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Blacktail Deer Plateau Truth or Truth - Printable Version

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Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - November 10, 2014

[size=x-small] @Lasher set umm just 3 days in the future for the 13th of November, that's aweek. I have crazy muse for Blue today :D[/size]

Blue had been more tired than normal lately, but she had assumed simply put that it was from taking care of both Junior and Finley around the clock. Junior more so than Finley. The youthful girl's infection was terrible and Blue was so proud of her. She had proven herself so emotionally strong, it was not many that could go through that kind of pain, and delerium and come out of it unscathed.

Anyway, as she drug herself from the den for the third time to go to the bathroom, her stomach quickly churned and she barely made it to the bushes before she lost her breakfast. As her head spun around her, and her eyes were unfocused she couldn't help a smile come forth on her maw, because right there was the proof that her dreams were finally coming true, and her selfish desires would be made.

RE: Truth or Truth - Lasher - November 13, 2014

<style type="text/css">q {font-family: 'Gentium Basic'; font-style: strong; font-size: 16px; color: #4d924d; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #99C199;} p {margin: 40px 80px 0px 80px; font-family: 'Georgia', serif; color:#000000; text-align:justify; text-indent:0px; font-size:20px'} </style>

taltos brought blue willow sustenance several times a day, but without a constant eye upon her — for she needed no such watching — he was unsure how much of it she herself consumed, as she tended both finley and osprey junior.

he feared she would weaken, such was her devotion to her healing cause, and when his murkwater eyes caught sight of her form rushing from her den, taltos followed, ears fallen back in worry. are you all right? he inquired — it did not occur to the man that their intentions had been confirmed.

RE: Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - November 13, 2014

Blue ate most of the food that Lasher brought to her, and he was always near even at night if she needed him. She didn't mind it really, it was nice to have two friend so close. As Osprey was not that far from her either. She did however, split the food sometimes between herself and Finley sometimes Junior.

Blue's smile turned int o a low chuckle and she turned green eyed gaze to him. Yes I'm fine Lasher and you are going to be a father most definitely. She laughed again, couldn't even get upset that she was throwing up, so vast was her enjoyment at this moment. She could not think of any other reason for her throwing up, and as she put all the pieces together it completely clicked.

This was her first pregnancy so she imagined she was going to feel everything much sooner, and much more vividly than if it were her 2nd or 3rd. She bent forward and fought to keep the rest down as she buried her own sick. She did have to lay down though a few feet away, feeling weak and queasy as she was.

RE: Truth or Truth - Lasher - November 17, 2014

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her laugh went unanswered as her words sent a dart of surprise thudding into his soul, quickly followed by a delighted fire. swiftly he lay down alongside her, threading his forelegs through her own and delivering a soft lick to one of her ears. ár bpáistí, taltos murmured, quite overcome, as evidenced by the tears that suddenly shone brilliantly in his eyes.

RE: Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - November 17, 2014

Blue was quite moved by his show of affection as well as his absolute joy. She nudged his muzzle, a little afraid to speak for fear she might be sick all over him. She swallowed a few times but finally nodded when the queasiness mostly dissipated.

She tilted her head softly What does that mean? She shifted and lay her head across their entwined legs, needing another moment to catch her breath after speaking. Goodness she needed some ginger. She'd make sure to get that as soon as she got her head wrapped around the truth and her tummy wasn't doing somersaults.

I'm so glad you're happy Lasher. I am too. She whispered the words so gently, afraid to move too much. It would all go away soon enough, long enough for her to walk back the few feet to the den and get some ginger.

RE: Truth or Truth - Lasher - November 20, 2014

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it means 'our children, he translated softly, eyeing her with mild worry as she lay rather weakly next to him. i am overjoyed, willow, taltos purled. you are sick. what is it you need? he could not claim that he recognized all of her herbs, but perhaps if she described its appearance and scent to her, taltos would be able to sort it from the others.

RE: Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - November 20, 2014

Blue smiled and repeated the words softly to herself. "ár bpáistí, I like that. She shifted and lifted her head slowly, but the nausea at the moment was gone, she was certain though once she stood it would be back and she would be upset about it. Ginger will make it go away. It's lighter than a stick and it smells sort of sweet. That was the only way she could explain it. I will be okay though in time too if you don't want to hunt it out.

RE: Truth or Truth - Lasher - November 24, 2014

<style type="text/css">q {font-family: 'Gentium Basic'; font-style: strong; font-size: 16px; color: #4d924d; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #99C199;} p {margin: 40px 80px 0px 80px; font-family: 'Georgia', serif; color:#000000; text-align:justify; text-indent:0px; font-size:20px'} </style>

he nodded, and rose at once to fetch the herb. having sorted it from her stores, lasher carefully carried the root back to the willow, both appreciating and disliking the spiced taste of it upon his tongue. here, he lilted, placing it before her. is there anything else i can bring that would settle your stomach? he did not care for the idea that 'twas he who had brought the sickness to her, and taltos fervently hoped she would be through with it soon.

RE: Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - November 26, 2014

Blue appreciated the herb and the quickness with which her lover fetched it. Lover she tilted her head as she thought of that word, but that was what he was, was it not? She gulped it down quickly, though Ginger was not for everyone, she herself enjoyed the taste. She even liked the bit of bite that came with it.

Blue shifted her weight to gain a more comfortable position. She chuckled lightly and gently nudged him. No all is well in my world at the moment and it will settle soon enough, already almost there. No need to frown in such worry, I will be okay."

RE: Truth or Truth - Lasher - November 29, 2014

<style type="text/css">q {font-family: 'Gentium Basic'; font-style: strong; font-size: 16px; color: #4d924d; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #99C199;} p {margin: 40px 80px 0px 80px; font-family: 'Georgia', serif; color:#000000; text-align:justify; text-indent:0px; font-size:20px'} </style>

all right, lasher answered unto blue willow; he trusted her judgement, but what was to happen if she did not return unto her former self? seeking to distract her from the malady of conception, as well as himself, the man lowered his muzzle to touch softly her side. if you are very sick, and continue to be ill, could it mean that there are many children? how little he knew of children, and childbirth.

RE: Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - November 30, 2014

Blue had no reason to believe she wouldn't stay the same after the babies were born. She may be a little larger around the middle, carry a little extra weight. She knew her hormones would stay a little crazy after their birth, but with healthy life she would get back to herself quickly.

Blue tilted her head at his question and sighed softly Not really it could only be one .Though I imagine we will have more than 1 we are both healthy."

RE: Truth or Truth - Lasher - December 04, 2014

wrap up with your next post? i'm gonna throw him in your new thread :)

<style type="text/css">q {font-family: 'Gentium Basic'; font-style: strong; font-size: 16px; color: #4d924d; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #99C199;} p {margin: 40px 80px 0px 80px; font-family: 'Georgia', serif; color:#000000; text-align:justify; text-indent:0px; font-size:20px'} </style>

there were many factors to all of this, and lasher was growing rather confused. however he smiled at her. i will escort you to your den, came the softness of his voice, still laced somewhat with worry, though he trusted the woman and her judgement implicitly.

RE: Truth or Truth - Blue Willow - December 04, 2014

Blue knew that for most this was confusing. It was even actually confusing to her, the way her body was reacting and the way she was feeling. But she knew it would be worth it in the end. Of that she was certain. Okay. SHe smiled and followed behind him happy and content with where she was in life.