Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine ❁ He tells me that I'm pretty, don't know how to respond - Printable Version

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❁ He tells me that I'm pretty, don't know how to respond - Centri - September 17, 2023

Early Morning
70 degrees
A thinking Centri is thinking 

Ah......how did she make this again?

Let's see here... the murky eyed fae mumbled to herself in thought while, against the flat face of a rock, were the assorted clusters of aster petals, pine bark and....and something else. Centri just hadn't figured out what it was yet. Mother had taught her this potion before -- she'd even showed her how to make it every early fall; now she'd forgotten it! This wouldn't do at all -- to what was she of her bloodline if she could not preform simple rituals?

Her family's name ended with her -- the fool!

Just as she'd sat there, twiddling her paws as she stared hard at the set of plants in front of her, the girl had been so indulged in trying to grasp the memory that it did not occur to her that someone might've been passing by...

RE: ❁ He tells me that I'm pretty, don't know how to respond - Massaraq - September 23, 2023

Massaraq was slowly settling back into life in Moonglow. And yet he felt a difference. He was not full grown, but the months had passed quickly and he was quickly attaining a size that he had thought on a distant horizon. His hunting had improved, though not by much. And he felt something had settled in his chest, floating on top of his blood, and quieting the rasp of his lungs. He was once again surveying the edges of the territory, when further in he heard the sound of words.

Arcing away from his intended path he approached curiously. "Hello?" The wolf he came across smelled of Moonglow but was not familiar. He had thought he had known most of the wolves that called the pack home, but he was fairly sure he had not met this one yet.

RE: ❁ He tells me that I'm pretty, don't know how to respond - Centri - September 26, 2023

Centri must've finally gone mad, fussing to herself like this. When her chin turned over her shoulder she'd realized someone was watching her, and the herbalist blinked in the akward line of eye contact they'd shared. "I...." was there an excuse she could've used to combat this? Centri's greyed eyes swam in between the boy and the wooden table of collected ingredients. ".....was missing things. For my ritual..." which didn't sound weird initially -- it was part of the culture she grew up on, after all.

Then again....in what ways was Moonglow different from the meadow people's ways? Centri realized she hadn't truly known....

-- and speaking of, the boy before her wasn't like another she'd seen before. The flower nymph observed how his coat embodied a flurry of snow and storm like a tundrian blizzard. Noticed how his eyes were frostbitten, a much truer shade in comparison to her own. If anything, the boy looked as though he belonged to the snowy alps rather than the temprate forests that surrounded them. Like @Arrluk, too, he appeared somewhat younger than Centri was.

She unfurled her small frame to turn and stand before the yeti, approaching in slow, small steps while a sheepish smile etched the corners of her lips.

"I mean, hello. The morning has not been kind, forgive me...

RE: ❁ He tells me that I'm pretty, don't know how to respond - Massaraq - September 30, 2023

Massaraq tilted his head, the other wolf's speech came in bursts, all caught up first in what had her attention, and then approaching, then apologizing. He offered a tentative smile not sure what he had done to elicit the flurry of activity."Not at all sorry for interrupting." He was not sure what rituals she might be conducting, what rites, but if they were important then he had no meant to interrupt. 

Seeking to make it right he offered. "I'm Massaraq, if you're missing things I might be able to help you find them?" His voice canted up into a question, polite and even. While he did not possess the mastery over plants that his anaa did or Seal was learning and certainly had he did know a little bit about some of the plants around Moonglow growing up there. He thought he had a fair chance of helping, or at the very least knowing who might be able to.