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Redhawk Caldera Welcome to the Labyrinth - Printable Version

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Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - November 22, 2014

So we left off that Somnia fell asleep in one of Ashton's clinic dens after drinking the cold medicine smoothie stuff. I probably should've created this a few days ago, but I was too lazy to.

The world consisted of pitch black, warmth, and the urge to pee. Somnia poked her head out from under the numerous animal pelts on the dirt floor. It took her a minute to remember where she was, but it came to her quickly. Yesterday she had come to @Ashton for something for her cold, drank some weird tropical smoothie, and fell asleep.

It had to be morning, right? No idea. The fifth room of the healer's clinic didn't have any way for sunlight to get in. There were Ashton's firefly leaves that permitted a faint glow, but they didn't help her determine the time of day.

Well, she had to take a piss, so she would find out in a moment.

Somnia got up and made her way to the dirt stairs. A faint light filtered through, which then proved the time of day to be early morning as she poked her head. A light mist still hung in the air, reluctant to leave. She did her business outside, then went back inside.

A thought formed inside her head. Well, Ashton had made the firefly leaves by getting crushed fireflies to stick to leaves. So if someone stuck smashed fireflies on another wolf, would that wolf glow? Somnia would have to test that theory another day.

Somnia had no idea if Ashton was awake or not, let alone if he was still here. So what else could you do to see if someone was home or not besides searching their home for them?

She made her way through the tunneled masterpiece, admiring how it hadn't collapsed yet as she poked her head into each room. He wasn't in the guest rooms that she already knew about. Somnia continued farther to find the plant storage, but Ashton wasn't in there. Lastly, there was one last dug-out room. Somnia poked her head inside to see if Ashton was there.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 02, 2014

All da bae's. Just all of em. All snuggled up under him, toots of every shade, every eye color, everyvariety ever known to man. All of em. They all wanted him, and wanted him bad. Enough to make any dude be the daby baddy of every single one of em.
But it was a dream that made him sick. He hated it. The teen didn't want babes. Didnt want fame. No honeys. He just wanted something special. A unique something. A special someone to call his...

He groggily murmured to the illusional girls that still swam, swished, and attempted to seduce his unconscious self,

"I swear fo gebus, ya don't take your filthy adultery outta my face, im gonna grab every variety of hemlock, and force feed all of you."

Just hearing the last bit of his threat caused him to stir awake. Jeez, what had that drink done to him last night? Every other time he took it, he found the results pleasant. Maybe he shouldve eaten before drinking the potion.
Note to Ash, eat before ya drink your own remedies, dude.

He saw a muzzle that he found to be oddly familiar. Mara?

"Mara?" his brain and tongue spoke at the same time.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 02, 2014

The mystery was solved; Ash was in this last room, which was probably his own room.

But then, the golden wolf mumbled something half asleep. Then he proceeded to stir. Great, Somnia had accidentally woken up the host. At this point, the normal wolf would probably scurry out of the room, hoping to get out of sight before they were caught staring. Somnia, however, just stood there, frozen.

She watched as an emerald green orb peeked up at her, and the orb's owner spoke. "Mara?" Mara.... Wasn't that a name? Like, a girl's name?

Awkward pause....

"No, I'm Somnia, the wolf who crashed in your basement last night. I think I accidentally woke you. Sorry, I'll let you have your-" Your what? Your own room back? The room that she probably should've never snooped around and found? Yeah... Let's just say privacy... It sounds better. "Your privacy back." She finished hurriedly.

Backing up to get away, she crashed into the wall behind her. Recovering from her clumsiness, she fled further into intricate underground home, back to the den where she had slept. Somnia didn't think it would be polite to leave just yet. No, that was an excuse. It was more like she didn't want to leave yet. Also, she had a burning desire to figure out who this Mara was.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 02, 2014

Ah, shit. Wrong girl. Hell, had he not remembered who he treated? Or was he just as derpsy as he was last time he had a drink that made him a bit off with life? Hell, whether he was a derp, a herp, or he had to burp, he couldn't just call a toots by a title that wasn't even hers, and live with that. Ash knew it wasnt a matyer to consider a serious ordeal, but the guilt was guiltin him, bad.

Fumbling to his fours, the sun sheathed male made his way off of room floor, and surprisingly a silent trek to the infirmary where he treated Somnia. Gawd, how could he have mistaken her for his sister? What in Satan's balls, dude?

"Somnia, I," what, apologize for what? Calling you a girl who looks nothing like you because im half outta my mind for sake of the, "Im sorry for that. I was like, out of it. Like bruh. It was narley. Like the ride was pretty chill for me. I just woke up a bit estranged. And somehow, I thought I was back at my old place, and mistaked you for my baby sis. Coulda been the light."

