Wolf RPG
Big Salmon Lake Blank space - Printable Version

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Blank space - Elwood - November 12, 2014

OOC: Gamekeeper thread! All welcome.

IC: It was an unseasonably warm day for mid-november in the pacific northwest, with the temperature lingering near 60 degrees. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the sun was enough to warm the ground considerably. After a morning spent prowling about the lower reaches of Redhawk Caldera, Elwood decided to stray outside of the territory. The scratches he had sustained from the cougar attack were scabbing over, and though his hip remained somewhat stiff, he had gained back his range of motion.

His thought was that it was time to start pulling his weight as a member of the pack. During his initial meeting with Peregrine, he had reflected on his hunting and food storage skills, and he intended to sharpen his abilities before winter came. The pewter male made his way through the neutral territories, until his paws came to rest at the edge of a lake.

Beneath the water's surface, he could see the silver flash of scales, but it wasn't fish he was looking for on this particular day. Having grown up next to a large body of water, he considered himself something of a pro at fishing, and had even learned to crack the ice successfully when everything was frozen. Instead, he trained his gaze on a flock of geese, presumably migrating from the north and on their way to a warmer climate. They had gathered near the opposite bank of the lake and sat preening their feathers, blissfully unaware of the wolf's presence nearby. Elwood hunkered down, narrowing his eyes as he plotted out his course of action.

RE: Blank space - Kaname - November 12, 2014

He found it strange that it was this warm towards the end of fall, especially given their postion: right next to the northern regions the humans called Canada. And they were right by the sea, too. Cold air blew in from the west and north all the time. Why did it feel like spring then? Weird.

The assassin travelled to the Great Salmon Lake, keeping on his toes, as bears were more likely to be seen around there than usual. Kaname found the blue, shining body of water devoid of such large predators for the moment, but he kept his guard up regardless. The Beta watched the waters intently, seeing the glimmer of scales shining temptingly. Fish could be really good for them to have. Not that there wasn't fish in the lake in Ouroboros, but this salmon was nice and plump, rich in vitamins and minerals he had no idea of.

Kaname was about to enter the shallows and start his fishing, but something more appetizing caught his eye: geese. Fresh from migration. He smirked, eyes glowing, ready to attack, but he paused when he saw another wolf nearby, possibly planning to hunt the geese as well. The assassin hissed with annoyance. Really of all the days...

RE: Blank space - Elwood - November 12, 2014

OOC: Thanks for joining!

IC: The warm front would move on within twenty-four hours, restoring the Teekon Wilds to its natural temperatures. For now, however, Elwood enjoyed the warmth of the sun on his shoulderblades as he intently watched the gaggle of geese. A slight movement to his left drew his attention away from his quarry, and his gaze lighted on another wolf poised near the water's edge.

It seemed that the stranger had noticed Elwood's company as well, but the Redhawk couldn't identify his expression from a distance. The lapping of the miniature waves on the sand drowned out the irritated hiss that seethed from the darker male's teeth, leaving him clueless to the other's annoyance. Elwood was only thinking of the benefits: two hunters would be better than one.

He didn't want to speak out, for fear of alerting the geese to their impending doom, so instead he began to prowl toward the birds with a gesture of his head that implied, "Come help?"

RE: Blank space - Kaname - November 14, 2014

Kaname did not like hunting with others, only if he did not start the quest with them. If he did not start with someone, then he did not want to end with it. But he relented and decided to hunt with the wolf anyway. They could bring down more geese together, and he could take more home to the pack.

Nodding back in return to the male, he stalked around the lake, disappearing into the undergrowth near the body of water, hiding there to run and surprise the waterfowl.

RE: Blank space - Elwood - November 16, 2014

The other wolf complied with Elwood's request, and he gave a discreet nod then focused on the task at hand. He returned his gaze to the flock of geese, trying to assess what would be the best way to attack them. It would be most effective, he thought, if they came from opposite sides. The birds would be surprised and hopefully wouldn't be able to coordinate an escape, and the wolves would ideally be able to snag a few.

