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Redhawk Caldera because reasons - Printable Version

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because reasons - RIP Fox - November 15, 2014

For @Peregrine, since we must keep this trend of always having a thread going.

For once in her life, Fox remembered a mental note that she'd stashed away for later. After finishing up some menial tasks (namely pissing on the borders), Fox headed toward their little home to seek out Peregrine. Halfway there, she spotted him walking the other direction, and she sped up to greet him, tail wagging this way and that as she "gently" crashed into his shoulder and play-bowed in front of him. “Hey, lover!” she greeted, clearly in high spirits. Things at Redhawk Caldera were going really well, she thought.

“I gotta question for ya,” Fox declared, bouncing around him like some over-eager pup about to get a meal. “‘Cause I think we’re gonna have different opinions.” Actually, she was pretty damn sure they would have different views on what she was about to bring up. But if she brought it up now, when it was a non-issue, they might actually be able to discuss it without feelings getting crushed. Imagine that, Fox was actually maturing emotionally.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 15, 2014

Fox caught Peregrine in the middle of a thoughtful funk, though her playful antics certainly helped drag him out of his doldrums. He smiled and nipped at her, black tail fanning the frosty air. It slowed, then stilled, when she declared that she wanted to ask him something, then prefaced it by saying she was sure they would have different opinions on the matter.

"Can it wait 'til... some other time?" he asked half-seriously. "Things have been calm the past few days. I don't want to ruin it with a possible disagreement," he cajoled. He really didn't feel prepared to be at odds with anyone right now, particularly his mate, not after his exhausting confrontation with Dante a few days ago.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 16, 2014

Fox's lips turned into a pouty frown at his rejection. “I thought maybe it would be a good time to ask before this particular scenario is real. That way, we’ll already know how to handle it.” She really wasn't trying to bring him down. She just wanted to make sure they were on the same page when it came to other couples having children. And this year, she wanted her kids to have the best shot possible. Next year, she'd be more open to the idea of other couples popping out a few kids, provided the couple(s) in question had been around long enough and were not going to wander off like so many parents seemed to do (sans Peregrine, of course).

“And if we don’t agree, we can shelve it until you want to talk about it again,” she offered, giving him an easy out if he wanted it. Sometimes, they needed to talk business. Fox felt like this was one of those times, even if she was trying to keep it as light as possible. If it needed further discussion, they could do that later. She simply wanted to get a feel for what he thought about it. “Deal?”

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 16, 2014

She pouted at him, which made him quirk his eyebrow and laugh quietly at her. He listened to her plead her case, all the while giving her the playful side eye. Peregrine wanted to give in to her simply because she was his hot wife and he wanted always to please her, yet the last thing he wanted right at this moment was to discuss sensitive business maters.

"Is said scenario imminent in the next few days? I'm sorry, firecrotch, I don't want to stonewall you but I also don't want to lose my patience with you so I'd rather not test it. I guess you could say I'm a sensitive flower at the moment," he said, giving her an apologetic nudge and puppy dog eyes to compete with her adorable pout.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 16, 2014

Fox sighed, bumping his chin with her muzzle. “I guess it can wait,” she said, though she had been feeling so good about herself for being so ~mature~ about her thoughts on said situation. If Fox had thumbs, she would have twiddled them then. Instead, she just let a pause settle between them for a moment, trying to think of something else to talk about. “Found any good prey for upcoming hunts?” she asked, figuring that was as good a place as any to redirect the conversation.

Fox knew that winter would mean less prey, but she had faith in the pack's one and only Gamekeeper. Not only that, but they had plenty of wolves to help take down larger prey, provided they happened to find any. Fox felt like the wolves here were family, a team, and she wanted to keep it that way.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 16, 2014

Naturally, the moment Fox let it drop, Peregrine felt guilt sweep through him. He opened his mouth and almost told her to go ahead and ask after all, then he bit down on his own tongue. Seriously, the last thing he wanted to do was risk pressing his buttons when his emotions were already raw.

In a conciliatory tone, he said, "Give it two days, then I'm all ears," and kissed her between her eyes. "Thanks for bearing with me, little foxy foofoo." He rubbed his chin on the bridge of her muzzle like some strange variation of an Eskimo kiss.

"No, actually. Prey's definitely been getting scarcer. That's winter for you, though. Don't worry," he added quickly, dusky jade eyes finding hers, "I'm not going to let this pack starve. I'm going to work on earning my Gamekeeper mastery and make sure everybody's well-fed. You, especially. There's nothin' like a little extra fat to preheat the oven," he joked.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 16, 2014

Whether he was aware of it or not, Perry's comforting words did help. And she would do her damn best to remember to bring it up to him again. In two days time, just like he'd requested. She nudged upward when he brushed his chin against her muzzle, and her tail wagged behind her to let him know that she was content with the stalling of their talk. (Even if she was still a little bit impatient.)