Was he blabberin, flappin his gums, or talkin out of his ass? He couldn't distinguish the difference at the moment.

"Forgive me, sweets?"

Leafy irises gazed through the lime green glow of the light, giving the irises he held a darker shade than what they were.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 02, 2014

Ashton had quickly sought her ought and it felt, well... good. He was asking Somnia for an apology. How could she not forgive him? She was a forgiving wolf, and, it had been an honest mistake. But that didn't mean she couldn't make it into a fun little teasing session to shave off some of the awkwardness.

Somnia let the smirk come out first, to hint of this little game, as if the mischievous glint in her eyes weren't enough.

"Well maybe... Just maybe... If you get down and beg for it."

She stretched each one of her legs with patience, her grin still plastered on her face. Somnia had forgiven him in her mind, and Mara was just his sister, so why not make this into playful teasing?

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 03, 2014

The golden teen looked at the girl incredulously. Damn, this babe could play Beethoven with his as her main instrument, if she so much as wanted to.
Fine, let the sizzlin spades be played.

He lowered himself, tucking his long limbs underneath his athletic frame, and almost had to bite his tongue to prevent laughter from spewing all over the place. Handsome features peered up at her, and with a whimsically innocent expression, he murmured sweetly to the gal,

"Anything ya want, I can do what I gotta, just to make ya happy, toots. And whatever it is, ya wanna know about my sis, ill give ya everything I got."

Doe like blinking, check. Angelic face, check.
Commence story time.

"Mara is a baby sis of mine. My pack was a family of golden furs. She was in a litter of golden furs, herself, but she had a couple of russet bros, so her and her sibs were taken out of the pack. I havent seen her ever since then. I did reunite with her, though. Lil chicky is doin swell. Got her brown butt in a pack, and a nice one, at that."

Another soft and sweet chorus of words slid up to the dame.

"Anything else you require, Queen Som Som?"

Dear gebus, he was on the verge of hysterical madness.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 03, 2014

I feel like Somnia is acting bipolar. :/

Ashton had actually gotten down. He wasn't begging, but it was enough to make Somnia feel guilty. "I was just trying to be playful, lighten the mood a little.... I didn't actually want you to get down...." She explained, pulling her ears back against her scalp in an apologetic way.

Somnia had to admit though, he looked cute while trying to seem innocent. Pushing that aside, Ashton also offered her anything to make her happy. While the offer was tempting... "I don't want anything." Well, that was a lie...

The thought that Ashton might be playing her game never crossed through her mind. Somnia thought he was doing this out of seriousness.

Plus, there was the 'Queen Som Som'. Commence new plans to never become a queen.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 03, 2014

◆haha you're fine. I blame Ash more than you. He shoulda let his play be known moreso than what he did.◆

Ah hell, Ash, look what you did. Made the dudette feel like a dork. Now you do owe a proper date to her.
If he could, an imaginary paw could've smacked him upside down, cause he trashed the mood. Was he too cute? Doin too hardcore of a baby blink?
No time for that, bro. Check Som's feelz first, before self assessment.
Alright, alright, gimme a sec.

"Hey, hey, woah there, sweets. Before ya spill awkward all across my pelts, I gotta ask applaud myself on the acting. Job well done, Ash."

Switching to the other side of the room, he jested as if he were actually himself, thanking his own self.

"Why thanks, dude. Took shit loads of practice. Was workin to impress the babe, ever since the day I trucked it to her back at pack meet, with my massive pumkintastic helmet of hardcoreness. Day, and night, I swear. "

He turned to Somnia, wiggling a golden brow, as if he was anticipating a review of his show.
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggling wigglety, wiggle.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 03, 2014

Now it was just confusing. So Ash had actually been playing along? Or had he not, and was just being confusing once again with the unfamiliar speech patterns? Whatever the case, he now seemed to be awaiting her to applaud him on his acting, while giving Somnia some absurd eyebrow wiggle.

How was he even doing that? Somnia attempted to do the same thing, but it looked more like squinting with one eye and then the other repeatedly. Oh well, she could let the mystical Ash be magical. Might as well try to discard the confusion while she had a chance.

That eyebrow wiggle though. She couldn't get past it until she let out a giggle. A few giggles later, she was ready to move on. Now to deal with the applaud.

Somnia backed up against the wall before attempting to balance with her front legs in the air. She leaned with her back against the wall for support, for she was a clumsy creature that would probably find a way to break her neck if she didn't.

