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The Sunspire days get kind of lonely. - Printable Version

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days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - November 19, 2014

@Vienna :D?

There were many things that caused Summer heavy guilt from the time he'd been a foolish captive of his "medication". And while he had attacked Jace and had barely contributed to his pack's preparation for the cold Winter months that were quite nearly upon them, there was one action that stood above the others in his conscience. And that was his lack of action.

Summer approached the den where he knew Vienna had been healing with his head and tail slung low. In truth, he had been nearby for quite a while, but only now was he finally attempting to make his presence known to the injured girl. He could vaguely remember being told of the cougar attack, but so many of the past days were twisted into an endless blur that he couldn't even recall who it was that had told him. And so the note that came from his throat as he peered at the den was one fully of apology and concern, and of a request that he be allowed to visit.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - November 20, 2014

<3 gotta get this in my threadlog or I will lose it!

Vienna was stretched out in the back of the den, lying on her stomach as it was the only position that really kept her torn sides from dirt. She was being super careful about infection and made a mental note of the medicinal plants being used in the process. While she doubted she would ever have the concentration for a healer's trade, she intended to go out as soon as she was well enough and restock the stores as a thank you to her caregivers. That day couldn't come soon enough for the girl, as her sunny disposition was taking a bit of a hit. A couple of clouds drifting past, but enough to make her yearn for the freedom to explore the meadows and forests as she was so used to doing.

She wasn't sleeping when Summer came, but was watching the patterns of light dance across the den floor. The show went dark just before Summer announced his presence, and recognizing her friend Vienna gave a small one in return, inviting him in. She couldn't put her enthusiasm into a greeting so instead her tail swept across the den floor. She heard the apology in his tone but honestly she didn't expect much from the wolves of the Spire. They had much to do in readying for winter and protecting the territory, and she in no way wanted to burden them with keeping her company on top of that. She hadn't been feeling much like pleasant company anyway these past days.

"Summer! How are you?" She asked, shifting slightly so that she could look at him without raising her head. She felt so disconnected from what was going on with the pack cooped up in here.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - November 22, 2014

Summer couldn't believe the reception he received. There wasn't an ounce of resentment in her greeting, only joy and pleasure at his coming to see her. He shook his head in disbelief as she asked how he was doing. As though he were the one who'd been mauled by a vicious predator.

"I'm fine, but how are you doing?" Summer asked, hastily dismissing whatever concern she had for his well-being. "I hear you took on a cougar all on your own. You kicked its ass too, from what I've been told." He gave her a smile, accompanied by a gentle wag of his tail as he stepped in to lay down near to her.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - November 23, 2014

Vienna was glad her chin rested on her paws because if it hadn't she may have automatically shaken her head in response. Despite the pain sometimes it was hard to turn off reactions like that. "Hardly," she responded, remembering that moment with a shudder. "It got the jump on me, and I barely got away." She hadn't delivered a single hit. Her own fighting had never been much of a concern before. She had what her father taught her, which should be enough to defend herself. She couldn't help but feel that Wildheart Shadowsinger would have been quite disappointed with the way his daughter had acquitted herself.

"Has anyone else run across it?" Hopefully to take care of it, but she feared the answer a bit too. She knew Jace would go after it and though he could take care of himself she worried for him. This creature had presumably bested both she and Ferdie. Normally Vienna wasn't one to wish for the death of another creature but she knew her mind wouldn't be at ease until it happened. All she'd be able to think of was the weight of the thing when it dropped upon her and the horrible struggle that had followed.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - November 24, 2014

Vienna did not partake in the jesting tone Summer had attempted regarding her run-in with the cougar, which was not surprising. The event likely had been rather traumatizing for the poor girl. He knew well the eerie and foreboding feeling he'd had when he was only tracking the beast down. He couldn't imagine actually tangling with it as she had. He sank down onto his belly as she spoke, making himself comfortable for what he fully intended to be a long visit.