He glanced back at his hunting partner, but he had disappeared from view. A slight rustling in the bushes alerted Elwood to his location. The Redhawk continued his forward motion, his belly slung low to the ground. Soon, he was within a few yards of the group of geese. He paused once more, waiting until he was sure the other wolf was ready.

RE: Blank space - Kaname - November 19, 2014

Now sitting in the shadows, the dark male created a makeshift strategy. Rush the geese, turn them towards the other male and create a pincer formation the best that they could. If they could bring down a few before they fly off, then their mission would have been successful.

The assassin stalked forward, pausing whenever a goose's eye turned in his direction, playing a deadly game of Red Light, Green Light. He moved several feet within moments, soon closing in on the geese. Kaname paused before charging into the flock, letting out a low howl to proclaim his ambush.

RE: Blank space - Elwood - November 19, 2014

Elwood knew that the next few moments would happen quickly, so he prepared himself. There would be a commotion as the birds took flight, and it was imperative that he focus on a few in order to bring them down. He kneaded his paws into the dirt, flexing his toes, and when he heard the rustle of leaves from opposite the geese, he knew it was time.

At the same instant that he sprung into action, the other wolf let loose a low howl. The birds reacted by flapping their wings, and the sound was much louder than Elwood anticipated. He was momentarily distracted, but his forward motion was only halted for a split second. Soon, he was in the middle of the fray and it was hard to see much more than feathers on all sides.

With teeth and claws slashing blindly, he made contact with a handful of birds. Only two did he damage enough to keep them from flying away, and he made quick work of them by snapping his teeth around their long, sinuous necks. When they were still, he leaped up, attempting to snag a third bird by its tailfeathers. It slipped out of his grasp, however, and as the feathers settled around him and the geese's honking receded, he glanced over to see how his companion had fared.

RE: Blank space - Kaname - November 26, 2014

He didn't focus on his fellow hunter's kills, instead taking down as many geese as he could. The assassin broke a goose's wing and tossed it onto its back, keeping it from getting away. He repeated this process, destroying some of the geese's means of escape if he did not kill them. By the time the feathers settled, he had killed 2 geese and injured 3. Only a few escaped his skilled jaws.

The assassin went about ending the lives of those he injured, crushing their windpipes. Kaname licked his mouth which was dripping with blood. His tail wagged a bit, since he was satisfied with his kills. The ice-eyed wolf turned towards the other wolf, wondering how much he brought down.

RE: Blank space - Elwood - November 29, 2014

As the commotion quieted and the frantic honking of the geese receded into the distance, the two wolves appraised each other's kills. The darker of the two, Elwood's unnamed companion, had a pile of about five birds scattered about his paws. Elwood had only succeeded in bringing down two, but he was still pleased with his efforts, having never hunted geese before.

The scene looked like a massacre -- blood was spattered across the ground and there was a sea of feathers, some still floating on the warm air. Elwood licked his lips, tasting the metallic tang of blood, then caught the other hunter's eye and nodded. They weren't necessarily working together, but both had benefited from the experience and would have ample meat to bring back to their respective packs. The Redhawk began to gather his geese, wrapping his teeth around their necks and lifting their hefty bodies from the ground.

RE: Blank space - Kaname - November 29, 2014

This looks like a good place to end. Last post?

The other hunter only got two, but in all honesty, it was chaotic. It was hard for him to bring down the five that he had, but he did it regardless. He gave the other male a respectful nod back before mirroring his own actions, rounding up the geese he had slain, trying to manage them into his mouth.

Kaname gave up for the moment, and instead watched the flight direction of the geese. They were heading north and their flying was erratic; they were clearly startled after the ambush. He wondered if he would encounter said flock again, but simply tucked a pair of geese under his chin, trying his best to keep them from falling as he picked up the rest.