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Moonspear what dies doesn’t stay dead - Printable Version

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what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - September 21, 2023

Tags for reference!

Ariadne had made it to Moonspear a few days before @Kukutux, and had been helping the village out since arriving. She hunted, tended to the mothers, children, and @Rodyn when he allowed her to, cleaned dens, patrolled, and whatever else was asked of her.

Today, she crouched upon the river’s shore and cleaned some of the furs that had lined @Sialuk and @Elentari’s beds. The pelt she scrubbed had a particularly tricky stain, and she worked at it with a sullen expression. She was exhausted—but there was work to do and grief to keep at bay.

She paused, sighing and wiping her brow as she examined her work. I’ve been working at this forever, she huffed to herself. Why won’t it go away?

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - Rodyn - September 22, 2023

Rodyn held upon his back the goat pelt to be cleansed. He had planned on doing it himself as a gift for the Ulaq of Sialuk and Elentari. He was surprised when he came across Ariadne.

She seemed sad and tired and he chuffed gently laying his burden down.

Ariadne. Why don't you rest. I'll work at it for a time.

A soft smile on his face. It both pained him and overjoyed him sometimes when Ariadne was near. She had been near him in his darkest moments. There was a bond there and yet somwtimes she looked so much like Samani his heart hurt.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - September 23, 2023

Rodyn arrived with a goat slung over his shoulder. This woman greets you, she said, watching him with tired eyes as he walked towards her. That is a very impressive catch you have there. It looked like it'd been in good health, and she wondered what'd taken to catch it.

When he offered to take over, she nodded, stood, and scooted aside, thankful for the help. I think you have the muscles I lack to remove the stain, she joked.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - Rodyn - September 23, 2023

gonna be vague about the goat since it is still an open thread if no one jumps in it ill use alaric i hate doing that though

Rodyn nodded a small smile. i love hunting
To me it is like religion. A solace and a peace all in one.

He had been first hunter of moonglow, only below his adopted mother shikoba. He was a hunter, had been his whole life. It was something he loved as much as Samani and their children.

He chuckled. Perhaps i do.

First he pressed the goat skin into the river to get it cleansed. Then he pulled the soft furs from where Ariadne had put them. Using some of the sand near the river he slid a paw across it to sprinkle into the fur. Then used a rock and his nose to press it in and clean. Finally, pushing it back into the river to work.

I never told you thank you, Ariadne. Thank you for everything.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - September 23, 2023

Although she found it strange that he likened hunting and religion, she didn't share her thoughts. Mmm, Ariadne murmured politely as she stalled, unsure what to say, I am glad it brings you peace. We all deserve peace.

She watched as he went to work on the stain and was impressed with his technique; she had assumed she didn't need to use sand, but she clearly was wrong.

He thanked her then, and she fixed him with a questioning look. I think I am the one who should be thanking you, she said slowly, her eyes lingering on the stained pelt. You are the one doing my chores, after all! She smiled as she spoke, the corners of her eyes crinkling as mirth danced in her honeyed gaze.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - Rodyn - September 23, 2023

Rodyn didn't know how to explain what he meant. To him when he thanked Sedna for a meal. When he used his body, heart, mind, and soul in hunting it felt beyond what he was.

It was not as easy talking to others anymore. He didn't know what to say. He could talk of his children and their exploits, but they were still fairly potato like. He could speak of Samani, but it would make them sad and him too or make them feel awkward.

He chuckled softly. That is true.

Then he lifted yellow eyed gaze. But i meamtvfor carrying Rolayne and Panuk and being there with me during the hardest time of my life, for still being there. Thank you.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - September 23, 2023

There is no need to thank me for that, she assured him, reaching over and placing a paw on his shoulder. We are family. There was no further explanation needed; this was just what they did.

I have not seen the boy's faces for long since I've returned. Tell me—what new things are they experiencing? She asked, withdrawing her touch.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - Rodyn - September 25, 2023

A soft smile a tear prick, but he kept them at bay. Working through the motions of the chores in front of him. Keeping his mind busy.

You must come and see them. They can see now. And walk. They can hear. They have started babbling.

Excitement and love lit up the yellow of his eyes. they are perfect.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - September 29, 2023

Aya! She exclaimed, mustering what little enthusiasm she had left. How wonderful—you must feel much pride! I know I do.

Curiously, she tested and asked, Do you think we can visit after this? While she had been invited, she could understand if now wasn't the right time. They could be napping, or being fed, or getting cleaned; they had a busy schedule!

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - Rodyn - September 30, 2023

A chuckle, husky and full like before, left him at her excitement for his children. Though his eyes stayed sad.

He nodded. of course you are most welcome anytime to see them.

He stretched for a moment and then pushed into the eater pulling the fur out. He placed the newly washed fur at her paws. There's your fur. I hope it meets muster.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - October 01, 2023

He placed the fur at her feet, and she bent over to examine his work. What good work, she murmured appreciatively. You got most of it out, which was an impressive feat already, And you only used a paw-full of sand? You must teach me your secret.

She looked to him then, fixing him with large, doe-like eyes. Can we go and see the boys now? she asked, practically begging to do so.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - Rodyn - October 03, 2023

A slow sad smile. Your mother and sister taught me. he had learned well at the paws of the two females. Callyope too had taught him.

A dip of his head. Absolutely.

RE: what dies doesn’t stay dead - RIP Ariadne - October 03, 2023

They taught you well, she said, her smile turning somber.

Rodyn led the way to @Sialuk’s ulaq, and Ariadne followed eagerly. They spent most of the day together as she played, sang, and visited with her nephews. They were wonderful little boys, and she was sure her sistraa would be proud of them.