"No, not that I've heard," Summer replied, "I'm not sure if that is more fortunate for us or for it, as it is certainly now marked for death, particularly if Jace ever comes across it." ...or I... he added silently, knowing how foolish the words would sound coming from his mouth. He had grown into a impressive wolf, but was quite aware of how young he was still.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - November 24, 2014

It was lucky the den was large, and she appreciated it when he settled in, knowing it meant he wouldn't be leaving for a while. She might not have expected company but it was truly nice to have. Vienna wasn't really a solitary wolf and while she was fine on her own out where nature could keep her company, in here the loneliness was a bit stifling now that she was awake more often. She knew she'd be going stir crazy in a week or so.

"That's what I'm afraid of. I know he thought Ferdie an idiot for going after it alone, but if he gets angry enough... my brother can take care of himself, but that doesn't mean I don't worry." She breathed out gently, then smiled. Enough of that talk, she'd had enough time with darker thoughts and surely would in the time to come.

"I can't wait to help replenish some of the stores I've used. On the upside, this is helping me learn what to look for. First thing I'm doing when I get out of here is going for a long run!" She knew she was going to be out of shape for a while... she'd already dropped a bit of weight from being out of it as well as general lack of appetite.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - November 25, 2014

Summer shared her concern for Jace. He was a brave wolf, but not nearly as reckless as Ferdie had proven to be. Given the circumstances though, what with the cougar going after his own beloved sister... Well, had Summer any family, he knew without a doubt he too would likely shelf his better sense to put a stop to the demon.

Before he could address the issue, Vienna was pushing the conversation along to happier topics. Summer went with her easily, liking the idea of putting those dark thoughts behind them. He knew they were still present in both of their minds, but that didn't mean they needed to burden their time together with dwelling upon it.

"I'm pretty sure the stock will be replenished well before you can even lift a paw," Summer replied with a smile. He wasn't certain if she was referring to medicine or food, but in either case, he had faith that the pack would waste no time re-stocking while Vienna recovered. "It must be frustrating being stuck here," he said quietly, thinking on the time he himself had spent incarcerated while he sobered up not at all long ago.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - December 01, 2014

If Vienna's optimism brightened Summer's day, his did the exact same for her. She too had faith in their abilities but it didn't make her feel much better about being a drain on their resources. It would be a long while before she would be doing any major hunting, but as soon as she was able there were other ways she could help in the meantime. Herb gathering and fishing didn't take a ton of effort if done carefully and she was sure she'd be able to manage them.

"Definitely." She hadn't known about his own problems, and if she found out she'd likely feel an awful friend for missing it. She'd done so much exploring before the attack, even after she'd decided to stick closer to home. She had a wanderer's soul that got the better of her at times. "I was trying to map the area pretty well, but I suppose that might have to wait until spring." Winter wasn't the best time for exploration. "Have you done much exploring?" Perhaps they could compare notes

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - December 03, 2014

Summer was intrigued by her story about wanting to map the surrounding areas, but shook his head at her question. "No, I haven't," he said, not altogether dishonestly. He had traveled some, but not for adventure or to gain knowledge. His reasons for venturing away from the Spire were far more selfish. "Learning more about the surrounding territories," he started thoughtfully, "We definitely ought to do more of that, but you're right; Winter is not the time to do so. Not until we have to at least, gods forbid."

Summer wasn't certain what the Winter would hold for them, but he could not help but feel a tremor of trepidation whenever he pondered it.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - December 06, 2014

"Hopefully it won't be necessary." There was always the hope that their own territory would sustain them well enough through the long months. It was a rather unrealistic expectation of the mountain, but at least much of their prey was already used to cold and rough conditions. The large sheep that made the mountainsides their home and would be unlikely to move on anytime soon.

