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Redhawk Caldera baby i'm preying on you tonight - Printable Version

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baby i'm preying on you tonight - Juno - November 18, 2014

animals - maroon 5
i stumble and fall

It was almost the end of the season, and though many would see winter as a scary challenge, Juno was more upset about the end of the 'Red Parade'
Autumn had grown to be one of the female's favorite seasons,it was when the leaves dressed themselves with red, trying to copy the rust draped female's feathery coat; and despite the fact many saw this brusque change like a bad omen that signaled Winter was near, for Juno it only meant huge piles of dried leaves. Fun condensed in the shape of paper-thin layers that crunched beneath one's feet.

Until the day her risky pirouettes killed her or crippled her she would not slow down her fast paced lifestyle. For Juno, life was all about the adventure--the actions which unlike words,they were not hollow and sweetly adorned with lies (something she couldn't even escape from doing herself). Many times Juno had had to rely on her good-looks and her baby blue eyes to get herself out of trouble -- it wasn't something she was proud of but she could not deny it was an extremely practical solution to her problems -- especially those that involved men.(which were pretty much all)

Her first problem involving a male had been at birth -- or to be more precise at conception. Her father had bolted as soon as her mother had given her what he wanted. Though she had never missed, or needed her father, the unfortunate event had distorted her view of men.
To her they were all disposable pigs, that thought with their dicks and not their brain.
Well, to be fair Juno didn't use it much either.

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RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - RIP Fox - November 18, 2014

Making some assumptions about Juno's location and assuming this is AW.

Fox flitted about the caldera, pleased as punch. It was cold, but not actually freezing in the scientific sense of the world. She had just awoken from a long nap that took up a majority of the afternoon, and now she stalked along the borders, ever vigilant and protective of the home she shared with her friends and family. Her days as of late had been spent trying to hunt down whatever she could and add it to the pack's caches. Already, prey had become more scarce, and she did not want to end up hungry in the middle of winter. No, Fox intended on becoming as plump as possible in preparation for her pups in the springtime.

Her paws carried her along the hazy, muddled border until she spotted a figure outside the caldera, but still too close to go completely unnoticed. Fox knew that taking preemptive measures was a much better idea than allowing strangers to get close, even in peaceful times. With the cold settling in, she knew they must be even more careful. The fiery Alpha strode toward the stranger with purpose, barking sharply when she was within range to do so, and stopping only when she'd come within a few yards of the malnourished loner.

She stood with all the authority that an Alpha was allowed so close to her home, and she gave the stranger a questioning, expectant look.

RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - Juno - November 20, 2014

i stumble and fall

As the day progressed, the russet veiled female became more aware of the strong scents that surrounded the area. She had not entered yet upon the gates of the Caldera but she was well aware of where they laid. Someone had gotten quite excited when marking the borders, she thought as she scrunched up her nose and turned her ears in all directions, like little antenna that swiveled all over her skull .

Though all scents carried the same message, there was one that stood above all, and that made Juno's stomach particularly queasy. A strong musky odour that had 'macho man' written all over. Ugh. So far she had been lucky not to have crossed paths with any nasty men -- asides from Scipio -- and honestly she didn't want to either. With that thought in mind the russet female prepared to turn the other way and leave the stinky borders alone, that until a sharp call made her stop mid-step.

Juno was then encountered by one of the very members of said pack; a ruby coated female with a scar bulging over her otherwise pretty features and a dominant demeanour. "Hello stranger" she barked with a friendly voice. Though she had not had a big meal since her hunt with the Sunspire guy, she had managed to get a decent nutrition -- her bruised ribs and sore foot however remained to be a problem.

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RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - RIP Fox - November 21, 2014

The stranger barked a friendly greeting, though it did not spur Fox into changing her stance. "If you aren't here to join us, you can save us both a lot of trouble and scram," she said. Fox was not the kind of wolf who dilly-dallied around the issues or made small talk. Unless, of course, she was speaking with her pack-mates. They were a whole different story, and she treated them as she one might treat family. Considering this stranger was not family or one of her pack, Fox had no need for lingering wanderers. To her, any loner on the borders was fair game for a chase or recruitment.

RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - Juno - November 27, 2014

i stumble and fall

Juno's cheery smile soon faded into a bored expression, it was extremely dissapointing how fast the female had shot down any attempts to engage in a friendly conversation. Man, what was it with some wolves around here that just seemed to have a rain cloud over their head all times. With a hasty shrug of her shoulders, the russet daredevil shook off the female's remark.

"As far as I'm concerned this is free ground" she mused, a swishing her tail lightly from one side to another. There was no way to ignore the odour, particular from the Caldera, clinging on her coat and lingering around the forest, but even though it was present, it was still not strong enough to alert the female of a potential intrusion. Besides, she suspected the sour female in front of her wouldn't have waited as long to tell her she was stepping on her turf.

