Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest ψάχνω γαλήνη κι αγάπη να βρω - Printable Version

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ψάχνω γαλήνη κι αγάπη να βρω - Panacea - September 08, 2023

For @Slaney!
There was something very familiar about this forest. He had never been here before, yet as he weaved through the trees, he found himself recalling bits and pieces of memories he was certain he'd never lived. And he hadn't; not in this life.

A silver spotted face; a bolt of grief like the memory of a lover lost. He thought again of that boulder, that huge stone split down the middle, and all the breath fled his lungs. Panacea stopped, overcome with some nameless sorrow. For a moment all he could do was try to catch his breath again.

RE: ψάχνω γαλήνη κι αγάπη να βρω - Slaney - September 13, 2023

Rarely did Slaney venture from the mountaintop since his arrival, but today seemed as good as any to explore lower elevation for once.
He lumbers well into the grassland and then towards the forest, disappearing into the treeline; a soft sigh at the touch of moss beneath his feet, the soft flicker of sun beaming from between stretches of pine. Quiet. Peaceful.
He hadn't noticed the figure adjacent to him; watching him.