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Redhawk Caldera be the chief but never the lord - Printable Version

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be the chief but never the lord - Theseus - November 20, 2014

@Fitzdutiful if you have time :)

His younger brother had always wondered if the rain were the gods peeing from the heavens, and their parents always scolded him, telling him to apologize to the sacred beings and hopefully he would not be hit by lightning. Hujiang had never really believed in their gods, but he respected them all the same and now, a small part of him wondered what the rain really was. Pee or just gods cursing them, or just simple Mother Nature's work. It was raining now, but it was not strong and a slight drizzle was not going to stop him from adventuring around these new lands.

So the wolf of the seas shook his pelt and looked around from underneath a tree, sniffing the air once, he moved into the open and blinked the water out of his eyes. It was always a good day to go adventuring, even if the storm lords were sending waves of water over to destroy the land. But that hopefully wasn't going to happen anytime soon. Hujiang did not want to waste so much time in his life debating with the gods, that is, if they even existed.

RE: be the chief but never the lord - FitzDutiful - November 21, 2014

Fitz had one goal, on this drizzly rainy day, to meet more of his pack members. Luck and fortune had brought him upon Elwood not too long ago, but Fitz knew that if he wanted to make it to the top he had to work hard. So it was that the day brought Fitz actively seeking out wolves, so when he caught upon the scent of the newest member he urgently made his way there.

Ever since the forgotten name incident with Elwood, too, FitzDutiful had done his best to memorise the names of the wolves that joined since so when he met them he would know who they were. He wouldn't expect the same but hopefully this too would show Peregrine and Fox that he was worth of a top spot in the pack.

"Theseus, am I correct?" he queried as he neared the brown-silver wolf. This was the name Peregrine had sent up but who knew if Fitz had recalled it correctly. Hope was all he had.

RE: be the chief but never the lord - Theseus - November 30, 2014

"Theseus, am I correct?" fierce aqua eyes zoomed in on the light gray wolf as the words slipped out from his jaws. A bright smile slipped onto his face, though it seemed more likely to be a playful smirk. "Thats my English alias, but Lionheart or Lionclaw is also fine." he tilted his head slightly, a questioning look in his clear eyes. This wolf seemed to be a veteran of Redhawk Caldera, just by his stance and his aura. Hujiang had a knack of understanding and knowing wolves just by looking at them, it had taken time to train the skill to (almost) perfection and it had proved useful on his travels. Though they were not always right, in fact sometimes it went drastically wrong and nearly got him killed. But nevermind.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours. Hardly seems fair, right?" his tone was playful and if this man was smart enough, he would understand that this was a question about his name. You couldn't be friends with someone when only one wolf knew the other wolf's name, could you? He highly doubted it. And Theseus was a master at making friends. Not. Sometimes, the sarcastic boy fought his 'friends' and some of them died, but only because they were traitors. It was fair?

RE: be the chief but never the lord - FitzDutiful - December 01, 2014

Theseus acknowledged that he was the aforementioned wolf and playfully inquired about FitzDutiful's name. "Of course," was the reply with a hint of humour in his voice, "But life isn't always fair." He held off mentioning his name for a few seconds, almost as if he was debating whether to actually say it or not before chuckling and appending his name to his words. "It's FitzDutiful, pack counsellor at your service."

It was a proud day when Fitz had earned his counsellor stripes. It had been a long time coming but he had worked hard for it and this was the first time he had mentioned to another wolf that he held this title. The fact that he was the only wolf in the pack at the moment that actually held this title was another source of joy for him. A unique aspect to his character. "What do you mean by English alias?" FitzDutiful enquired. It confused him as to why anyone would walk around introducing themselves with an alias instead of just their name.

RE: be the chief but never the lord - Theseus - December 10, 2014

"But life isn't always fair." Theseus threw his head back and laughed softly, "True. Nice to meet your FitzDutiful," he replied and bowed playfully. So he was a counselor, nice, the chinese doubted he would ever be able to be a counselor. After all, he'll end up telling them that fighting someone would help get the energy and hatred out of their veins, or assassinating someone, or doing something violent. There was no need to have a maniac running around the Caldera, only those like himself who have an incredible amount of self control could hold so much angry raging blood inside them.

"I'm Chinese," Hujiang replied, like thats going to make any sense he thought to himself. "My name is 龍天海, its hard to pronounce for wolves of these parts, so I prefer to use my English alias." the corner of his lips tugged upwards. "Your a counselor, eh? Congrats on earning a trade." He himself was going for warrior, warden and maybe healer or caretaker.

RE: be the chief but never the lord - FitzDutiful - December 24, 2014

FitzDutiful nodded, "Thank you. I worked pretty hard for it. It took time, always does when a trade is reliant upon other wolves instead of just yourself."

He was about to ask how a Chinese wolf had reached American shores when a howl went up. Something was happening. With an apologetic glance, FitzDutiful raced away towards the sound and hoped to catch Theseus another day.