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Redhawk Caldera shake your tailfeathers - Printable Version

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shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 23, 2014

All welcome!

Fox was standing atop the peak that jutted out of the lake on top of the larger peak. It was like some kind of peakception. It was the highest point in their territory, and she liked to come up here from time to time and reflect on—who was she kidding? Fox liked to boast about how awesome she, Peregrine, and the rest of the caldera wolves were. They really had an awesome lot, and she knew that her own kids were only going to add to that. She just wished that she could have them now, rather than waiting for her stupid body to be ready. It was frustrating, even if Fox knew there was nothing she could do to change it. Perhaps that's what made it frustrating in the first place.

Feeling antsy, she rose to all fours, took in a deep breath, and howled. It was not meant for anybody in particular, nor was she insistent on company. It just felt good to be way up here and howl sometimes. It reminded her of her more wild side, and she wanted to get in touch with that a bit more, now that winter was closing in on them. In fact, wasn't it already winter? When did that sort of thing officially begin? Shrugging, Fox resumed her queenly observance of Redhawk Caldera, her tail waving happily behind her.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 23, 2014

Since the two weeks that Somnia had been with the caldera wolves, she had made her membership somewhat known. She had so far met most of the caldera wolves. There were still five unknown scents, four female and one male, (two of which she could've sworn weren't there when she first arrived,) but she hoped to get around to meeting them before too long. Somnia had a sufficient den dug out at the base of a tree, and she had supplemented the pack's caches. She felt pretty damn successful. Well, except for her encounter with Peregrine. She had impulsively excused herself from the encounter, and she didn't know the alpha well enough to know if he had took offense against it. Somnia had plans to apologize with some food, just in case, and then she could put it aside and consider herself successful. Oh, and better developing better social skills to prevent similar situations couldn't hurt.

Somnia then heard a howl from her other alpha. It wasn't the alpha that mainly on her mind, but this alpha was equally important to Somnia, if not more so for it was Fox who accepted her into the pack. She tried to interpret the howl's meaning, besides being the beautiful song of the wolf. It didn't have that note of urgency, like when she had summoned them at the pumpkin patch. With no urgency, it also couldn't be that she had detected a possible threat. Whether it was important or not, it couldn't hurt to respond. If it was a summoning, Somnia wouldn't have to risk possibly getting on the bad side of both alphas. If it was nothing important, maybe she could socialize with Fox, creating good bonds with her. Somnia started loping up the side of the caldera, to the location of the howl's origin.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 23, 2014

Got carried away. No need to match the length!

Idly, Fox went through the list of Redhawk members one by one and tried to think about them in a meaningful way. Peregrine was easy, and didn't give her much to think about aside from the fact that he made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. Soon, he would be the father of her children, and she expected them to live out the rest of their days with one another. She had no plans to leave him, and while she occasionally wondered if things would fall apart like they had with Hawkeye, she did not think it was a possibility. They were so perfect for one another, even with their little flaws thrown in here and there.

Then there was Finley and Siv, both of whom Fox adored. They were the lighthearted girl friends she had always hoped and dreamed for when she was younger. They were always down for a good time, and they seemed to approve of Peregrine, which was an added bonus. They were funny, intelligent (in some regards—ahem, Finley), and all-around great friends.

Ashton, while a bit of a weirdo, wasn't really all that bad. He seemed insistent at times that she be treated with whatever voodoo he was practicing that day, but he was respectful enough to not push her into doing anything. He did have a bit of a problem with bringing home wounded strays, but Fox figured they were solid enough as a pack to take on the risk... at least for now. She'd be far less willing to do so once her children were around.

Elwood seemed nice enough, and Fox felt like she'd get to know him in time. The same went for Amon, old man that he was. There was FitzDutiful, who had followed them from Blacktail Deer Plateau, and had previously given her advice on how to deal with Haunter's death. She thought he could soar high here in the caldera if he put his mind to it, but she was just as happy having him around whenever she needed somebody to talk to.

The few others were newer recruits. Somnia, Theseus (whom she hadn't even met, yet), and Arina. Fox knew little of all three of them, aside from the fact that they were supposedly loyal to Redhawk Caldera. She intended to seek each of them out at some point or another, perhaps get to know them a bit more, seeing as they would eventually become part of the informal family they had going on here.