"I haven't found many good hunting locations. Mostly just herb and plant life. I know as we traveled Sumayl was looking for prey though." She wasn't sure what he had noted so far but if Summer wanted to ask it would be worth a shot. The closest she'd gotten was the meadow, but the rabbits there would hardly be worth the trip now. They needed larger options.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - December 07, 2014

Summer nodded his agreement. It wasn't too far fetched of a thought that the pack could sustain itself on their mountain alone. Theirs was a vast and diverse territory, full of life and resources. And they had each other--Vienna, Amekaze and Jace... To Summer, this was the Sunspire. There were those in the pack that the young wolf knew would also become one of their pack, but the four of them were at the pack's core. They had been their the longest, their bonds were the strongest, and to Summer, the Sunspire could not exist without them.

He kept his thoughts to himself, however, and merely gave his friend of gentle smile. "Mallaidh will be pleased," Summer replied, "Has she been the one caring for you? I know she's an aspiring healer." He probably could have used his nose to find out whether or not the quirky female had been there, but since Stevie can't remember whether or not that's the case, I'm gonna just go with this. He made a mental note of her mention of Sumayl, unable to help but to wonder where exactly this golden male had been when Vienna was attacked.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - December 08, 2014

Vienna made a gentle sound of agreement when asked if Mallaidh had been caring for her. The healer was a bit of a godsend to the pack as they had been lacking since Nightengale's disappearance months ago. Amekaze had knowledge, true, but it was not her primary job. Having a dedicated medic was something every pack needed in order to survive injury or illness. "She has. She's absolutely wonderful." Vienna responded, thinking back to their first meeting.

"Have we gotten any other new recruits?" She asked, suddenly wondering. With her limited range she couldn't really seek out such knowledge herself and had Mallaidh not run into her she doubted she would have known about her presence here either.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - December 10, 2014

Summer was pleased that Mallaidh had been helping his friend. He didn't know her well, but she'd given off a very good first impression. He had little doubt that she would prove to be a capable healer and a great asset to their pack, just as he'd told her when he'd met her. He began to reminisce about it when Vienna pulled him back by asking about any other new recruits. His mind immediately flickered to Tytonidae and he felt his chest flutter at the thought.

"Only one new recruit that I know of since Mallaidh," Summer replied slowly, unable to help but smile gently as he spoke, "A friend of mine actually. Her name is Tytonidae. She was a member of Blacktail Deer Plateau for a time, but her father left and her siblings and she weren't getting along, so she decided to come here." He was thankful for it too, although a part of him still felt wary that he would wake up one day and she'd be gone without a trace as had happened too many times in his short life.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - December 15, 2014

Vienna caught his smile as he told of this new recruit and it made her wonder. Happily so. She wasn't going to push, but she couldn't resist a little poke of fun. "A friend, huh?" Vienna might not dwell on such things for herself but that didn't mean she was completely oblivious. She knew how these things sometimes went.

Yet again a Plateau wolf, though a former one in this instance. "I'm sure she's great, I've enjoyed every wolf from her previous pack that I have met this far. They are a nice lot." Hopefully she would meet her soon enough. It was too bad family drama had sent her their way but she was sure the girl would have more luck here. If she was a friend of Summer's then she had to be a good fit.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - December 17, 2014

Summer peered at his friend, his interest piqued at hearing that she too knew wolves from the Plateau. He was not an outrider like her. He was a warden, and so the only wolves of other packs that he ever met were those who came to their borders seeking an audience.

"Who else do you know from the Plateau?" he asked, wondering if she by coincidence knew the sisters with whom Ty was feuding. He wanted to know more about them, in particular how he could find them and convince them to make amends with their still suffering sister.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - December 22, 2014

Vienna thought back on his question, remembering the four encounters. Luckily for him she was a fair hand at faces and names. There may even have been more , but currently, only four stood out in her mind. She had always held a good memory, for what was the use of collecting life experiences if you could not remember them or who they happened to?

