Wolf RPG
Two Eyes Cenote [ap] lavender haze - Printable Version

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[ap] lavender haze - Nefari - December 05, 2023

Muat-Riya thrummed with activity.

Nefari did what any noblewoman does best and chose to mingle, inserting herself in a prominent position at the feast table so delicately designed by Eset and their guest chef. With an heir of authority around her, she dined and nibbled delicacies and drank goblets of sweet-fermented liquid to her heart's content. There was nothing like food and a good party that lifted the spirits; truly, the obelisk was in her element. 

Once the familiar burn gave way to an addictive lightness, the coal-cloaked woman stumbled into the crowd and began swaying clumsily to the rhythm of hymns performed by Senmut, deel fluttering behind around her figure in blue and gold ribbons. While she looked for no face in particular, rosewater eyes scanned the hum of bodies for anyone to join her in dance.