“Speak of the devil,” Fox whispered under her breath. Trotting up the mountain was none other than Somnia, and Fox folded her haunches so that she was sitting, allowing her fellow pack-mate all the time she needed to get up the mountain. Once she was within hearing distance, Fox barked a greeting and thumped her tail against the cold, hard earth.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 23, 2014

Since I got nothing better to do at the moment, I'm going to falsely interpret that as a challenge. >:)

The paragraphs might be a bit skimpy, but I got 7 of them... >:D

It wasn't to hard to climb up the caldera's uneven slope. For Somnia's leg muscles that were accustomed to the fast-paced chase of the hunt, a hike up the topless mountain was nothing! As if to prove it to herself, she picked up the paste a smidgen, a bounce finding it's way into her step.

Pausing for a slight moment, Somnia looked up. Perched atop the caldera was a dainty russet figure. The sun embraced her, making her orange hues more vibrant. This was Somnia's target. The queen of the caldera, keeping a watchful eye over all her fertile lands. As she started moving again, it almost looked like the queen had looked down at her, but from this distance, Somnia couldn't tell if she was looking at her, or a tree a mile away.

A couple minutes later, the many-shades-of-gray wolf emerged from the treeline where the final ridge separated the slope from the top of the caldera. From there, her posture suddenly changed.

Somnia's pace slowed to a stop. Her tail dropped to almost sweep the ground. The grey ears flattened respectfully, and she made sure not to look the alpha in the eyes, regardless of how the grey orbs seemed to sparkle at times. The owner of said eyes barked a greeting, thumping her tail against the earth.

Somnia took this as the go-ahead. Her posture became a little better, although her tail still hung limp while her ears still laid against the back of her head. She closed the distance between them quickly on the uneven ground.

She took a seat besides Fox, lowering her head in respect. Her tail swished slowly across the frozen ground. It seemed to be only the russet and the grey. It wasn't a summoning after all. Unless all the others had been farther away.

With a small whine for a greeting, Somnia explained her case. "I heard the howl and even though it didn't sound like a pack summoning, I came because I figured I would regret it if it had been a summoning. She felt heat flood to her face as she realized a mistake. Some alphas found it disrespectful if you talked before they addressed you. Did the greeting bark count as being addressed? Somnia didn't think so.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 23, 2014

Somnia made her way closer, and Fox waited patiently as the girl made her way up the side of the mount. When she reached the top, Fox cocked an ear forward to listen as her fellow comrade spoke. “Nothing official,” she assured Somnia with a pleasant smile. “How are you settling in?” Ashton had vouched for her, or so Fox's hazy memory recalled, and she wondered if there was anything going on between them. As in, ~romance.~ It was amusing to Fox how quickly other couples seemed to latch on to one another, from the few she had observed from afar. She and Peregrine had been a long, stretched-out affair that had gone on for months and eventually ended in Fox moving to the plateau.

In all reality, her heart hadn't been in it at first. She had not loved Peregrine when they had announced their bond, even though she most certainly loved him now. The beginning of their relationship had been built on Fox feeling as though she had owed him something for taking her in during her lowest point in life. She'd been vulnerable, heart-broken, and lost at that time. Fox was no longer any of those things, and she found purpose and a future with Peregrine. Considering how things could have gone, she thought they had not turned out all that bad.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 24, 2014

"I'm doing good. I've met a large percentage of the pack, got a den for the winter, and have been able to add to the caches. With all the friendly faces, it already feels like home." Somnia responded with a wolf-ish grin. "I've heard that the pack was founded not long before I joined. It just... seems so settled in for a place that could still be hectic with the chaos of figuring things out." It was a compliment, hidden beneath her opinion, but Somnia didn't see it as trying to be a suck-up. It was the truth; loyal members, well-stocked caches, and plans for pups. What more could any pack want?

