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Luneshale Pass I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Printable Version

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I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Melody - October 03, 2023

While the palace was thrown into turmoil, it was not politics or the throne of Akashingo that occupied Melody's mind, but the princess; @Ashikaga.

On this day she brought her a gift: the fine white skull of a vulture, largely intact, with the broken halves of a desert geode tucked into the empty spaces where the eyes had once been. She carried it carefully so as not to dislodge them, seeking the Amiirad with single-minded purpose. It was not often that she parted from her side.

When she found her, she bowed as she laid the gift at her paws. A gift for you, Melody's voice was hushed, breath bated. Would she like it? Would her gift bring a sparkle to those beautiful blue eyes? She thought then of Makono and her heart ached, if only because she knew that if Pharaoh had never left then she would never have been forsaken by Senmut, by the Queen.

But it didn't matter now. The Gods had led her to Ashikaga for a reason. Melody would not turn away from her, even as she became a pariah among her own pack.

RE: I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Ashikaga - October 03, 2023

Melody placed a gift at her paws and Ashikaga allowed a rare smile. She felt less guarded in the hemet's presence. She trusted her as much as she was able. Her actions spoke loudly, and they told the princess that the priestess was on her side. In fact, the amiirad had grown fond of the other woman. She felt much better now that she had returned. Thank you, Melody. It is beautiful. She picked it up and placed it near the totem her sister had given her. Ashikaga was beginning to to trust her too; she just hoped it wasn't misplaced. 

Tell me, Melody, do the others in the palace talk of finding a pharaoh a different way? Do they think I should not take the throne? She could trust that her shadow would tell her the truth. And she would hear things the princess could not. What have you heard?

RE: I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Melody - October 03, 2023

Oh! She smiled! She liked it!

And just like that Melody's day was made, and her heart soared, and for the moment she felt no more hurt regarding the Erpa-ha's rejection of her. Even as Ashikaga moved on and turned questioning, her mood remained bright.

Still, she was appropriately solemn in her answer. She took a moment to consider it. I haven't heard anything like that, Melody admitted, aware that her own knowledge of Akashingo's politics was lacking. But if this was what the Amiirad required of her, she would learn. Everyone misses Makono, I know that. And Toula - she's kind but she's soft. It's Senmut who makes the decisions, or at least it seems that way.

But everyone loves Toula. It's impossible not to love her, She admitted next. Whatever she says goes. And there, her unspoken advice to Ashikaga: if she meant to undermine Senmut's authority and replace it with her own, it would have to be through Toula, surely. The Erpa-ha was immovable, as Melody had learned, but the Queen was not.

RE: I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Ashikaga - October 03, 2023

Senmut made the decisions. Somehow, that didn't surprise the princess in the slightest. And Melody was right, the queen was soft and kind, genuinely so. And Makono? She just disappeared? If that were the case, the amiirad couldn't help but be angry with her sister for bringing shame to their bloodline. 

Akashingo's love for Toula was obvious. Even Ashikaga couldn't help but soften towards her. She considered Melody's words. Senmut must be under the same spell as everyone else when it came to Toula. She wondered if he would tell the queen no if there was something she really wanted. So then it stood to reason that if the amiirad wanted something, her sister was the better bet. Her care for her sister was genuine, but that didn't mean she couldn't use it to her advantage. Thank you Melody, the princess praised. Can you do something for me?

RE: I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Melody - October 18, 2023

Melody flushed with pleasure as Ashikaga thanked her, immediately nodding when the Amiirad mentioned that she needed something. Of course, She said without hesitation. Anything. Just name it.

Anything at all for the one who had brought her purpose. Melody waited with bated breath to hear the Princess's request.

RE: I'd never go, I just want to be invited - Ashikaga - October 24, 2023

Her answer pleased the princess. It made her feel like there was at least one wolf on her side. Ashikaga smiled. I need to know what's being whispered around the palace. Anything you think I might need to know, please report it back to me. 

She would feel like she had a better handle on the kingdom as a whole if she knew she had someone she trusted keeping an ear out for information the amiirad might not be privy to.