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Blacktail Deer Plateau It's with sadness I greet the day - Printable Version

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It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - November 21, 2014

Blue had made it home just as the morning sun touched the sky, it had taken her a few days to find Finley, and then still make her way to the Caldera. Which had ended badly, and she sort of regretted going, she should have sent Koda anyway, with the correct instructions and how to apply any herbal remedies. She crossed the borders of home and then promptly found the nearest tree and lay down curling her tail tightly around her nose.

She let the sobs that she had been biting back take over and she cried into the black fur of her tail. She gently fell asleep crying, with drying tear tracks making rivulets in her fur.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - November 21, 2014

Dante knew that Blue Willow had gone to find Finley, so when he caught traces of her return he immediately sought her out. It was not hard to find her, for she hadn't gotten far. When he saw her lying beneath a tree he immediately knew something was wrong, and his stomach dropped.

"Blue?" He queried gently, not sure whether he should disturb her but worried. What had happened?

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - November 21, 2014

Blue lifted her head before sleep had settle at her name on another's lips. She tilted her head and rubbed her muzzle across her leg. Hello Dante. She shifted and lifted her head the rest of the way up. She did not sit up though preferring to just lay there while she spoke, as tired as she was.

I found Finley I helped her to the borders and then I saw Peregrine. He was being rather mean and selfish I suppose and I yelled at him. I really really yelled at him and then I told him about Junior and that it was his fault. I didn't mean to it just sort of slipped out. Then he told me that he would just cut all ties to the plateau, that he had ruined everyone and basically that he was going to run away from his problems and hurt us all even more. I'm sorry I should not have gone there as hormonal as I am. She bowed her head feeling rather bad about the whole thing, but also happy to get it off of her chest.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - November 23, 2014

Dante listened quietly as she spoke, ears tipping back as he heard it was Peregrine who had upset her. There seemed to be a lot of hurt going both ways now. He wasn't sure how he felt about Blue Willow telling Peregrine about Junior. If the girl found out then she may not trust any of them again, and if she felt that she couldn't talk to them about such things the results could be terrible. However, another small part of him was glad that the father knew why he had done what he did. It made him more sure that Peregrine would respect his decision and follow through on it.

"He probably just needs some time as well. Imagine hearif such news, of course an extreme reaction would be his first response. Hopefully all of this shitty situation will blow over at some point." He didn't have much hope for it, but it was what he intently wished. "You have nothing to apologize to me for, though Junior... I hate to see her reaction to this development." He looked at her sympathetically. He had an idea that she felt terrible about the conversation as she wasn't the type to enjoy upsetting anyone. "Will you tell her?"

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - November 23, 2014

Blue had not meant to hurt Peregrine, she had inherently went there with good intentions. She had wanted to simply take care of Finley and apologize for Junior's outburst. Blue knew she may have lost Junior's favor, perhaps even her trust, but she hadn't meant to tell her father, really she hadn't it had just sort of slipped out. It had been in the heat of the moment when a lot of mean things were said, both by blue and Peregrine, but in this aspect mostly blue.

Blue shook her head No he is stubborn, I can almost guarantee he will write us all off and ignore our existence. She sighed heavily, imagine losing your best friend in such a terrible, hurtful way. Blue nodded I will tell her though I honestly don't know if I can have another verbal battler right now. I very well may lose the children to stress if I do or get sick myself. She frowned hating to admit that she was not capable of telling the truth to someone. I will be able to tell her in a day or two, but not right this instance. I have to work through my own feelings.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - November 24, 2014

"I guess there isn't much we can do but hope he comes around." Dante wished he had better, more optimistic words to give but when it came down to it the rest was up to Peregrine. Dante in no way had wished their ties completely severed, but if that was what Perry wanted, there was nothing they could do.

"Take whatever time you need. We don't want that." He was already concerned for her, that she was taking on far too much. There was that much in Peregrine's decision... It meant Blue wouldn't be taking that long journey anytime soon. She should not be in Dante's opinion, though again he did not have the knowledge she did. He would offer to talk to Junior for her, but this was something the girl really needed to hear from Blue herself. Dante felt a mediated transfer of the news would be even worse recieved and the girl wasn't his biggest fan right now.

"Finley made it safely, then?" He asked, turning the conversation to the happier side of the trip. "You were able to explain that it was not our wish that she be sent away?"

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - November 26, 2014

Blue sighed No there really isn't. Personally I think both he and Junior are acting childishly. She gets that honestly clearly. Blue sniffed hard and tilted her head away from Dante, quickly wiping her face with her leg fur.

Blue got to her feet swiftly I won't take more than a day. The sooner I tell her, the sooner it is over with and the sooner we both can heal from it. If we can ever heal from it. I too acted childishly and should not have done so. I find though that my emotions are rather crazy lately. She frowned she had known there would be hormonal changes, but this, this was off the charts. She was as if a completely different person and it bothered her to a large degree.

Blue smiled Yes she did and she expressed her gratitude and thanked us for all we have done. I imagine she will be back to chasing bears in a week or two.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - December 04, 2014

Thinking of the family resemblance gave Dante a smile, albeit a little one. He agreed that the sooner the better. To wait might make it appear as though they were trying to hide it and that was never a good thing. Somehow he doubted Junior would take the news with any sort of grace. He appreciated her fire as equally as he rued it.

