Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Printable Version

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Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Dante RIP - November 17, 2014

@Lasher and @Blue Willow ;D yay! <3
I know we said that perhaps Blue Willow could inform Dante about what happened with Peregrine but would you want to set this before she left? I'm figuring it takes them like 3-4 days travel to hit the Caldera so this would be forward dated quite a bit if not. Either way!! Also made minor assumptions

Dante was thoroughly covered in mud, having had a spirited go at hollowing out his den earlier. The physical exertion had the dual effect of letting him work out some of his anger and stress that his previous encounter(s) this past handful of days had given him as well as kept his mind well occupied on other things. Now his forelegs were sore from the activity but his mind a much quieter place. It was with a sense of tired calm that he strode to the river to clean off some of the mess, although things were still far from ideal. Dante was a worrier, and the absences of both Finley and now Osprey troubled him. Finley, he hoped, had returned to the Caldera, though they would need to confirm this. A few had tried to follow her after she departed, but her trail had been lost. Dante did not take it as a particularly fortuitous omen.

Osprey was another matter. He knew she had some of the wanderlust within her, as they had spoken of it often, but he wondered if she would have departed at such a time with her niece ill and the Plateau so in need of every body possible present. They may need to look into her whereabouts as well, though he was loathe to send someone after her too soon. He got the feeling she could take care of herself for the most part.

All was not dark, thank goodness, and it was glad tidings that he prepared to bring tonight. He and Blue Willow had spoken on the subject previously and Dante felt there no better time than the present to make good on their decision. He could use some happiness and this was the perfect excuse to have a little. Shaking water out of his pelt with a slight shiver, he set off to find the object of the brighter business at hand... Lasher.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Lasher - November 17, 2014


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it was too cold for blossoms, as the heavier snowfall was soon to come, but lasher intended that blue willow and their children gaze upon beautiful things in the springtime, and so he had spent the morn gathering the roots for various wildflowers, and planting them deep in the frozen ground. whether or not they grew was a different affair, though he had hope that they would thrive when the sun returned.

dante's tread alerted him to the silver man's presence, and he turned, frigid earth clinging to his paws and minutely to his chin, from where he had had placed the roots in the ground. dante, taltos murmured gently. i trust you have been well?

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Blue Willow - November 20, 2014

Blue Willow was slower in making it to the two males. And upon making it there she sat down immediately. Her fatigue was obvious, but she soldiered on. She still did her duties, albeit a bit slower, but she did them none the less. Occasionally she would need to stop and throw up her lunch, or breakfast, sometimes even supper, but she did it.

She offered both males a soft smile and a tail wag and a nudge to Lasher. She knew why they were here, and it had taken a lot of her self control not to tell him. She was happy for him, for him to have a higher position it was wonderful and he deserved it.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Dante RIP - November 20, 2014

Dante did not want to give up the game before Blue Willow arrived, but he was extremely excited to deliver the news. He'd been feeling like a pretty crap-tastic leader with the whole situation of late and the aura of the Plateau was definitely not what it had been when Peregrine had sat upon the iron throne, so to speak. Dante didn't have the first idea how to fix the situation that was quickly snowballing out of his control, but hopefully with this revelation would come a bit of sun to warm the pack in the growing (metaphorical and physical) cold.

"Lasher, just the man I wanted to see!" He greeted him, stepping forward to touch his muzzle to the other's shoulder in a rare gesture of affection. The chocolate-coated male had quickly become one of his closest compatriots in the pack and he was pleased to be able to grant him this honor today. "I have been well. I actually had something I wanted to ask you." He looked to Blue Willow as she arrived, looking tired but content. The healer had been running around far more than Dante would have liked and seemed rather drawn, but he did not comment on this. She knew her limits and he knew she would never endanger her pups, so it was not his place to say anything.

"Actually, we had something we wanted to ask," he amended, smiling at Blue in greeting and acknowledgement. He would allow her to deliver the happy news should she choose, for it was her mirror position that was in question.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Lasher - November 21, 2014

ill have you guys know i typed this with one hand while holding lentil i am devoted to wolfing ok

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he returned dante's affectionate nudge, gaze travelling to blue willow as she also appeared. pleased with their twinned presences, lasher let his eyes linger upon the healer. like dante, he too was worried for her continued lack of rest, but blue willow was a responsible sort, and he trusted she would slow herself if it all became too arduous.

glancing between the leading pair, he chuffed lightly. ask anything.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Blue Willow - November 21, 2014

Blue knew they both worried for her, but this was a symptom that would pass in time. It just needed time, the first and the last few weeks were always the hardest her mother had said, so she would remember that and just do her best to keep herself and those that grew healthy.

She dipped her muzzle to them both and then nudged Dante. As it was Dante's idea, I will let him ask. But I am perfectly content with this and I hope you agree.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Dante RIP - November 22, 2014

Apparently Dante was to have the honor of posing the question. When Blue Willow fielded it back to him, Dante nodded once in acquiescence. No use beating around he bush. "Lasher, we were wondering if you would like to join Blue Willow as Beta Male for the pack? Many of the wolves here seek you out, trusting your guidance. You deserve to hold the position." He looked with affection at the man, wondering if he would accept. "Is this agreeable to you?"

