delay, or the havoc Nostisardor Bypass would give them when they realized they harbored the Alpha’s ex (and very pregnant) mate.

He couldn’t simply leave his pack to check on any of the matters himself – and venturing along the borders seemed fruitless at the moment. If they were attacked, they were down three wolves (Kaskara, Falwasi and Kieran) and without them, the regal felt a little more than vulnerable.

So, as his breath furled in to the cold November air, the male found himself a small hill a distance from the winding creek. Trees had fallen, and without further hesitance, the male began to dig just beneath the marker, allowing it to form a roof for a den. He had been here for far too long without a place to sleep at night of his own, and to keep busy, he would make himself one now. Within moments, his paws were muddied – matching the deep brown of his pelt. The ground was beginning to freeze.. he would need to make sure all of his members had a warm and dry place to keep themselves throughout the winter months.

RE: where the wild things go - Estoc - November 12, 2014

The greyscale male had taken immediately to patrolling the borders of Swiftcurrent Creek each day, and filling the caches up for winter. The hunt had been unsuccessful and food was needed more than ever with the cold season coming up. Yet he couldn't help but feel some kind of disaster had befell upon the Creek, he had these feelings all the time and usually they proved to be true. What this disaster was, he did not know, was it small or big, he did not know either.

Off to find some food for himself, and perhaps a den, he began moving forwards without much of a destination in mind. He hadn't met any of his packmates yet, except for his siblings, Kaskara and Scimitar. Estoc had missed them truly and it was good to see them again, and Saber, though he had not seen his other older half brother yet. Dreams and thoughts pulled him away from reality and though he kept walking, his brain was elsewhere.

The ashen youth shook his head and found himself staring at the back of his brother, was he digging a den? "Lord Scimitar," he called out, softly but clearly and began to move closer towards the agouti.

RE: where the wild things go - Scimitar - November 27, 2014

As his creamy paws turned browner with each swipe of the earth, an ear flickered in recognition as a voice rumbled in to the silence. A sardonic snort escaped his nostrils at the title tagged on to it, and with a gentle cast of his muzzle over his shoulder; his cool eyes regarded the familiar form of his peppered brother. “I could get used to you calling me that,” he decided with a rumbling tease, his eyes drifting back once more to the task at hand.

He did not slow his pace, though his muscles seemed to relax. “How do you find the Creek so far, little brother?” It was a vague question – the tensions that were likely about to erupt given Paarthurnax’s presence here was likely to sweep away any first impression that had been made on the younger man.. but still, the cinnamon male was happy to have his siblings with him.