Wolf RPG
Ravensblood Forest my heart is a chocolate covered strawberry - Printable Version

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my heart is a chocolate covered strawberry - Barbatos - January 12, 2024

his time inland was kept brief. he'd been away from tending the sequoias for far too long and felt an itch to quickly return to nursing the deadwood as soon as he was able. he briefly stopped along his return to sleep and gain back what energy he could, before continuing to press onwards.

his steps were even and longing for the shore, until eventually the smell of salt and brine flooded his senses and he felt an ease settle in his chest. his pace fell to that of a stroll, knowing he'd be amongst the woodland again before the last light fell from the sky.

he paused for a moment to stretch out sore limbs, silently chastising himself for getting older, before continuing to press onwards.

RE: my heart is a chocolate covered strawberry - Madhuri - January 19, 2024

hope ya don't mind me

The forest was odd and eerie, dark clods of sap racing and dried down the trunks of trees like blood. She grimaced at the sight of it, ducking between the shadows, fur prickling at her nape and down her spine.

And she was not alone.

Hey, she called out toward the grayscale creature ahead, nostrils flaring. He was wolf, but—friend or foe? 

She was too weary and too lackadaiscal to mind, much.