Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - Printable Version

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She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - Ashton - November 16, 2014

Quote: For primarily @Fox and @Peregrine but other Hawks can join too. Meet the girl. :D

Ashton led the wounded agouti through the woods, until he came upon the pack scent he was a member of. He was bringin' yet another babe to the doorstep of his family, and severiously wanted her to be true to her word.
While not being an ass, of course.

Ashton turned his emeralds to her, and gave her a look, hoping she caught the meaning in his foresty gaze.
The hippie was a trusting teen, his friendly demeanor getting him the appropriate circle of friends that one like him rightly earned. But earning his forgiveness was a bit harder, and the tsundere girl wasn't making it any easier for him to forgive her for her outburst, though he tried.

Tearing his eyes from hers, he sent a howl up, with the melody of 'I got a wounded' strung in it's message. The Alpha's would have to hear of this first, and Ash didn't even know himself, if the duo would accept her for a quick healing, or if she would have to be in their ranks to get her life saved.
Only time would tell.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Basilie - November 16, 2014

It wasn't too far to the strange boy's home, but it seemed to take ages longer than it should have. Her shoulder had kind of stopped throbbing by this point (that, or she'd gotten used to the constant itch and burn of it), and yet Basilie's mood had not improved to any great extent. She hobbled along beside the golden boy until he raised his head, letting loose a call to his superiors.

Basilie was uneasy about meeting these strangers - for surely to be a leader of any group, even a group of foreigners and heathens, they must have been intelligent. Anyone brighter than Ashton would recognize her subtle glances at the surroundings, her cautious posture, and side-eyed apprehension towards the healer. She wasn't staying, Basilie knew this, and she was concerned that the beasts that Ashton summoned would recognize this as well.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Fox - November 16, 2014

Ashton's call pulled her from the warm comfort of the den, but she let Peregrine know that she would handle this one on her own. Disentangling herself from his embrace, she stumbled into the misty cold, bleary eyed and wanting nothing more than to turn around and go right back to snuggling in the warm confines of their little den. But her duties as a leader were important, and she was no hibernating animal, so she pressed on, ears splayed back in mild annoyance at nobody in particular.

When Fox drew closer, she noted the other wolf at his side, and the leader immediately bristled. The last wolf Ashton had brought to Redhawk, Arina, had not exactly made a great impression on Fox (or Peregrine, for that matter). Fox's red tail stood stiff and tall behind her, and her ears were pushed forward in a display that demanded respect. Once she was close enough to see the large wound on the other wolf's shoulder, Fox turned sharply to Ashton. “Stop bringing gimps to Redhawk, Ashton. Escort her away.” Fox didn't even acknowledge the female. She had no reason to.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - Ashton - November 17, 2014

The golden teen cleared his throat, his obvious sheepish look overcoming his handsome features. He had the gut wrenching feeling that Fox would not respect his choices anymore when it came to toting along lupines left and right, bringin strays back and forth to the Calderas doorstep.
The hippie was at this point, prepared to just give up, and take the chick back home. But it was a tug of war on his part, the morality pulling him to fight for her.
God, he was gonna get his jaw knocked in by Foxie babe, wasn't he?

Averting his emeralds, and properly administering his form , he spoke humbley to the fiery female.

"Fox, hear meh out, sweets. Please. I saw her bleedin' out, and I couldn't find any herbs, valuable bark, or helpful poultice ingredients to help her,"

His pleading verde irises peeked out underneath dark lashes,

"She don't even gotta stay all dat long, I swear on my own ass. If you want her to be with the Caldera, and she doesn't want that on her resumé, I will turn her around as quick as a blink. But if you allow, can I atleast patch her up, and get rid of her infection? Her antibodies aren't even attempting to fight off the shizz she got lodged all in her shoulder. Gangrene can set in, and weather isn't on her side, Fox. "

