Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Lay shadows on a crimson tide - Printable Version

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Lay shadows on a crimson tide - Astera - November 20, 2023

She widened her search, traveling south of the Ankyra Sound and Sapphique. She couldn't return home without Miette. She wouldn't.

The Stavanger bay stretched on for miles. The Autumn evening light cast a crimson gaze across the waves.

Astera didn't know it, but this sand, these waves carried history, just as the Sound. 

This place had been left relatively untouched. No packs guarded the borders, no wolves hunted here. Just her and the bay.

For the first time since Sapphique, Astera was alone. And she embraced it.

[Image: sunset_6b2xmcpn.gif]