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Hoshor Plains To Still Hear the Sea - Printable Version

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To Still Hear the Sea - Heph - January 06, 2024

@Raindrop & backdated to sometime after the hunt and healers

Heph rested near the healing area, clear of them so that they had space to work. Her mind had cleared enough to feel the pain again but she refused to think long on the consequences of her blunder during the hunt. Would Rodyn trust her less? Would Phox think less of her? Would she be able to travel as she had before? A sigh and she looked out onto the bison. She had not stayed to see how much meat and furs had been gathered, and yet she knew that it had been a rich hunt. Bison had at least as much meat on them as moose and sometimes more.

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Raindrop - January 06, 2024

Raindrop had chose to get away from all the craziness post hunt, to rest, as hunting was a lot of work, let the others do most of the heavy lifting, the skinning, etc, so she made her way to the healing area. It was quiet, she could think clearly and take in what all happened. Truthfully, she enjoyed every bit of the teamwork that came with hunting, the feeling of being part of something. Perhaps this was a start of something big, getting to a new place in her life.

As she arrived in the area, she spotted a dark she-wolf. She thought for a moment and realized this must be Heph, the woman who was knocked down by the old cow. She approached slowly, a smile and her tail swaying to say: I’m friendly.  She laid down across from her, “Hello, you must be Heph. I’m Raindrop, and it’s a pleasure to meet you. How are you healing?”

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Heph - January 06, 2024

When the wolf approached with a wag of her tail Heph returned with a thumping of her own against the ground. She was partially laid out to both alleviate any leftover pain as well as give herself a chance to be off her paws as the rest of the effects of the painkillers faded. But her mind was clear enough and she smiled widely. "Yes, I remember you ran well the pleasure's all mine!" Her voice was warm when she spoke of her injuries despite her trepidation. "The healers who came are seocnd to none so I have no complaints." Though she knew she would come to resent her restricted movement she could not lay blame on it for anyone except herself and was grateful to have so many skilled medics willing to help.

Curious as to how the other wolf had found the large meeting, both personally and as a member of the pack that technically hosted the event she asked. "Have you enjoyed the gathering?" Perhaps they would do it next year, her mind spiraled ambitiously to extend the invitation to more packs but she did not think too long or too hard on things that might not come to pass. The pelts were not all skinned and the meat not all accounted for so who knew if it was profitable enough a venture for the packs to decide to gather again?

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Raindrop - January 07, 2024

The woman returned her friendly nature, and it made Raindrop smile to know that someone had recognized her for what she’d done. She thanked Heph, “Thank you.” And continued on, “I certainly have. It gave me a feeling of belonging.” Ever since she’d been abandoned in this land, she’d had to fend for herself, aside from the few wolves who befriended her and helped her out. She wondered then if Heph was curious where she had come from. She decided it wouldn’t hurt to tell her, she would just be one of the few wolves who knew. “In case you’re wondering,” she began, “I’m a loner. I was taken from my birth pack almost a year ago. Before the hunt, I met Valiant and he brought me to Moonsong for this reason, which was something I couldn't refuse.“

Hopefully the kind woman would take her honesty well, and perhaps she will be able to provide Raindrop more help in finding her way.

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Heph - January 07, 2024

Heph smiled she was glad that the wolf had found camaraderie in the hunt. While not all the wolves had known each other well she felt that they had made a strong team and worked together. "I'm glad, it's no small thing for a wolf." Hunting in a pack, hunting in a group was instinctual as much as it was taught and she knew that was one of the things she had missed whens he was a loner.

At the mention of the other wolf's pack a slight frown dusted her features. "I'm sorry to hear that, being a loner is hard as is coming to a new place. I can't say I know what it's like to be stolen from my home but I wasn't born here in the wilds either." She offered, sympathetically. For Heph, growing up cradled and cared for she had taken it for granted so much so that when she had set off to fend for herself she had not worried about not having ties. And then she had been lucky enough to find fast friends once she had reached the wilds.

Raindrop's words though, an offer that could not be refused, Heph understood survival and she spoke, not unkindly openly. "Moonsong is a good pack, village. But now that you have been here and others know your face you have many choices. Do you seek somewhere different?" She asked voice tilting up. Ariadne had been kind and hospitable to her when she had visited, and had worked diligently even with a broken leg to found her pack so Heph had little doubts about her abilities to build a strong pack. But after all wolves were wolves and there were many reasons that someone might seek out other groups.

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Raindrop - January 07, 2024

She nodded in agreement to Heph’s statement. Indeed, hunting and being part of a pack, or group, was almost vital to a wolf is being. Instead of replying promptly, continued to listen. A frown appeared, ever so slight, on the woman’s face, and Raindrop accepted her sympathy: “Thank you. If anything, this past year has given me many chance to move on in life.”

The woman thought for another moment, then spoke to her once more, about Moonsong, her choices in potential homes, and if she’d thought of being elsewhere. Raindrop herself thought about this, and she remember back to when she first arrived, and how much she loved the coast. “I love the coast, the closeness to the sea. What pack would be on the edges of the coast?” 

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Heph - January 08, 2024

Heph smiled her gaze going slightly distant as she thought back to the sea, and to the place she now called home. "The sea does tend to draw us back, Rodyn's pack, the one I call home, Moontide makes is by the coast on a plateau." And she wondered if Raindrop had no objection to the family of the Moon packs if she would choose there simply for a familiar place and bonds.

But there were other packs as well that might suit her if she wished to settle there and she spoke warmly of them all. "There is also Sapphique if you follow the coast east, from our hunting group @Mireille is of that pack and they are full of fine hunters and many women. And a pack called Sweetharbor on an island. They have suffered recently and did not come. And a foundling pack by a wolf called @Barbatos though I do not know if they have decided to go elsewhere." Her voice went slightly unsure at the mention of willowkeep as though the sequoias gifted to Moontide by the other wolf had begun to take root she had not heard nor smelled signs of them nearby.