He and Blue Willow were not mates, true, but Dante was less traditional in that aspect and the pair were to have children soon. He had liked Perry's appointment of Blue Willow as alpha female when he joined for she had owned the rank based on merit. This was how he intended the plateau to function now. Even the future Alpha female might not be his mate should another show more guidance and the pack defer to them more than one he may end up with. Not that he expected either situation to arise anytime soon.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Lasher - November 22, 2014

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the willow deferred the word to dante, and lasher gave a soft chuckle, one that soon faded at the gunmetal wolf's words. surprised, he again cast a look between the two of them. taltos was no leader, but after the plateau had churned following peregrine's dismissal of them, and with blue willow seeming weak in these latter days, he had mulled the idea over in his mind.

to be offered the position, however, was a great honour, and while he had full faith that dante and blue willow could continue to lead the pack aptly, lasher was pleased at the idea of joining them. of course, the man murmured. what a pleasure.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Blue Willow - November 23, 2014

Blue did not like to think she was lacking, but the simple fact was that she was. It couldn't be helped and she hoped that once she got through the first few weeks, and after the babies were born, that she would gain that second wind.

Blue smiled and wagged her tail Oh yay I'm so glad you accepted. He would make a fine leader, and she didn't mind having him as her counterpart in both parenting and now leading.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Dante RIP - November 24, 2014

"Welcome to the team," Dante added affectionately, extremely pleased at Lasher's answer. In Dante's mind it was a promotion that should have occurred long ago. After all, he had asked Peregrine when he had been promoted why it had been he and not Lasher to take the spot. Now he briefly mused at what would have occurred if Lasher had stood where he stood now. Would things still be this screwed up? Perhaps. But it would be invaluable to have his insight from now on.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Lasher - November 24, 2014

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he beamed at them both. i will do my best to bring pride to your decision, dante, blue willow, lasher murmured softly, tail swaying at his heels. my first act, however, is to ask the two of you what it is we will do with junior, and here he grew somewhat grim. i have maintained my meetings with her, but the hatred and pain inside of her must be addressed in some fashion.

it is my thought that eventually she would benefit from a mediated meeting with peregrine, one from which she could walk, at any time, if she so chose. but i would prefer your input, he finished, granting the both of them a level gaze.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Blue Willow - November 26, 2014

Blue whined happily for him, and moved forward to nudge his shoulder. She was so very happy that he was willing to take up the mantle, where she was sorely lacking. It was nice to have those in leadership that she got along with. It was a welcome change and she loved it.

Blue frowned as she listened to his question, what could they do for the she wolf teen. Could they really do anything to make her feel better. She spoke up not realizing that she may make the whole thing moot. I think a mediating meeting may work, because she needs to confront her demons to overcome them and unfortunately her father is her demon.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Dante RIP - December 04, 2014

Lasher's suggestion was far from unexpected... Dante in fact had held much the same idea and considered it a few times. It didn't mean the decision was any easier though. The meeting could either do a whole lotta good or a whole lotta bad and it all depended on father and daughter, neither of whom were particularly good with feelings in Dante's opinion.

Still, if Lasher thought it wise Dante was willing to give it a try. "It will need to be approached with care, but yes. If you would like to set something up I agree. It will need to be one of you; I am no longer welcome near the Caldera."

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Lasher - December 09, 2014

last post for me! <3

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lasher's countenance became one of disappointment and mild irritation at dante's revelation — peregrine was truly acting foolish. i shall find a way, he intoned gravely, and then his features brightened. perhaps i will take her for a walk when she has healed somewhat. she seems to enjoy exploration. he smiled at the pair, happy to take his leave when they had spoken their pieces, or accompany them wherever they intended.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Blue Willow - December 18, 2014

[size=x-small]crap guys i'm sorry for some reason I was thinking dante was after lasher...wow epic fail on my part...i'm sorry.[/size]

Blue nodded and smiled I'm sleepy I think a nap is in order, but I think that is a good idea Lasher. SHe tilted her head and as everything seemed okay, she was eager to find her own soft spot to lay her head. She was beyond tired, it was in her bones. She would be happy when the first few weeks were over and she got her energy back, very glad.

RE: Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground - Dante RIP - December 23, 2014

last from me!

Dante nodded as Lasher spoke. "Sounds reasonable. Perhaps it will make conversation easier." He trusted Lasher, thinking the new beta was likely a better counselor than he himself. He had a manner about him that put others at ease, one that made him very well suited to the task. If anyone could get through to her it would be him.

"I will leave you to that. Good to have you on the team, Lasher," he conclude with a genuine smile, then a dip of his muzzle in farewell. And with that he departed, off to fulfill some other task that needed handling.