He was presenting the case of the patient before his Alphess, and befpre he knew it, he shot another look at the hellion he brought along. She hadn't even told him her name, and he was trying to save her ass.
She better not be a mute like that damn girl he had brought before, or he himself, would throw himself over a gopher dodgin cliff.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Basilie - November 17, 2014

They lingered at an unseen edge, and for the most part Basilie did nothing. She watched the surroundings with a disinterested eye, listened to the golden boy - and then caught sight of a ruddy red creature approaching them. At first the warrior woman thought it was a fox, but then it stopped and Ashton... Ashton actually talked to it? He seemed to defer to it. And the fox, speaking with her own commanding tone, turned out not to be a fox at all.

Basilie was careful as she watched the exchange; first the red wolf outright refusing them entry, and then Ash pleading her case. He rambled on and on, and while Basilie wanted him to shut his trap in every other instance of his yammering, now was a suitable time for it. She was mindful enough to keep herself quiet - but at the same time, she was thinking about how strange it was that it was the alpha female and not the male which came to meet them.

Ashton shot her a look, and Basilie's own gaze slipped across his face, but deferred quickly. She looked to her paws and sighed softly; patience was not one of her strong suits, however, this decision was not up to her, and no amount of brute force would be welcome here.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Fox - November 17, 2014

Fox gave the injured female a pathetic glance, half-scoffing in the process as Ashton explained why she was here. “No,” she replied in a stern tone, “you can’t. And if you can't stop bringing home patients, I'm going to have to revoke your freedoms.” Fox meant it, too. If Ashton continued along this path, he would not be allowed to venture outside the caldera. Fox had met many a soft wolf, and the last one she'd known who was this soft, she had ordered to kill or be killed. He hadn't done it, and he had become this terrible thing in her life that had basically ruined her. She would not have that here. Not in the caldera.

“If you want to practice your voodoo here, work on preparing for the winter… and the children in the spring. Don’t waste your efforts on loners.” Fox's was a tone of finality, and she stood with her feet planted as she awaited expectantly for Ashton to take away the dead weight.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - Ashton - November 17, 2014

The fiery female heard his case, and for that alone, he was grateful. He reminded himself to thank her for that later. However, when she referred to his medical practices as 'voodoo', he felt a small pang of hurt. It was voodoo to help others? A taboo to assist another in keeping their life? Was it a sin to be a doctor?
Was it frowned up on?

Snapping back to current attention, he focused on the girl he had brought along.
The one who didn't even bother to plead her own life. To recieve the help anyone deserved. She didn't even seem to be listening to her life being thrown away!
She was a fucking mute too!

The urge to bristle his golden ruff was strong. But patience was one of his strongest suites, so instead of being angry, he was glad. He was appreciative of the ember's commands for him to take the broad away. Ungrateful.
Absolutely pathetic. He was tired of trying to recruit ignorant and idiotic wolves who couldn't even speak for their damn selves.
Oh, yes, he had a shitload of stuff to tell Fireball.

Leaving the side of the agouti, he approached the fire fae, and bent down, gently applying his soft nose to the sharp tips of her claws, in a sign of trust and reliance.
Picking himself back up, he spoke to her, a surprising smile on his maw.
Sometimes, being told no is a good thing, ya know?
Softly, he murmured to her,

"Thank ya, Fox. You really are an admirable leader. "

Stepping back, the golden hippie cleated his throat, and spoke a minor decibel louder. Addressing the Alphess.

"Would you like I escort her back, or let her find her own way, Fox?"

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Basilie - November 17, 2014

So it was decided. She was to vacate the premises without a single bit of aid, and the so-called doctor was accepting of this. He had tried, Basilie supposed, with his attempt to plead for her - but he had failed. It wasn't too much of a bother for the wanderer (although the prospect of going without should have made her speak up sooner); she had no intention of sticking around as per the original bargain, after all. This trip wasn't an entire waste either - Basilie now knew there was a pack here, and they were strong and healthy enough to be expecting children in the spring. File that away among the other tidbits she had gathered thus far, and it was well worth the chatter from the yellow wolf.