She withdrew as he spoke of the lack of prey, and Fox frowned. They would have to keep a closer eye (nose?) out for prey now that winter was closing in on them, and she had a gut feeling that this wasn't going to be a particularly easy winter. Maybe she was wrong, but they wouldn't know until they were in the thick of it. He teased her about getting fat, and Fox poked at her own belly. “Pretty soon, I’ll just have to roll around. That’s how fat I’m gonna be… before the babies.” She cackled at the thought, trying to imagine herself as a balloon of fat rolls.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 16, 2014

He expected her to feign offense at the idea of getting fat, though Fox went right along with it. Peregrine pictured her with a little potbelly and chuckled. She would look so adorable when she was heavy with pups. And if he teased her, she probably wouldn't be able to do anything but waddle indignantly. Not that Peregrine intended to do much of that, of course...

"Maybe we should make some slides for you to use to get down the caldera," he mused, though that gave him a flashback to her fall right after discovering the place. "Or I'll just carry you up and down. Even when you're nearly due, I doubt you'll weigh more than a feather. It'll be no problem," he quipped, rolling a shoulder.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 16, 2014

“Carry me up and down?” she asked, a twinkle of mischief in her eye, “I’m pretty sure I’ll be so fat that I won’t even be able to get out of the den. I’ll just make you bring more food for my fat gut.” The mental image of being stuck in the den was an amusing one, and she knew that she'd actually be in a miserable mood if such a thing ever happened. Fox was the kind of wolf who was on her feet even when she shouldn't have been. Some in her condition would have stayed and rested, but she hadn't shirked her duties just because of a nasty gash on her face. If anything, she thought it made her look pretty awesome. She'd always liked her battle scars. They reminded her of all the fearsome beasts she had slain (ha ha).

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 16, 2014

Lucky post 1,300. :o

"While I'd be happy to oblige," Peregrine drawled in reply to that, "we both know that won't be happening. You'll go stir crazy. Hey, maybe I can make, like, a rawhide rope out of some deerskin and tie it around your ankle, then float you around like a big red balloon." He grinned wolfishly at her, tongue lolling from his muzzle.

"You know, you won't be able to get around as much once you're pregnant, not to mention when the pups are actually born. We shouldn't waste your last days of freedom and nimbleness. I propose a race, firecrotch. The winner gets to boink the loser," he proposed, slurping at her cheek with a playfully sloppy kiss.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 16, 2014

Woo! I'm just happy to have made it to 1k. I should also be in bed an hour ago. Took last week off running because shark week, and then it was shitty weather outside/gym was closed by the time I wanted to run today, oops. So I need to wake up early and go to the gym and run my patootie off.

Fox snickered at the thought, even though she was pretty sure that she would sink rather than float. It wasn't like she'd be full of air, exactly. Just a lot of fat. When he mentioned that she would be a bit incapacitated once the pups were near to being born (and thereafter), she defiantly, albeit silently, disagreed with him. Fox was bound and determined to be the most active momma to ever exist. Hell, if Peregrine wasn't there to stop her, she'd probably be fighting off bears, coyotes, and whatnot right up to the moment she was popping out little ones.

When he offered to race, she paused for a moment. The moment his tongue left her cheek, she darted away, taking a cheap head start at his expense. Laughing all the while (no matter how much it broke open her ugly wound), she glanced back to see if he was hot on her heels or not. Fox entertained the thought of dry-humping Peregrine from behind, and snickered childishly at the thought of it.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 17, 2014

[Image: uVAV1U7.jpg]

Belated congrats on joining the 1,000 Club. ^_^

It snowed here and it always sends this 'southern' city into a tizzy. I took the opportunity to take a day off, considering I have over two weeks of personal/vacation time to use by Dec. 31st.

She took off suddenly, leaving his tongue dangling in the cold, empty air. He slurped it back inside and shouted, "Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater!" Peregrine dug his paws into the cold soil underfoot and sprang after her. He wasn't a particularly swift wolf, though his long strides would soon overtake his much more petite mate's.

He didn't want the chase to end too soon, though, so he cantered along behind her, letting Fox lead him wherever she liked. All the while, he admired the view of her swaying hips and small but perky (fuzz)butt.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 17, 2014

Well, Fox was literally a pumpkin eater now, and she was most definitely a cheater in this case, so she couldn't exactly tell Peregrine that he was wrong. Especially considering she was speeding away from him at her fastest pace. Fox had always been more of a sprinter and less of a long-distance runner, though, and as she slowed and looked behind her, she noted that while Peregrine wasn't anywhere near close to catching up to her, he wasn't lightyears away, either.

“Admit that you lost, and I’ll let you catch me!” she shouted, still moving forward but slowing down quite a bit. If he wanted this booty, he was going to have to work for it.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 17, 2014

Like any man, Peregrine didn't like admitting defeat. With Fox, however, it wasn't difficult at all, especially considering the booty he'd get to take home. Thus, he declared quite loudly and happily, "I lost! You won! Now you get to bone me! Yippee!" He flounced, trying to click his heels together, then stumbled, tripped and face-planted with a manly oof.