"What do you seek in a pack?" She asked, loyalty was important but there were other things a wolf might wish for in a community. ANd of course if they did not suit on a personal level one might always seek new waters.

tags for ref!

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Raindrop - January 08, 2024

The woman with Raindrop smile, and had a distant look about her when she spoke of her pack. Moontide, she called it. On a plateau along the coast, when she tried to imagine this place, it seemed possibly what she would be looking for. “Moontide.” She repeated, “The location must be beautiful.”

Heph then went on about two other packs, and a blossoming one. One up east, higher up along the coast, one on an island, and the other with an unknown current location. Sapphique sounded interesting, but didn’t seem to spark any feeling, but being born and raised on the west coast, it tugged at her heartstrings. 

She spoke, at first with a small frown at the mention of the Island’s losses, “I hope they heal.” She said, then moved on to the packs mentioned. “I suppose I have many options, but, I would love to learn more of your MoonTide. I almost feel drawn to the west, if that makes any sense.” she chuckled, and the took on a more serious look when asked: What does she seek in a pack? 

She thought for a few moments, her brows furrowing slightly: “A closeness and familiar feel. A pack who has each others backs, and have close ties to one another. I suppose being without a family, or any close relations, I feel like something’s missing.” And this made sense, as wolves naturally live their lives with family, doing everything together. Lone wolves did not have this, therefore lacking strength in numbers, and overall happiness.

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Heph - January 08, 2024

Heph nodded, happy to share a description. "It is, at the edge of the plateau you can see so far out onto the horizon and storms coming from miles and miles away." So when she stood at the edge of the territory she never felt trapped, able to see horizons for miles and miles around, so much ground to cover and travel.

She weighed the words of Raindrop and considered what she wished in a pack and then offered her own insights. "@Rodyn and his wife, though she has passed, founded it. Rodyn was one of my first friends when I came to the wilds and I was quite set on never settling down but when he invited me to Moontide he told me that they would welcome my skills whatever they were, even if they were to wander far and I came as a trader to help establish ties with other packs." There was a slight laughter in her words when she spoke more of herself. "I suppose Moontide has never felt much like my family if only because though they loved me they always wanted me to be different than I was and Moontide has always accepted whatever I would bring to them." But she added, voice full of surety for Heph did not doubt in her pack. "But it is a warm place."

Realizing she had rambled on for some time she spoke warmly, and as she regaled the other wolf about those she might meet at Moontide's borders there was laughter and good natured teasing there as well. "You are welcome to visit or stay anytime, come find us on the coast and I'll give you a tour and you can meet more of us. Rodyn's children. And @Matteo you saw at the hunt and @Raiyuk is here and @Rodyn. There is a wolf named @Iseul who also comes from far away and is stronger than you or I likely, a young mother named @Marina with great wit and wisdom for her years, and a charming one named @Chakliux who may tempt you to his lodge or to hunt with him. And if you come before winter's end @Phox from our hunt and @Towhee who are both kind and solid people."

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Raindrop - January 08, 2024

Heph had so much to say, and Raindrop enjoyed every word spoken. She spoke of herself, how she came to Moontide, their kindness, and welcoming spirit. When Heph mentioned she had been set on not settling, it reminded Raindrop of herself a little. If Moontide was as wonderful as Heph spoke it to be, then Heph made a wonderful representation. An advocate per se. The location sounded as beautiful as Raindrop imagined it, making her more eager to travel there.

Raindrop felt a feeling deep down, something flaring inside her as Heph continued to speak of the wolves who also call MoonTide their home. Rodyn, the founder and widow, Matteo, the young lad who she had Indeed shared a hunting group with, she hadn’t met the one named Raiyuk yet. There were others, Phox, of whom was also in their hunting group, a mother, Marina, Iseul, and a man named Chakliux. Tempt her? Being two years old, and taught by her mother and instinct, she could imagine what that may have meant. The last name, Towhee. Raindrop hadn’t met this soul either, but she didn’t doubt Heph’s descriptions of each individual.

After she took in, or at least tried, all those names, she finally replied: “Wow.” She laughed lightly, a wide smile on her face, “That’s a lot of names. But thank you for taking the time to share your life and pack with me.” Heph’s kindness was truly taken with appreciation, her openness and honesty. “And you. Thank you for giving me a feel of being welcomed.” “And as for touring the territory, I would love that. It’s about time for me to feel the ocean air.”

Excited to see where this thread takes her, and what doors it opens. :D Again, thank you for threading. :) 

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Heph - January 09, 2024

"Anytime I look forward to your visit then!" She was glad that her words on Moontide had been well received, not immune to feeling proud of her home nor when others seemed to also appreciate its beauty and strengths. Leaning back Heph would be willing to speak casually, recounting the hunt, or any other gossip that came of so many wolves in close quarters with each other. But she would not keep the other wolf long for her own injuries meant she desired rest and there was still plenty to see or do or seek out should the other wolf wish.

anytime this is fun Heph loves talking about her home! I'm good to fade here or keep going whatever you feel would be natural for Raindrop :D

RE: To Still Hear the Sea - Raindrop - January 09, 2024

“I as well.” She said in reply, and stood to go, “Thank you for your time, Heph. And I’m sure I will see you again soon.” As much fun as she’d had chatting, she thought it would be best to take this chance and seek out others who come from Moontide. Making connections early on never hurt, may just make joining easier. “I wish for you a quick recovery.” She spoke one last time, followed with a bow of her head. She then turned and strode off. 

I think a fade will work. She’ll just be hanging around until she finds a good time to go to Moontide’s territory.