"There was Amelie, Junior, Finn, and Finley. All great! The first two were a long time ago, right when I first joined." Finn and Finley (wow similar names) had both been somewhat recent. She wondered if Summer knew any of those names and had news of what they were up to now. She'd always wanted to stop by the place but never done so.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - December 28, 2014

Summer listened intently as Vienna listed the wolves she knew at the Plateau. As expected, one of those was one of Tytonidae's sisters. He knew nothing about Junior except that she was a bold and cruel girl. Of course, he took these opinions of her with a grain of salt, knowing very well that the source of these opinions came from someone who was not very fond of her. He knew that there must have been some truth in Ty's words though. Maybe it was intuition, or maybe the boy was just so fully devoted to the young Redleaf-Disarinno.

"Junior is one of Ty's sisters," Summer replied after a moment, "One of the ones she's upset with. What did you make of her? Ty hasn't painted the greatest picture." He canted his head, curiosity evident upon his features.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - January 03, 2015

It had been so long ago, but she still remembered the encounter. It had been one of her first outrider excursions, and Junior had been her introduction to the wolves of the Plateau. "She was great, super nice and another fellow outrider. But a lot can happen in so many months."

She frowned. "That must have been hard, leaving behind your home and family because of a falling out like that. Is she alright?" If Vienna could help she wanted to. Summer had been a good friend to her and if his friend was having trouble, she'd do what she could.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - January 03, 2015

Summer listened quietly to Vienna's description of Junior. It made more sense for such a sweet and kind-hearted girl like Ty to have a similarly amicable sister, even though that was not the one she had described. He nodded with a small frown, agreeing with his friend as it seemed that a lot had indeed changed since she and Junior had met if both girls were to be believed.

Vienna's next question brought a pained smile to his face. If there was anyone he could count on to be so astute and so kind, it was definitely the songbird. "She is not the joyful, contented wolf that came to out borders when I first met her," he admitted, "But she will be again in time. She's promised that being here with us is what she truly wants, although she admits that she isn't really ready to fully integrate with everyone. I think time and patience is the only remedy for her at this point."

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - January 04, 2015

I apologize in advance, fireball was very involved in this post :P

Vienna understood the girl's sorrows, losing ones family in such a way had to be difficult. She had had a hard time departing her own home and she had left on amicable terms. To leave angry... She couldn't think of it.

"She is lucky she has a friend like you." She replied sincerely. She was a bit sorry she would likely not meet this Ty anytime soon, but she understood. If time was needed she would give it gladly. "I'm sure she will fit right in as soon as she is ready. The spire tends to welcome with open arms, despite first appearances." She liked to think that they were an accommodating pack despite the inhospitable look to their land.

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Summer Ostrega - January 14, 2015

I have neglected poor Summer so badly the past couple weeks D: Wanna wrap this one up and have another?

Summer too was disappointed that his packmates would not get to meet Ty for a while. Little did he realize just how long of a while it would really be before the girl came out of her shell and finally decided to integrate herself with the rest of them. At the same time, he was somewhat pleased with the prospect of getting her all to himself for a little while. He wanted nothing more than to protect her and to make her feel at ease. With him being the only one she interacted with, it would be that much easier for him to control her experiences to make sure that they were all pleasant, so that no harm would ever come to her. I think we have the makings of a super control freak on our hands here.

The young wolf nodded his agreement to Vienna's statement. Their pack had always been welcoming to others, even when they shouldn't be (in Summer's own personal opinion anyway; Fang would always be a sore memory for the boy). "Are you hungry at all?" he asked after the conversation had settled, "I might go grab something out of a nearby cache. Want me to bring something back for you? We can have lunch together?"

RE: days get kind of lonely. - Vienna IA - January 14, 2015

yes please! I don't care who starts, I will later if you don't get to it first <3

She wasn't hungry in the least, the thought of food not at all appealing (and a little nauseating), but she nodded. "Just something small. Thanks!" Perhaps when it was in front of her her stomach would fall in line. If not, she'd at least give it a try.

Besides, she wasn't about to pass up an offer of extended company. She craved more conversation. With a deep breath she watched the entrance, waiting patiently for him to reappear with the foodstuffs.