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Blacktail Deer Plateau sacre bleu - Printable Version

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sacre bleu - RIP Sylvaine - November 13, 2014

Joining thread! For @Dante or anyone else really.

The pale boy came vaulting in from the north with the wind at his back, blustering carelessly against him as if to dissuade entry. Even in distress the youth was domineering in manner; he held his head low only when the wind gusted too strong to allow any other position, but in every instance where it lessened, it lifted to a height of implied respectability. Towards the forest, and then in to it's depths - where finally the wind died down and the boy could catch his breath. Sylvaine swallowed the odd metallic taste from inside of his mouth, felt the burn of his lungs begin to abate (barely), and slouched in the shadows.

His paws - oh, how they ached - they were bloodied from the endless travel. He huffed and puffed for breath, and only started to regain his composure when he heard a sound from nearby - the bushes, perhaps, or the crackle of the boughs in tandem with the wind. It was enough to start his heart racing again, and his mind wondering - was I not fast enough? He did not shrink away from the sound, but rose to meet it. Perhaps it is the Cardinal, who by fate has come to my aid. Sylvaine thought, brimming with ignorant hope.

RE: sacre bleu - Dante RIP - November 13, 2014

mind if we put this after the pack meeting? If you wanted to jump in there that's fine and we can set it before Dante left for the Caldera. Up to you! I can edit my post for either

Dante had been watching the borders carefully ever since informing Peregrine of the way things were going to be. Honestly he did not fully trust the father to honor his end and not attempt to see his daughter. Dante wondered briefly if, if he ever had children, he would ever do the same. It was hard to imagine.

The sound and scent of another nearby ended his train of thought abruptly and Dante turned, tasting the wind to get a better feel of who it was. He didn't recognize it, and that simple fact set the fur along his back to standing. Someone was here who did not belong, and they were coming to him.

Standing still, Dante raised his head and lifted his tail, a clear warning to any who approached that he wasn't to be trifled with. Lips pulled back in a snarl, he awaited their appearance, expecting an explanation as to why they had entered his lands uninvited.

RE: sacre bleu - RIP Sylvaine - November 13, 2014

After is fine!

Sylvaine chose to investigate, which was by far the most heroic and most terrifying thing he'd ever had to do in his entire short life. As his nimble little body slid between the trees and came out of the shadows, he was faced with someone completely new and foreign; it was not the cardinal, nor either one of the boy's attackers - as far as he knew. But the stranger held a determined posture, and the intimidation was sufficient enough to spook the boy. He was already dwarfed by the other wolf, but instinct pulled Sylvaine in to a tighter curl against the ground.

Monsieur, pardonnez-moi. Je... je besoin d'un endroit pour se reposer , juste pour un moment. As the words left his lips, Sylvaine tried to suck in another breath and calm his nerves. It was unusual for him to grovel and beg in such a manner, but it meant he would survive - or at least, have a better chance of it. Remember to breathe. He wanted to stand up straight and face this stranger with the poise and grace that had been borne in to him, and yet.. It seemed less important in this tense moment.

Sir, se il vous plaît, ah... I have been running, yes? I need ah, stop. To accentuate the dire need he was in, Sylvaine slowly lifted one of his front paws and exposed the pads beneath for scrutiny. The skin there was cracked and bloody, having been run raw by his flight for safety. Stop, yes? With any luck, Sylvaine had run in to far more pleasant company than he had fled - but so far the boy's luck was strained at best.

RE: sacre bleu - Dante RIP - November 15, 2014

The submission was instantaneous, enough so that Dante relaxed, clear that the other was no threat. Dante could understand nothing of the first statement, but apparently that was known as he promptly switched languages. He did indeed look to have been running hard and long.

"Where are you from, stranger, and what do you flee from so avidly?" Dante asked, not yet ready to answer his plea for rest. He wished to know what he was inviting should he allow this wolf to stay, and on top of that, this was no waypoint for travelers. He wasn't in the habit of letting loners simply stop in and rest, and he wasn't sure he was about to start either.

RE: sacre bleu - RIP Sylvaine - November 15, 2014

It seemed as if his plea had fallen upon compassionate ears. Although he was not given the go-ahead, there was an immediate cessation to the displayed hostility of the stranger, and that eased some of Sylvaine's worries. Even if he were to be chased off, this tiny moment to catch his breath and recuperate would not be wasted.

But the stranger did not chase him off. He asked questions, to which Sylvaine was eager to respond. I am from a kingdom far from here, The boy's words were slurred by his fatigue, slowed by the sluggish common tongue he now used, but the words themselves were audible. He tried to enunciate through his accent. And I was um, in lesson. My tuteur and I, we were set upon by sauvages - I have been running from them since.

He had left them behind, as far as he was aware. The strange assailants as well as Mazarin - and in thinking of the older wolf, Sylvaine fell suddenly quiet. His voice was diminutive, sorrowful. I do not know what became of my companion.

RE: sacre bleu - Dante RIP - November 16, 2014

He noticed the boy's fatigue, not without feeling, but was not about to let that stop him from getting the answers he sought. Luckily he seemed to be open to sharing, a trait many seemed to lack (himself included). It was with some trepidation that he heard he had been chased here. "Do you think there is any way they would have followed you?" If the Plateau was in danger he would like to be prepared.

He was sorry that the boy's companion had been lost, for he knew a bit about that. "I am sorry to hear that. Do you have a home to return to?" Dante could not help much with his travels if so, but he would do what he could.