Grunting, Peregrine rolled over onto his side, then his back. He tried to look at Fox upside down. Was she still racing away or had she seen him eat dirt? "Come claim your prize, winner, winner, chicken dinner!" he shouted to her, wiggling his hips like a pet dog eagerly awaiting a belly rub. "I wonder if it would work with you on top," he mused loudly, wondering if any of the caldera's other residents could see and hear them... and deciding he didn't give a damn if they did.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 17, 2014

Luckily for Peregrine, Fox actually hadn't seen him eat dirt. She was too busy making sure she didn't do the same to bother keeping her eyes on him. Fox pranced back his way, her head held high and a smug look on her face. “Just remember,” she said, “I’ll always be quicker than you.” Maybe that wasn't entirely true, especially once she became burdened with pups, but she liked to think that, so long as she wasn't with child, she'd be able to outrun him. Quite pleased with herself, she found Perry laying on his back, wiggling around like some silly fool. "My silly fool," she thought, grinning to herself.

“I don’t have a wee-wee,” she replied when he asked if it would work with her on top. “But I can dry hump you, if you’re into that.”

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 17, 2014

Peregrine smiled up at her when Fox hovered over him, grinning fondly. His lips parted when she commented about her lack of necessary body parts and he laughed and rolled slightly to balance his weight on his elbow and opposite hip as he sat up partially.

"You may dry hump me any day," he said humbly. He paused, then added thoughtfully, "How strange would that be if I could carry our pups instead?"

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 17, 2014

“No stranger than me carrying them around. I mean, think about it. Their little bodies will be floating around in my belly for about two months. Pretty gross.” All natural, of course, but Fox tried not to delve into the specifics unless she wanted to put that mental image in somebody's head. And, for whatever reason, that was her intention with Peregrine right now. “Now stand up so I can properly hump you,” she said, nipping at his bum-bum with a devilish grin.

“I’m gonna put so many babies in your butt.”

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 17, 2014

"I don't think that's how it works..." he teased in reply, laughing quietly as he imagined little wolf pups swimming around in Fox's stomach contents. Pretty gross, indeed. "All right, all right, I'm standing up. I never knew you were so eager to peg me, my dear."

He pushed himself up onto his haunches, then rose onto all fours. His tail swept the air for a moment, then Peregrine sidestepped and wiggled his hips for Fox. It was meant to be seductive, though it was more likely utterly ridiculous. After completing that little number, he bowed forward like a stretching cat, rump still wiggling as he pointed it in the air.

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 17, 2014

I made Ian read Fox's last quote. Laughs were had.

For a second, Fox wondered if Peregrine knew anything about how a lady's body worked. Then, she remembered that he'd once had children of his own, and a strange, brief pang of jealousy pulsed through her. Now, though, Peregrine was hers. Hawkeye, wherever she was, had lost her chance with him. Why, Fox would never know. Peregrine probably wouldn't either. The young leader didn't often ponder about Perry's ex-mate, though it did cross her mind from time to time.

Just as quickly as it had arrived, the thought was out of her mind. With Peregrine's rump pointed upward, Fox awkwardly mounted him, wrapping her front legs around him and thrusting into him, giggling all the while. “Unf,” she grunted. “Is this what it’s like for you?” she asked, craning her neck around to gauge his reaction. What a sight somebody would see if they happened to come across the pair of them like this.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 19, 2014

He derived little sensual pleasure from the act, though he found it all rather amusing. When Fox paused and asked him a question, he tipped his head and looked backward at her. He tried to wag his tail, but it was trapped between their hind legs and only the tip flickered back and forth.

"Not quite. You don't have a ballsack that gets in my way, for instance, and it's the insertion that's the bee's knees—presumably for both partners," he reported with a wiggling of his brows. As he spoke, he stood up abruptly, causing his mate to slide backward off him. "Did you enjoy yourself, wifey?" he purled in her ear after turning to kiss her temple. "You're the only wolf in the world that's allowed to buttfuck the caldera's Alpha male." Well, almost...

RE: because reasons - RIP Fox - November 21, 2014

Fox dropped down on all fours when he stood, figuring that if she had been the taller one, no babies would ever get made, simply due to the size difference. Thankfully, her smallness (and his tallness) worked in their favor in this reality, and for that, she was glad. "I've had better," she grinned, tugging gently on his tail with her teeth. "I think I like being on bottom a whole lot more," Fox decided, prancing to the front of her lover and giving him a sideways glance.

"Maybe you can show me how it's really done," she said, casting a sultry look at Peregrine. Considering how much of their time together was spent humping one another, she wondered if it would ramp up once she went into heat. If that was the case, they were both going to be sore afterward.

RE: because reasons - Peregrine Redhawk - November 23, 2014

Hope it's cool if I fade!

Her initial comment gave him pause. Then she elaborated and he understood. He grinned lazily at her, then made to lick her nose. "I like it better too. But now you've got me thinking. We should try all sorts of different positions. Don't you think that would be fun?" Their sex life wasn't lacking whatsoever, yet Peregrine figured there was no harm in spicing things up anyway.

For now, however, he was perfectly content with ye olde doggy style. Peregrine would never turn down his mate's advances. With a seductive leer, he happily took her up on her playful challenge. It was a welcome reprieve from life's less pleasant aspects. Eager to stay on this happy note, the Alpha male invited his mate to join him on a jaunt around the borders after they finished.