Ashton was speaking of past events, so even though it was yesterday, cheerleader time. "Ash's acting is the best! No one else's can..." What the fuck rhymed with best? Well, many thing such as rest, test, pest, and so on, but none that made sense. "Compare." The chant ended on a dull
note. Plus it didn't rhyme, but Somnia could survive with it.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 04, 2014

Such a cute giggle. Totally adorable. Just her attempting to mimic him was enough for him to leta few barks of laughter. Dear gebus, it looked like she had bees scadaddlin up and down her faface. Then Mother Nature forbid, she was gonna 2 paw it. Oh gawd.

Amusement glistened in his vibrant eyes, and with full attention on the greyscale girl, the hippie observed, but readied himself just in case she decided to attack the dens dirt floor, with her face. Ash didn't know if he had enough cobwebs and honey to fix an entire Wolf face.

Bobbing his head, he stuck to the beat of her cheer, until she fell confused, her own dark brow furrowing at the effort she put forth at finding another word.
Heart throb.
She quit searching, and stuck with a word that didn't quite go as sing-songy as the rest of the bit.
Made it all the better. After a fit of laughter, Ash wiped the tears from his eyes with a careful paw.

"Ya got talent, my little cheer girl. Makes for a rad patient. Also makes me feel like a caravan of random clowns will bust in my den and snatched you for their own. "

A wolfy grin struck his daring face, and he continued, his tone lowering as he got his funny bit under control.

"You're unique, Som. I think it's a good thing for dudes and dudettes to keep themselves special in their own little way. Keep up what you got, and I'm sure you'll get bro's chainin after you, left and right. "

Ash stepped close, and affectionately bumped his shoulder to her own, lookin down at her, and givin the gal a soft smile.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 04, 2014

A bird flew into my house, like, right in the middle of typing this. They've been somehow getting into the porch area, and this one flew in the door as my mother and brother were leaving. My brother chased it into the bathroom because he failed at chasing it out. Now I have to wait for my dad to get home from work in an hour to get it out... Meanwhile, the latch thing that keeps the bathroom door closed broke yesterday, the door stays shut until you put pressure on it at least. And, I also have two cats. My one cat is old and doesn't care, but my 5 month old kitten would probably figure out to push the door open to get to the bird. Meanwhile, I have to pee but I can't because we only have one bathroom. :(

Any awkward tension from before was gone. Now it was time to get back on all fours before Somnia really did kill herself. Thrusting her weight forward, she somehow managed to land properly.

She observed Ashton's reactions, smiling at the results. Then, the clown caravan comment. "You might want to practice your fighting, for I don't think you could easily find another cheerleader!" Somnia quipped as her tail, wagging at one-hundred miles per hour, thumped loudly against the wall.

Of course Ashton would promote uniqueness in others. After all, he was the largest example she knew of unique. Come on, how often did you see golden hippies running around?

As for guys 'chainin after her', that didn't exactly seem like the best thing in the world. She was Somnia, the wolf who had barely put a thought into ever having her own family, or even a mate before she joined Redhawk Caldera.

She was still smiling, for it was nearly impossible to stop at this point. But, the question she asked held a serious tone. "If it was based off of how unique you are, wouldn't you have more girls mulling around you then you could fit in the Caldera?"

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 04, 2014

◆my god that sounds like hell with wings. I don't see how you have the patience to deal with it. My cat, Caesar would've murdered it by now. I applaud you on your courage. W_•V ◆

Ash shot her a grin that dripped with 'smartass' and raised a brow to the dame. Hell, how could he want another cheerleader? She was already his favorite. It's not like he had come in contact with another chick besides that girl who ruthlessly left him in a tree, and the other who was wed to the Alpha, and even if she wasn't, that flamin ball of fur was too fierce for his blood.

"Oh ya, you have no clue how long I trained for such a fight. I've been flutterin like a butterfly and stingin like a bee, since the day I left the womb, doll. "

The joke hung between the two lupines, and air dried on the babe wavin her tail as if every single bristle on it was an inferno. Such a sight was comical to the hippie, and another charming chuckle was off from his tongue.
Then he thought about if others had actually tried to take the girl, and it was all he could to prevent that smile from turnin down.

"The truth is, I dont really want another cheerin chick, sweets."

With her tone, his own deepened with the somber truth.
The flirtatious and flingy Ashton Aspen actually wanted to settle down with a girl, and by the way Somnia held herself to be in his eyes, she was every bit of unique that he admired. But the internal World War 6 within him broiled,...
Was it too soon to hand her his big ol' golden heart? Or did she too, feel a certain typa way on him? He was obviously sweet on her, but would the Doctor be able to patch himself up if a rejection was in tow? Ashton mentally shook his head.
He didn't think he had enough cob webs and honey for that ouchie.