"Some good news! I am glad. I'm sure Perry and Fox are elated to have her home." .. And away from them, no doubt. He wondered briefly if Finn had seen Finley while she was here, and even moreso, how he was dealing with her abrupt departure. Perhaps a conversation was in order. He also wondered if the explanation had changed Perry's mind. He doubted it, nor would he find out anytime soon. For he was not to go there and Perry was not to come here. It would have been funny if it wasn't so upsetting.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - December 06, 2014

Blue would seek out Junior in the next day. Though she imagined she probably would find her tonight and get it over with. Like taking off a band aid quickly so it only hurt for a second, then slowly dulled.

Blue nodded They were indeed glad to have her home. She grew quiet she didn't really know how fox felt and truthfully didn't want too. She didn't want to know how the red furred one felt about much of anything at least not right now, she was too hormonal to be able to handle it well.

She frowned and spoke softly I believe it's safe to say that Peregrine is no longer mad at us, but rather loathes himself. That was apparent. He also will probably not come back, he made that clear to even visit and if we were to come there he would not meet us. He has decided that everyone is better off without him in their lives and nothing I could say would change his mind. Though I did promise that after the children were born he would have to deal with me at his borders because he is acting like a fool.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - December 13, 2014

Her words brought a spark of amusement when he imagined Blue telling Perry that he was being an idiot. He could see and hear it clearly, she had likely even used that exact wording. She and Perry were so opposite, it made him wonder (as he had often done) how their friendship had started. "I am glad, though I hope that won't be necessary. By the time your pups are old enough to travel that far I hope everything is calmed down enough that Peregrine could have already come to see them here. Wishful thinking I guess." As he had told Peregrine, he did not want the ban to last forever. Just long enough to let some wounds heal.

Dante himself no longer felt any ill will towards Peregrine, or even Fox. Had the two told he and Blue beforehand, given them a heads up and time to transition into leadership, and not left without even a proper farewell to the pack (despite the circumstances, he felt a couple hours of Peregrine's time would have hurt no one), he might have been at least on board with if not elated about their move. He understood completely the needs to start over and change scenes. It was only the misfortune of the situations initial handling that left Dante in charge of picking up the pieces now.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - December 13, 2014

Blue was ashamed and loathe to admit that she had lost her temper with Peregrine very badly. Frankly though he was acting like a child, he should have respected that they had made their decision for good reasons. Instead he had questioned them and harangued them until Blue had finally had her fill. Yes she could have been calmer and easier with the words. She also could have not went there, but she had wanted to make sure Finley was okay. Make sure that she got home okay, because regardless of how any of them thought of her, they were part of her now extended family.

Blue sighed and shifted her weight and straightened out her back stretching gently to ease the ache in her muscles. I am sorry Dante I hadn't meant to lose my temper, perhaps though a part of me wanted him to know. To take responsibility. Anyway, how are you doing my friend?

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - December 23, 2014

Dante shook his head. "I need no apology, and a part of me is glad as well. I only hope it doesn't make things worse." Little did he know they would never get the chance to find out, for Junior would disappear before Blue could apologize. He was indeed glad that Peregrine perhaps knew what his choices had wrought. He couldn't have known that the results would be so severe, but when he came and did not seek to even acknowledge his children or say goodbye, he had to expect some fallout.

"I am well enough. It seems that worries advance with the season, but I am sure that all will work out fine." He knew also that many of his worries were slightly far fetched, but Dante tended to look at all ways things could go wrong. Better to be prepared than naive. He supposed that made him a bit of a pessimist.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - December 24, 2014

Blue grimaced, she was fairly certain she had made things worse and even had lost her best friend perhaps, which absolutely stunk. But well Perry couldn't go through life burning bridges left and right even if his children were on their own. It wasn't fair at all, and in a way he had replaced them hadn't he. Replaced them all with the furry little vixen and their brood? Perhaps she was becoming bitter as she aged, but she really couldn't abide some of the things that Perry and Fox were doing and it filled her with distaste.

Blue chuckled Oh Dante, that is what makes you a good leader. You cover all your bases all of them.It was good to be prepared at least Blue felt that it was a good thing.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Dante RIP - December 31, 2014

wrap this one? ^^
Dante gave her a smile. He was certain his life would be easier if he did not, but he did not either feel like it was a bad way to be. "Thanks Blue. That means a lot from you." It really did. To hear that he was a good leader from one who not only respected highly but would have followed had she chosen to take it... High praise indeed. He might not completely need validation, being confident enough in himself to manage, but that didn't mean it wasn't nice to hear.

"You are a good friend, and a fantastic second." He returned. If she wished, he would love to catch up on affairs outside of Peregrine drama, but if not he could continue about his business. He had nothing terribly pressing and could spend some time conversing with a friend, but he wasn't sure if she wanted some time alone with her thoughts. He'd let her lead the rest of the encounter.

RE: It's with sadness I greet the day - Blue Willow - December 31, 2014

Blue smiled, she didn't quite understand why so many revered her in a way. Even Peregrine had always told her she was too good at this or that, that she was more deserving than most. She was merely who she was, and she did not understand fully how this was special, when it had been how she always was. She did however take the compliments with grace, and dipped her muzzle down gently You are welcome my friend.

It was her turn to smile and take a compliment, thank you! She wondered of what else she could say, there was not much to say, as not much had happened as of yet. Junior was still here, though hidden in her sulkiness and she did wonder at Ty, but she had not known ty very well, actually having never conversed with the child since she was small. But she was more than willing to pass the time. Would you fancy a walk with a pregnant she wolf? I would like a jaunt? he could come or he could stay, but she started to walk, hoping he would come along.