Where had she gotten the idea that saying 'hello' meant she was there to cause trouble anyways? I mean, she probably was -- and would -- if it were not for her sore ribs and sprained leg; but since she wasn't it was a bit drastic to react of in such an exaggerate and defensive manner.

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RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - RIP Fox - November 28, 2014

"As far as I'm concerned this is free ground," the other spoke. Why would Fox give a damn what her concern was? She was an outsider, and as far as Fox was concerned, an enemy. It was only "free ground" in the sense that the other girl thought it was free ground. If Fox said it was hers, the other girl was welcome to defend it, but Fox had no intention of simply walking away with an, "Oh, my bad."

Back-talk was not something Fox tolerated, especially from a stranger so close to winter. Fox stared at the girl for half a second, then lifted her muzzle and called for @Peregrine. Two were better against one. She hoped he was close by. Once that was out of the way, Fox's lip curled and she rushed at the girl. With her jaws open, she aimed to clip the girl's shoulder. As long as she ran away, Fox wouldn't cause any damage. If she failed to run away, Fox would fight her, and Peregrine would hopefully be quick to her aid.

RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - Juno - December 05, 2014

that escalated quickly :o
i stumble and fall

Maybe it was because Juno lacked the etiquette to approch an Alpha, considring the closest thing to a pack she'd ever had was her two mothers and her siblings, or maybe it was just that there was an epidemy of 'stick-up your butt-itis' in the area and again, she had happened to come across the wrong wolf. But who gave a damn right?
Juno remained in the spot, waving her tail calmly while completely ignoring the fact that the overzealous female in front of her was about to jump her.

If it were not for the fact that the ruby woman took a second to call out for backup before making her move, Juno might've not noticed the strange fire in the other's eyes, which revealed the her real intentions. With a confused yelp, the girl took a step back, repelled by the sight of Fox's pink gums and sharp teeth. She didn't really understand what was it she had done now to provoke such a reaction but nothing came to mind. She hadn't even placed a single foot on the Caldera and she was already getting burned.

And then, just like that, the angry Alpha launched herself forward, her teeth threatening to clash against Juno's shoulder. "YO!" she yipped while using her all of the strenght in her body to pull herself away out of the female's route of collision. Though in her mind the perfect response to this would've been to gracefuully dodge the blow while still mantaining her poise, her bruised ribs and still sore ankle made it impossible to do so. While she did manage to avoid the female's sharp love bite (by an inch), she ended up away stumbling awkwardly onto her butt.

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RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - RIP Fox - December 06, 2014

RHC is a very territorial pack. ;)

Fox's teeth missed their mark, but she did not let that stop her. Nor did she bother to listen to the other girl's cry. Now that the stranger was down on her ass, Fox lunged at her once again. Since she had not taken the hint to get out, Fox was done being "nice." She no longer went for the shoulder, legs, or other less-threatening places. Instead, her jaws aimed for the idiot's throat. If she could manage to sink her teeth in, she would kill her. It would be this year's Darwin award if she managed to bleed the life from the lurker. And if not, Fox hoped this nimrod would at least take the hint and leave.

RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - Juno - December 13, 2014

taking this as an opportinity to pull Juno out of the game for a while :p thanks for all and sorry for pissing foxy fox off
last post
i stumble and fall

A look of pure terror stretched across the female's blue eyes as she watched the ruby red woman prepare to take another swing at her. She had known males to be irrational creatures fueled by rage but she had never met a female that could be as equally as beastly and primitive.
Didn't the word 'dialogue' meant anything to her?

She parted her mouth to yell something more but Fox's outstretched jaws made her swallow her words. She knew that her lithe frame and long legs could not pull her out of the collision course again so instead of trying to throw herself out of her way she too drew her lips back and braced herself for when their teeth clashed together.

The impact of the blow drew blood on Juno's gums, which flooded quickly into her mouth and stained her pearly daggers with layers of crimsom. She then pulled away, flicking her tongue over the injured flesh in her mouth but being thankful she had avoided Fox's jaws around her throat instead.
Then with a brusque movement of her paws, she turned away and shot off into the distance, not caring if the female followed or not.

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RE: baby i'm preying on you tonight - RIP Fox - December 16, 2014

Thanks for the thread!

A throaty growl erupted from Fox when they clashed, and she snarled savagely as her teeth met the other girl's gums. She was not in this to kill, only to get the other girl away as quickly as possible. Of course, if the other did not flee, she would have no choice but to fight her until she was dead, but that was not Fox's main intention. Death was not something she wished on many, and those she did wish it upon had rarely come into it.

In an instant, the female made way for more neutral territory, and Fox leapt after her for a few paces before she was satisfied that the trespasser would no longer be a threat to the caldera. Huffing, she licked her lips, the salty taste of blood on them. So long as they continued to fight off trespassers, Redhawk Caldera would remain safe and sound.