Wolf RPG
Dawn Treader Valley I was born for this - Printable Version

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I was born for this - Sari - December 27, 2023

This was the farthest S'ari had ever gone in the Lowlands, she was fairly certain. She did not remember ever coming to this place, and was, in fact, wondering if she was still in the desert at all. This place was greener than anywhere else she'd seen--though some of the green was also dead, since it was winter. Oak trees were not native here. Perhaps she had reached the edge of the Lowlands.

She lay now, exhausted, in the grass. She had pushed herself to go farther than she had before. She needed to get her strength back and she was tired of laying around the Ravine. But now she was tired and sore and wanted to nap here before returning home.

RE: I was born for this - Haizel - January 09, 2024

At least here was even remotely close to home.

But lost doth the gardener of Akashingo gets once again. He didn't mind, and he always seemed to find his way home, in time. Today he found himself in the lowlands.

The heat wasn't even unknown to him anymore. It hugged him like an old friend. 

And... what do you know? New friends! Or rather, a new friend, who did not look particularly like a wolf, but nonetheless he wanted to befriend. 

Hi! I'm Haizel! Do you like flowers?

RE: I was born for this - Sari - January 13, 2024

S'ari, who had been dozing, opened one eye and peered at the wolf in a very cat-like way, as if she were uninterested. Flowers, she repeated, not even deigning to raise her head. S'ari likes flowers well enough, although they are a rarity in the desert, yes? The blossoms that bloom around oases can be quite beautiful, but the farther one roams away from water, the less and less one will find.