"If I would pull every fine honey from here, to there, back to there, there, and above our atmosphere, I wouldn't wanna touch none of em. I already got hearts for a little lady, and maybe one day, she'll show me if she's got hearts for me, too. Unique can be lonely sometimes, if you don't snag a pretty toots who's unique enough to be just as special, with you. It can brighten up worlds, light trees, and birth thunderstorms, if its true, but if it ain't, who's reliable enough to be that special love with you?"

The teen gazed at her, his solemn verde gems giving her own chocolate diamonds a look that spoke several thousand words at once, but his jaws remained shut, as he waited for the flawless stone chiseled girl infront of him to speak her own mind on the pink elephant he plopped between them.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 04, 2014

Probably the mixture of initial shock, and also being in my room with the door shut with both of my cats. Even if it managed to get out of the bathroom, I would've just camped out there until my dad got home, which I did anyways.

As for Ashton and Somnia, I ship them. <3

Ash gave her one of the eyebrow things again. It wasn't wiggling it about, but just raising it. How did he do that though? Somnia couldn't even do that simple feat unless doing it unconsciously,

Somnia would've smiled at his joke, except, she was already smiling. She couldn't have had a bigger smile if she wanted to, and she actually wished she could stop; her jaw was starting to ache. Then Ashton commented that he didn't want another cheerleader. Apparently she could have smiled bigger, for she was doing it now. Somnia mentally cursed him for making her smile.

Another comment from Ashton, and Somnia listened.... At least to part of it. He liked another wolf.... Between trying to figure out why she cared and fighting to keep the smile on her face, she missed most of what he said next. The most she was able to register was that part of that last sentence rhymed.

Then there was silence. Was he waiting for her to say something? "I hope the girl you like likes you back." She tried to prevent her tone from being downcast, tried to make it sound happy and cheerful. Why couldn't she had said something else? Oh right, she hadn't paid attention to the rest. Like, duh!

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 04, 2014

◆I would have Black Friday'd that bird, and sat far away with a .22 cal, waiting for the slightest movement. I hate random and non mundane critters in my house. Scares me shitless, I swear. Even though I live primarily on a ranch, and take care of my sweet equestrians.

And we're totally 'Smashton' these two, yea? xD ♡ ◆

The sun pelted teen watched the smile light up her face, soaring past the clouds in her soft brown eyes, and fly through the heavens, above. Just a face like that was enough to get the Doc feelin all special, just for speaking. It seemed like the happiness simply made the earth swim over with spring time, again.
Then, after he admitted his feelings to her about herself, he saw a slice of that bright light leave her eyes.
That caused him to panic a bit on the inside. Did she not feel the same way he did?
Was he moving too fast for her? Did she mistake the elephant for a turkey, or something?
Wrong animal?

The silence stiffled the daisies, tulips, and daffodils that dared to sprout between the pair, amd Ash decided it was either now, or never.
Now, or never, bro.

"Somnia, do you think a elephant looks like a turkey?"

He sure as hell hoped she chose the right answer.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 05, 2014

[size=small]Lawlz, the mental image I get from that . Just peering around the door with a gun, eventually destroying the whole house while a little tiny bird sits there. Also, I wish I could live on a ranch with horses. Oh, and Happy Birthday!

As for Somnia and Ash, definitely going to have to set something up with them, and I had some ideas. Can nothing too big happen yet? There's this thread I was planning on starting after this, and I was going to tag Ashton and another RHC wolf in it. I guess it wouldn't be affected if something did happen between them, but I thought of it with the mindset that Ashton was one of the wolves Somnia was closer to in the caldera friend-wise. Plus, earlier today I thought that maybe Somnia could eventually get sick/injured, become delirious from it for a bit, and all the cute moments she could create with Ashton while she was out of it could be the reason why something big actually happens between them. You alright with this idea?[/size]

What did elephants and turkeys have to do with anything? What even was an elephant? Was it plant? That would seem like the best answer, as Ashton was an aspiring healer after all . But the way he phrased it... If it were a plant he could've simply said, "Does elephant look like a turkey?" Wolves don't usually put an 'a' before the plant name.

Okay, time for the most logical approach. "Maybe. I mean, if an elephant is somehow similar to a turkey species wise, sorta like wolves and coyotes, then I guess an elephant could look like a turkey. But, if an elephant isn't, then it probably doesn't look like a turkey. What exactly is an elephant?"

