Wolf RPG
Shadewood Nahlot - Printable Version

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Nahlot - Vokun - November 08, 2023

Movement. Rustling. Uneasiness.

Those were Shadewood's only signs that a wolf was passing through. From time to time, the gleam of bone would flash in the darkness, as the creature walks past the few light beams that could reach the woodland floor. Nothing more. 

The young wolf walked in the dark, surrounded by a heavy silence. Silence is good. It allows one to listen, Girid had said.
It was easier when she was near. Vokun gulped, trying to distract himself from the sounds of his own body: his paws hitting the soft cold earth, his heart beating, his breathing, his stomach growling.

These sounds grew louder by the minute. To the point of madness. This was his first challenge: composure. A quality the druids of the Circle valued most. One he was expected to hone.

After all, he had been ordained a Druid of the Circle under the previous full moon.
But for all the honor that rank would bring, Vokun was still a novice in his craft. And he had never been so far away from the Witcher's Nest as he was now. For the first time, he didn't know where he was. He only knew that he had to swallow his fears and keep going.


More noise.

 So loud. So loud...

RE: Nahlot - Ines - November 08, 2023

Today, Ines visited the neighboring Shadewood. Perhaps it was a bit premature, given that her own claim was still hardly more than a dream, but one could only walk circles around a plot of land so many days a week before going, well, a little insane.

She'd stopped herself before getting so far. That was how she'd ended up here.

Whereas the Isle was like a sanctuary, the Shadewood had always put her on alert. Different scents ranged about the forest floor, both ominous and promising. Where there was prey, there were surely predators. It was a fact of life one couldn't avoid, and simply meant she just had to be careful.

She followed the winding path of a weasel, and kept her ears attuned. Forest sounds -- the regular -- but somewhere among them, a note or two that was, perhaps, something else...

... but nothing, yet, to cause her very much concern.