Wolf RPG
you've been waiting far too long. - Printable Version

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you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - November 11, 2014

you've been waiting far too long for this thread, @Osprey i'm afraid I never posted it and i'm sorry. This is the tell a story thread.

Autumn was in the plateau and she laid on the ground somewhere. It was late afternoon, the sun was low in the sky but it wasn't yet touching the horizon line. She was enjoying a mouse that she had caught a few minutes ago. Before that she'd tried to catch a robin, but it had gotten away. So she had moved on to easier prey that stays on the ground. She was pretty hungry 'cause she hadn't had dinner yesterday. She usaully are one meal a day- dinner. But last night she had just fallen asleep, for some reason she'd been really tired. But today she wasn't feeling tired, and was feeling like her regular self.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - November 11, 2014

The recent influx of injured wolves had set the pack a bit off-balance - at least that what Osprey thought, when she had changed her daily routine and now focused on hunting more than ever. The ratio between the success and fails was pretty much the same as always, yet it required more effort from her. Sometimes the kill was so small that she didn't care to bring it to the caches and ate it on the spot. She needed energy after all to keep herself going after all.

Today, however, hadn't been too lucky for her, therefore, when she caught a glance of a fox in the distance, the instinct to hunt it down and kill it kicked in. Without much as a second thought, she got in a half-crawl and with her gaze fixed on the creature she made her way towards it, ready to break in a full-scale chace any moment.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - November 11, 2014

Autumn could suddenly smell wolf drift toward her. It was a similar smell to that of Blue Willow and Amelie and Osprey Jr. She turned her head swiveling around, but she couldn't see it. She decided to listen to her nose. She followed the scent through the air- her nose lifted high in the air, she looked snooty. Autumn paused and called out, even though she couldn't see 'em. "Who's there? You smell like the plateau, as in the pack." She called, hoping the stranger would respond.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - November 12, 2014

Osprey had always considered foxes to be smart creatures, yet this didn't seem like one - or it was quite possible that it had run out of it's luck. It didn't notice her in the distance and even called out to her. The fact that the creature had a voice surprised her a little, but then she shook it off. She was hungry and if the small carnivore was dense enough not to go off running for it's life, when it sensed the presence of the wolf, then it was entirely his or her fault.

With gaze still fixed on the prey and mind calculating all the possible escape routes, she broke out in a run and approached the creature in full speed, ready to pounce, attack and finish it.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - November 13, 2014

There was silence for a moment before the sound of paws thrumming on the ground. She raced forward to the noise, and say a grayish colored wolf with green eyes.... Charging at her. Great. Autumn didn't need to have to face another wolf, hadn't the mountain wolf been enough? It was difficult to knock it into her brain that life would not always be fun, fun, fun. "Woah Woah Woah WHAT?!" She leapt onto the wolf's head for just a moment before leaping off onto the ground behind her. She turned to face it, her eyes gleaming with the light of battle. It had been a funny sight in the moment, Autumn clinging to the wolf's head, but now she realized the true danger that might be here.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - November 20, 2014

The creature was agile - for a split of second Osprey falsely assumed that she had caught it, for it just to disappear and reappear behind her. She blinked few times surprised by the sudden turn of the events, then snapped around, her eyes burning in the thrill of the hunt and faced the fox. It had yelled out something incoherent before, it almost sounded like words, but Osprey had more important matters on her mind than to discuss the intellectual potential of the non-wolf. She bared her teeth, let out a snarl and lunged forward.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - November 20, 2014

Autumn couldn't help herself from teasing, which would likely get her into a bigger pickle. "Awww, is da wittle puppy angwy?" She taunted in a baby voice as the wolf lunged. She barely leaped away, not without almost getting trapped by her long, puffy, luscious tail. Now a bit of Autumn's cherry fur was in the wolf's jaws. Autumn glanced at the small bare spot on her tail. A dot of blood appeared and grew a bit, the dark crimson staining nearby fur temporarily. The same thing had happened when she was chased by the mountain wolf. "You're hungry," She muttered. "Unfortunately, I am too, and I will be living till tomorrow's breakfast!" She yapped loudly, and leapt towards the wolf with her fangs bared. She aimed for the girl's shoulder- not a vital area, but an area that would be easy for her to hold onto.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - November 24, 2014

