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Two Eyes Cenote floral and fading - Printable Version

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floral and fading - Nefari - December 05, 2023

no rush, but I thought they should meet properly sometime!

Once the crowds had died down and the parties drew to a close, the obelisk had rested in her chambers for longer than she would have liked.

When morning dawned, she emerged to wash the sweat from her furs in one of Muat-Riya's many crystalline pools, thinking briefly of Naberious and moonlit encounter. In between sultry eyes and todays sun, a pharaoh had been crowned and a couple wed. So much had changed and somewhere within Nefari, things had begun to change too.

While wringing a sash, she noticed a tear in the hide - no doubt from the week of raucous celebrations. Immediately she thought to summon a servant to repair it swiftly, until another thought crossed her mind.

With garments carried on one coal-draped hip, Nefari walked the blue halls in search of the hebsut @Eset.

RE: floral and fading - Eset - December 05, 2023

Everything about Eset was faraway, but to her credit she’d been contending well enough with her tasks. She found if she fixated on her breaths she could hone her focus for a time.

If flaws were visible in her work, Eset had not been made aware. She knew how to forge a familiar face. She’d been doing it her whole life.

The hebsut had been scrubbing the slick blue surface of limestone when her breaths were joined by another.

“Good morning, Obelisk,” she stands to attention, spinning to greet the princess Nefari with a reverent bow.