But, she couldn't really leave just yet. While Ashton deferred and prostrated for the red wolf, Basilie watched with care. And then when Ashton cleared his throat and spoke, Basilie intervened. I will be fine on my own. No need to send a babysitter. Perhaps that would earn her some points from the fiery woman. I have heard that there are other places - other packs which I can visit for potential aid. Although... The woman paused in her speech and furrowed her brow, looking deliberately concerned. I am in a strange new place. Could either of you give me a general direction?

This was the opposite corner of the wilds from where she entered, and if Basilie was correct in her knowledge, Hadrian's little cult would be around here somewhere. The woman ducked her head in a little bow, dropping her eyes from Fox's figure so that she was looking to the soil beneath her feet. My survival is of no concern to you, I know this, but I would owe you a debt of gratitude for the assistance. Okay, maybe she was playing it up a little too much; but the golden boy was idealistic, and the red woman wanted her gone - Basilie assumed the proposition would appeal to them both.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Fox - November 17, 2014

The kissing of toes and compliments made Fox extremely uncomfortable. She was immediately reminded of Ferdie, and she would have to speak to Peregrine sooner rather than later about Ashton's peculiar behavior. Fox returned her attention to the stranger, giving her an even look as she spoke. “You owe us nothing,” Fox replied flatly. That was the best thing about not taking her in. Nobody owed anybody anything. It was simple and easy. “Ashton knows more about the land outside our home than I do, so I’ll let him tell you where to go.” Fox had hardly left the caldera since she had been swept down its slopes. At most, she'd visited a few of the immediately surrounding landscapes.

Confident that Ashton would make sure she was sent on her way, Fox took her leave, intent on finding Peregrine and talking things over with him.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - Ashton - November 17, 2014

With a nod, the teen turned and trotted past the multicolored femmora, and without even looking at her, he turned and faced the land that Noctisardor Bypass was set up by.
He was an observant teen, and though the dude didn't say it, he could tell this girl was one of Roman spawn.
This made him extremely grateful he had hired that russian those long months ago.

Ash waited for the Alphess to begone, and then swiveled to face the rudette.

"Ya would happen to be related to some romans who stay in Teekon, would you, sweets?"

As he talked, he began taking the northern route, his direction fully intent on dropping the hazard where she was obviously meant to be.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - RIP Basilie - November 18, 2014

Exit and fade here, maybe? I'll imply Ashton led her somewhere and then instructed her towards NB when I get a thread up there. :)

The conversation stagnated when the red wolf spoke, but then she departed - leaving Basilie in the company of Ashton, and once more alone. She was tired and ultimately disinterested in what he had to say. Finding Hadrian was of utmost importance, and yet at the same time, Basilie wasn't eager to stumble upon him in her current state. She wanted to be strong and defiant upon his borders, not feeble, and definitely not needy.

Ya would happen to be related to some Romans who stay in Teekon, would you, sweets? Ash queried, breaking her out of her thoughts; she just sighed softly, evidently tired from the travel between two points and the refusal of his leader, and muttered, I do not know what Teekon is. To the remark about being Roman, she left only silence, and followed after him with the last of her determination.

RE: She Deceives, He's Naïve. [iC Joining] - Ashton - November 18, 2014

◆good plan. Ash is gonna just point her thaere though, is that fine? Nice threading with you again, Java. W_^V Last post from me. ◆

"God, I swear, you must be the rudest, most ignorant, and ungrateful wolf I've ever come across in my life.
Teekon is all the lands we're in. We are in Teekon Wilds. "

Ash pointed the way he was walking, and turned around, heading back to the Caldera.
He couldn't stand this girl anymore.
She didnt even thank him for trying to save her ass.

"Find that Bypass by yourself. I got more pressing matters to attend to."

And he did.
He had to go find Fox.