Wolf RPG
Wheeling Gull Isle All that remains - Printable Version

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All that remains - Malakai - January 06, 2024

Malakai's family had not returned, even as time and ache faded away. 

Simeon who had come and had repent, now scent had long faded. It was maybe that the brother had found his peace with what happened here and so returned to his other siblings and mother. Kai noticed, yet did not pursue. 

Kaamos' scent had faded away too. She had hunted with the trio, helping to keep the group fed and well. A new woman. A new man, replacing the parents lost to the boy. 

Now, now Malakai felt only he and @Nakano remained. If there were another, he was unaware. Still, Malakai searched for Judah (@Rilke).