Was this something Somnia should know? Did just about everyone know about elephants? Or was this one of those subjects others found useless and didn't bother to learn about?

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 06, 2014

◆You could definitely be an award winning author, Syd . I'm so down for this idea. I had kept in mind that you would probably want a say in it, so instead of him just throwing himself out there with a "I like you", I had him ask about a elephant and a turkey. Lmaoo.
Thank you for that, & I'll definitely give the newborn foal an apple in your name. W_^V ◆

Ashton stared at the femme before laughing hysterically. She was just so animated and true to her answers. He couldn't stop. Like literally, sides heaving, barely breathing, the dude immediately wished he pissed before taking to her, because he was literally on the verge of pissing himself.

She explained her logic in such a innocent way, and the most hilarious aspect of the whole deal. .. She didn't even know what a damn elephant was. Oh dear gebus, his gut hurt.
Pretty soon he got his bearings, and gave the greyscale girl an affectionate look.

"Nah, doll. I'll have to give you a lesson on the difference. It'll be a bit better than what I originally had in my noggin, but just the same. How about I explain it on our way to grab breakfast? My treat. "

The hippe offered her a charming wolfy little grin, with mischief twinkling in his Verde orbs. Hell, she could call it a date, and so could he, but he would relax his heart for a few. If anything, the ten had hella stuff to go over, massive loads to think about. Yea, it was on her, but he had to figure out how to break it down to her.
All it took was time. And that was something he didn't have ta go out and scavenge for.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 06, 2014

Thanks! I sorta want to be an author later in my life, not exactly as a full-time job, but more of a hobby thing. And for Somnia's plots, to get into specifics, I also had the idea that she could try ice-fishing or whatever and fall into the lake because the ice wasn't thick enough. That could result in either moderate or severe hypothermia.

Should we end it around here, or go through with the elephants and breakfast?

Somnia stared at Ashton while he laughed his ass off. Was the knowledge of elephants that widespread and common? She tried to figure out whether she should have been offended at him laughing at her. Somnia definitely felt disappointed in herself for not knowing what an elephant was, but couldn't the feeling be traced back to Ashton laughing at her?

Pretty soon Ashton stopped, and the affectionate look he gave Somnia didn't make it seem as if he was laughing at her to offend her. Chances are he had been laughing at her, but not necessarily in a bad way. Then the offer of breakfast and knowing what elephants were came at her. Her insatiable need to know more about everything, let alone elephants, as well as the hunger she hadn't noticed took over, resulting in a nod.

Standing up, she waited for the aspiring healer to lead her to the nearest cache for breakfast.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Ashton - December 07, 2014

◆I'd definitely be down for him unsicking her again. The more threads, the better. xD and I wouldn't mind reading any pieces of literature you do, Syd. Keep up the good work, amd you'll have a fan. :D The only literary work I do are poems. Im not as hardcore as you. :I
Last post from me. I appreciate this thread.◆

Ashton gave the gal a lasting look before inclining his head, turning, leaving the cozy and now well familiar den room, and trotting up the compact and sturdy dirt stairs.
The teen didn't know if she would stay constantly in the infirmary she had chosen, but is she was out anytime longer than a day, then he would go back down there, and sanitize. Not callin the cutie a cootie crammer, but girls had cooties, didn't they?
Nah, not this one.
Sterilizing will happen anyway, though.

After escorting the dame out, he began figuring how to explain a giant grey and furless animal with tusks, to a fellow wolf. She just might react the way he had, when his own Nana told him of the horrid sounding beast.

"Alright little miss Som Som, let's conversify on this elephant talk, shall we? Imagine this,"

And then began the description of the humongous animal, as the sun graced athletic dude walked with her all the way to the closest food stop shop.

RE: Welcome to the Labyrinth - Somnia - December 08, 2014

Thanks! :D Whatever floats your boat. I can't do friggin poetry for the life of me. :/ I find Ashton a fun character to interact with, definitely going to start another thread soon after I sneak in a last post. :D

So Somnia finally learned what an elephant was. It was hard to believe, and her incredulous look said exactly that. And anyways, how could it have no fur? The only animals she had seen with no fur where birds, which had feathers, fish, that had scales, insects, but no bugs had fur, and lizards. Okay, maybe more animals didn't have fur than she thought.

She still found it hard to believe, but she also wouldn't even think of accusing the golden doctor of lying. So many questions and a good breakfast later, she was all set to go back to supporting the pack in anyway she could. With a few parting words, she left the hippie and his infirmary. But, his words were engraved in her analyzing head.