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Redtail Rise the literary life of thingum bob, esq. - Printable Version

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the literary life of thingum bob, esq. - Avicus - December 14, 2023

where've you been? she demands, once she has stumbled upon @Tulimaq and the two are on their own. her ruddy brows are furrowed, face set nearly in a snarl.

does he know that he's fathered one of the elder girls upon the Rise? for Relic is Prophet's—no doubt by the eyes—but Masque or Redd is his.

does he know his absence had been keenly felt?

suddenly relishing a spar, Avicus lunges toward the man, teeth bared and muscles quivering, ready to pounce. so be it, if her frustrations manifest themselves in this way.

he'd better be ready.

RE: the literary life of thingum bob, esq. - Tulimaq - December 17, 2023

Avicus found him quickly enough.

Her question was expected; her aggression more so, although there was a playfulness almost, something Tulimaq parried carefully.

I was called away, to my savaktuk. It would not be enough of an answer. It required too much further explanation. He lunged after her shoulder and cuffed it with teeth, glancing.

I was training hunters, warriors. Unsuccessfully. Only because of his nephew.

RE: the literary life of thingum bob, esq. - Avicus - December 29, 2023

'pparenh'ly, she spits, countering his blows with a snakelike twist of her body, snarling. her eyes flash his way, tail lashing. why nohh' come backh? she demands.

he looks okay. as well as she'd ever known him. nothing so much the wear.

she wonders why he'd been gone for so long.

they could have used him, desperately.

RE: the literary life of thingum bob, esq. - Tulimaq - January 02, 2024

She countered and he snapped, still being careful and showing signs it was in play and not serious; and she asked her question, earning a scowl from him.

I was injured. That was the truth.

I had a number of young hunters I was training, and then recruited my nephew. He ruined things. Tulimaq did not want to go in to detail about it; but he turned his head to show his bad eye, and then like a shark he adjusted with a flowing step to show his other side, and the various scars.

He did not agree with my methods and we fought. I recovered and returned when I could.

RE: the literary life of thingum bob, esq. - Avicus - January 03, 2024

despite herself, she relaxes and snorts with wry laughter at the mention of his nephew, backing off a tad. me, 'hhoo, she remarks, thinking of recalcitrant Atreus and traitorous Ancelin.

she knows all too well.

we neededh you, Avicus says baldly, but adds, gladh you are backh.

she darts forward to seize him by the scruff of the neck, hoping to relish in the capture of the warrior, the mastery of one once under her banner and now hers to control again.

Tulimaq, back. 

for good? time will tell.