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Luneshale Pass scarab - Printable Version

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scarab - Toula - September 30, 2023

maybe @Ashikaga ?!

the world, their world, might wish them enemies. Toula would not have it, and in this she prayed to the Gods that they would let this thing go her way! her heart ached to think that they two ever could be enemies… no! they were both daughters of a great man! let the only difference in this lifetime be the name of their mother! 
Toula brought with her a gift. it was precious to her, a totem of protection. not the one their father had made, which would never go to another, but one blessed by her own voice. the stone itself was the same shade of Ashikaga’s gaze—a thing she had seen night after night only in dreams. 
she hoped to see it then. announced by fellahin, Toula seeks them out with her own bright and hopeful eyes.

RE: scarab - Ashikaga - September 30, 2023

She hadn't realized how much her own comfort had meant to her until her journey home where there had been little to comfort her. But now, she was treated as a princess again. Here she was even more important. She was a daughter of Ramesses as was Toula. Her sister. More and more she felt herself softening to the hemet-nekheb. Ashikaga still wanted to be pharaoh, but she also wanted to be close to her sister. Her time spent away was crucial, but it was still time she missed out on bonding with her family and her pack. 

As if her thoughts had summoned the other woman, Melody was at her side, telling her that Toula was outside, bearing a gift. Ashikaga sat up and shook out her silky coat a little. Please, come inside, she said a moment later.

RE: scarab - Toula - October 01, 2023

Toula had seen the ill fate of both Queens and Pharaohs—she wanted neither for herself, and so, kept to one while calling it another name. and if she were honest, she preferred it the way that she was making it—but it was all she had ever known. Toula built the world that those loved her had made. her father. her mother. Makono. they had all, in their love, protected her—
she would in turn protect Akashingo the same. and Ashikaga. when welcomed in, Toula swept near to deliver her gift to her. the Hemet knew not to dare step between them—but perhaps she also knew, as many seemed to, her own pure heart. 
it is meant to keep you safe, she breathes. a totem of protection! I am only sorry I could not have given you such a thing before you had left. but I prayed for you, always—and for our brothers and sister. I can see They have heard me, indeed, the Gods had brought Toula a sister home to her. perhaps not the one she had asked for, but a sister all the same.
and Toula was not thankless. her eyes were wet with the feeling of her joy. I want to hear the stories of your travels, she admitted, but pauses to give her room to say no, but if you are still too tired… your rest and your health are far more important to me,

RE: scarab - Ashikaga - October 03, 2023

Toula had brought her a gift; it was unexpected but very appreciated. Especially after all she had heard of the palace gossip. She looked over the gift, noting the stone that matched her eyes. It's beautiful, she said, the ghost of a smile on her lips. Thank you. Ashikaga picked up the totem and placed it beside her where it would stay. She could always use protection. I have no doubt that it was your prayers that brought me here. 

No, I'm well rested, sister, she assured Toula. Honestly, my travels were...not easy. I was raised in another kingdom and it was a shock to be without all the comfort befitting a princess. She was lucky to have made it home unscathed. Of course, she should have taken a guard with her but she demanded she do this on her own. She needed to be strong if she was to be pharaoh. I am happy to be home.

RE: scarab - Toula - October 19, 2023

Toula could not help but drift nearer to her older sister. there was a comfort in her appearance alone. she looked so much like Makono, only... softer, somehow. there was something in their shared sister that only Makono could wield, and she had. Makono had burned bright, but too quickly was that light spent. 
it had been Toula to pick up the torch. Toula, and no other. a mother, surely dead; a father, seated now in the Field of Reeds; brothers, departed; sisters... oh! she could weep, that Ashikaga was here and alive before her. weep for joy! the Gods were good! but They brought with them another challenge for Toula to work through. 
but that was not for today. that was not for now. Makono had granted her so many moments that transcended title, and duty; Toula could put these things aside and do the same this moment. the world and its wants could not take this from them then. 
I am happy you are home, she spoke in earnest. and then, gently, she added, alright, if you promise you are not too tired—tell me all that you can think of! of this other kingdom, of its people—and of all the sights that you saw, that you think worth sharing!

RE: scarab - Ashikaga - November 13, 2023

Her sister was curious about the kingdom Ashikaga was sent to for training. It had been the place she grew up in, even though she wished she had grown up in Ashikaga. How different things would be now if she hadn't been sent away.

It was big but nothing like Akashingo. It was my home while I grew up, but I always longed to be here. She was jealous of the fact that Toula had been allowed to grow up here, though she didn't hold it against her sister. The queen had no daughters of her own, so she became my mentor. She treated me well but she was very paranoid. She had always made sure Ashikaga understood that she could trust no one, not really. And that way of thinking had kept her safe so far. But already her reticent nature was being challenged here. She wanted so badly to trust her sister. To fully trust Melody. But nothing could erase her mentor's words from her mind. I was treated very well. I had my own entourage who followed me around, told me what to eat, what to where, who to avoid. They kept me safe but sheltered. That was why I chose to make the journey home by myself. I needed to prove to myself that I was strong enough to be a leader.

How was growing up in Akashingo? I have to admit, I am a little envious of you. I wish I could have stayed here.