The fact that a fox could talk in a language that Osprey could understand was a little surprising and maybe proved the theory that besides wolves there migth be other sentinent beings in this world. However, the hunger was stronger than the reasoning, she didn't spend much time thinking about it. The little agile creature had gone from the game of avoiding, to a direct assault. With it's white teeth bared it aimed for Osprey's shoulder - it's courage was amazing and totally unexpected, therefore the she-wolf lost one important second to avoid the attack.

ooc: I doubt that with the beginning like this they will settle down to a nice chit-chat, but I am willing to let the things unfold over the length of the thread, if that is fine with you.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - November 24, 2014

sure. We'll see what happens. :)

Autumn's fangs collided with the wolf. She did not bite down hard or dig them in, but she did hold onto the wolf's shoulder. "Why so hostile? Why not just get along?" She suggested. Never the less, she climbed up onto Osprey's back and bit her ear, harder than she did on the shoulder, tugging on it playful-like. She then leaped onto the ground and darted behind the wolf. Autumn stood still for a moment, waiting to see how the lady would react.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - December 02, 2014

Osprey had to admit that the fox was an agile creature - it got un upper hand in their collision and then jumped so to be behind her, talking some nonesense about being friends and such. The huntress snapped around, her fur bristled, and she glared at the odd version of the wolf. "A prey makes no friends with the hunter," she replied. "Eat or be eaten. I suggest that you run," she growled, baring her teeth.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - December 02, 2014

"I am not prey! I like eating stuff though. But not wolves- too chewy!" She said, although she'd never tried wolf of course, she was just making a joke. "I never run from a battle! Well, actually sometimes I do, but I'm not running from here until..." She thought for a moment. "'Till something happens!" She exclaimed. Her amber eyes twinkled. "How about we make a deal. You stop chasing me, and I'll give you..." She thought again, unsure of what to say next. "Just something. What do you want, besides me for dinner?" She asked the grey wolf, desperate to get out of this situation. She would give the wolf many things in exchange for keeping her life.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - December 08, 2014

The main problem with the fox was that it talked too much. Having avoided the first confrontation, it kept jabbering about itself and that it never ran from battle (too bad for you - Osprey thought). In the end it wanted to make a deal - how silly and stupid was that? Osprey wanted to see a deer trying to reason with a pack of hungry wolves. It would do no such thing. So, why did this creature was so insistant on trying to make a contact rather than running for it's life, which would have been hundred-fold wiser thing to do?

"Is there anything you can offer me that I don't already have?" she asked a bit scornfully.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - December 08, 2014

can we still curve this towards the story theme? If not just tell me and I'll change this. Also you got my 150th post! Yay! ^^

Autumn grinned thinly, displaying just a few of her fangs. "A story. You don't know any fox mythology or legends, do you? Then you can go to your friends and brag about how you got a fox to tell you a story. We don't give those out to wolves for nothing, y'know." She said. There were so many stories she could tell this wolf, and even picking which one to tell was hard. They were all very good stories, but she needed to choose a great one. That is, if the wolf accepted her deal and didn't eat her.

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Osprey - December 12, 2014

A story? Osprey's skeptical expression changed for a moment - because just as a fish could be caught by a proper bait, it was easy to catch her interest by mentioning stories. Especially if chances were that she hadn't heard them before. Yet she wasn't so naive either, therefore she grew serious again and thought for a while.

"You can't promise that you won't run off the second I back off. And I can't promise you that I won't eat you somewhere inbetween a story - no matter, how good it is," she said with a sly smile. "If you are smart - think of something to save your hide."

RE: you've been waiting far too long. - Autumn - December 13, 2014

"I suppose we should save stories for situations where I trust you more. If you might kill me, I'm outta here." She said, but not as if she was in a rush. Too bad she wouldn't be telling a story today. "See ya, Plateau wolf." She said to the grey lady. Then she turned and begun to race away, her big fluffy tail bobbing up and down as she ran. Safety came before telling stories.