RE: sacre bleu - RIP Sylvaine - November 16, 2014

Had he been followed? The question turned Sylvaine thoughtful for a moment, but hesitantly thoughtful; he couldn't remember how many had actually attacked them, or which direction he had fled in order to escape. The details were lost in the chaos. What he could remember, Sylvaine wished he could forget - an image of Mazarin's body slamming in to the ground with two rogue entities grappled upon him, the scent of blood and the sound of Mazarin's shouting. Escape, escape, you must run!

The only answer Sylvaine had was a small shake of his head coupled with a forlorn look. There was no way to know if anyone had followed. He had done his best to out-run the assailants, and in the process... He was in a place now that looked nothing like his icy home. I am sorry to hear that. Do you have a home to return to?

Non, he replied, a sigh sliding from his lips with the word.

I fear that I am stranded in this new place. If I have a maison to return to, it is too far from me now. This moment was an important one for the pale prince. He had been running for so long, and so hard, that the thought of his kingdom had slipped his mind - but now he remembered it. He thought of his mère, and was struck by intense concern.

RE: sacre bleu - Dante RIP - November 20, 2014

The news that he had not been followed put Dante more at ease, and though the news that he had no place to return to wasn't exactly happy it made Dante's answer easier. He wasn't about to offer their resources to passing strangers but if this boy could be a possible recruit then it was a different matter.

"If you seek only a meal and to move on, I am afraid I cannot help you. Winter fast approaches and with scavengers we have little to spare. However, if you seek something longer term, we would be glad to have the additional help. You would need to work with us and earn your place, though. We cannot support those who do not help themselves or the pack." He hoped that Sylvaine would consider the offer. It took a lot to survive the winter alone and he seemed a decent sort. It would be a shame to have to turn him away, but the Alpha would if necessary.

RE: sacre bleu - RIP Sylvaine - November 20, 2014

Non, I.. Sylvaine's voice sprung forth when Dante mentioned the possibility of him moving on, but he silenced himself so that the other man could finish speaking. He was right, of course. Winter was hard time for lone wolves, and Sylvaine was hardly equipped. To live among this pack of strangers - this lower class - was something he could endure; the thought of working for his meals was off-putting, but only because Sylvaine was untrained in such acts. He was unsure despite the clear choice ahead of him.

I am trained in diplomacy and law, but not.. Not hunting or any other task. I fear I am not so useful to you. It was the truth, but one he should have kept to himself if he wanted to survive. What would this man and his family want with someone trained in speech, or philosophy, or such things as laws? But I am in need - and I am willing to learn. I will give my time to you, monsieur, in every capacity, if you will grace me with compassion.

Winter was long and arduous - so by happenstance, Sylvaine would stay for the long haul. At least until the Spring arrived, or... If Mazarin were to appear, as unlikely as that would be. I will not desert your pack, I swear it.

RE: sacre bleu - Dante RIP - November 20, 2014

Dante mulled his words over for a moment, letting them settle and working out the pros and cons. He was obviously honest, a very good trait in Dante's books. Young, and seemingly inexperienced, but not without work ethic Dante hoped. He was lucky, perhaps, for Dante considered diplomacy to be a rather important skill (and one that the Plateau was sorely lacking for right now where some other packs were concerned, ahem). When things got tough those who scorned others around them were usually the first to fall, wheras those who fostered good relations could count on, if not help, then the fact that the other packs were not actively seeking their downfall.

"If you are willing to learn, and will put effort and enthusiasm into the task, then I am sure you will pick up the skills that are required." Dante finally concluded, looking Sylvaine over somewhat analytically. To teach him may take some valuable time but if in the end they gained another valuable hunter/warrior/warden/scout or whatever else he may show predilection towards then it would be well worth it. "For the moment, if you accept, I can take you to food and you may find a place to rest." He didn't expect him to start right this moment, for he seemed dead on his feet. Better to wait for his head to clear and his body to become more sound first.

RE: sacre bleu - RIP Sylvaine - November 20, 2014

Sylvaine may have held some doubts about his usefulness, but clearly this stranger was interested in what he could do; so in the next moment, when Dante proceeded to essentially accept the boy in to the ranks of the plateau, Sylvaine was obviously pleased. His head lifted subtly, not enough to place him in error next to his new superior, but enough to indicate the lifting of his spirits. Oh, dieu fait miséricorde! He was so tired, so worn out, but nothing could keep the happiness from his voice. It was dulled only by the knowledge that Mazarin, his poor lost tutor, could not be granted the same gift.

I accept, and I thank you. Ah, Introductions! In his haste to procure a safe bed and warm food, he had completely forgotten his manners! How improper of him - a prince, lacking propriety of station! His mother would be mortified. My name - I am Sylvaine Valére, Prince of the Montaigne Noire - But halfway through saying these things, as his head bowed with casual grace, he realized how awkward it may be to announce such a fact; so he corrected himself, and swiftly. Sylvaine will do.

With that sorted out (sort of), Sylvaine readily followed after his new-found ally. Once he was situated deeper in the lands, he would seek out a secure place to rest; although thoughts of Mazarin and the kingdom plagued him.

RE: sacre bleu - Dante RIP - November 21, 2014

last for me, you can post again or simply close! :D

Dante nodded in approval as the proper introduction was given without his asking. Manners, wonderful. "It is good to have you on board, Sylvaine." He dropped the titles as suggested, for though they were likely important to the boy they sadly meant nothing here. "I am Dante, Alpha of the pack here on BLacktail Deer Plateau." Having properly aquainted himself he once more set off towards the nearest store of food. Hopefully the meat they had hidden there after the successful moose hunt was still present and had not been taken by the mystery thief.