As for any ~romance~, the closest thing to it was Somnia falling asleep in Ashton's basement. It wasn't as weird of a tale as it sounded. She had gone to the aspiring healer with a cold, seeking medicine before it could evolve into some virus. It was late, and he had offered her the chance to sleep in the dimly lit room filled with warm pelts. She accepted. The end. No romance whatsoever. Unless he raped her while she was sleeping.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 24, 2014

What a busy little bee Somnia had been. Finding herself a den, meeting her fellow comrades, and packing the caches full of whatever food she could find. Those actions would go a long way to bumping her higher up the ladder, and Fox had no doubt that the girl would soar high if she remained with Redhawk Caldera. If anything, she had plenty of ambition, and that was more than could be said about a lot of the wolves Fox had met over time. She was glad to hear that Somnia already thought of Redhawk as home, and even more so that she seemed to catch on to the fact that their beginnings hadn't been exactly easy.

“Redhawk Caldera is the product of me feeling not so at home where Peregrine and I lived before,” she replied, “so I’m glad to hear it feels like home to you already.” Fox had never felt a sense of home and family back at the plateau, and she did not think she ever would have. It had been Perry's home, his kingdom, and she had never felt settled—even as its Alpha. The wolves there were better off without her, anyway. Half of them had disliked her for no good reason, other than the fact that she had been elevated quickly in the ranks.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 25, 2014

Somnia soaked in the little tidbit of the pack's history. Fox and Peregrine were the main reason behind it, which wasn't surprising as they were the alphas, and the pack had been started around two or three months ago. If there had been a shift in alphas, it would've said a lot about the pack's stability.

Somnia wanted to question Fox further, learn a bit about her past and old pack, but she wasn't sure if it would be too personal for the Alpha to share with a new member. So, Somnia settled with Fox's history with the caldera. "If you don't mind me prying, why did you choose the caldera over any other territory?"

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 27, 2014

“Pry away!” Fox said with a grin. She was always happy to share her own history and what little she knew about the Teekon Wilds. By the time she was an old geezer, she'd probably have loads of stories to tell. “Peregrine and I,” she began, omitting Lasher (because that would open a whole other can of worms), “checked out several other locations before we found Redhawk Caldera.” There had been that valley with the terrifying bear and a few other places that she hadn't been overly impressed with. “Some of them were alright, others were promising, but when we found Redhawk Caldera… I just knew. Probably helped that I managed to disable myself right as soon as we got here, so we kinda got stuck with it in that regard. Slipped and hurt myself pretty bad, though all that seems to have healed nicely.” As if to prove this to herself, Fox poked at her rib with her nose.

Fox let the information sink in before continuing. “Before Blacktail Deer Plateau, I was the Alpha of Swiftcurrent Creek,” she went on, “so I guess I have a bit of experience with the whole ‘leading’ thing.” Fox had learned through trial and error (having far more in the way of errors than successes), and she felt like she was finally at a point where she was at least becoming somewhat likable. It was no secret that she had been disliked both at the creek and at the plateau... but she'd also been quite different back then. At least, she liked to think she had grown since then.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 29, 2014

Fox didn't seem to mind Somnia getting into her history, so Somnia listened.

As for Fox's injury, Somnia hadn't noticed it. It had been healed enough for Somnia to not know about it until now. Or maybe that had more to do with the attention-grabbing scar on Fox's face. Either way, it still seemed to be healed enough not to grab attention.

Fox also mentioned that she had been the alpha of two packs before here. It surprised Somnia that she had left two packs before coming here. She worried slightly about if Fox would ever leave Redhawk Caldera. But since Somnia currently liked Fox, she supposed that Fox probably had good reasons. Fox had mentioned earlier that she hadn't felt at home Blacktail Deer Plateau. Her reason for leaving Swiftcurrent Creek was probably just as reasonable. "You're a good leader in my standards. We're not starving, we got a lot of members, we're not at war, there's no conflicts within the pack, and you even have plans for pups." What more could a leader want?

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 29, 2014

Somnia seemed confident in Fox's abilities as a leader, which was a nice change of pace from her last two positions. Fox felt this was the first place where her position of power was met with respect, not jealousy, fear, or misunderstanding. Swiftcurrent Creek had been slightly better than the plateau, but not by a whole lot. Here, in Redhawk Caldera, things were different. And Fox soaked it up like a lizard in the desert sun. Having wolves around that actually liked her was pretty awesome, she had to admit.

“What about you?” Fox asked, “What kind of plans do you have?” That could mean immediate plans, a five-year plan, or anything in between. Fox was curious about the aspirations of her comrades, wondering where they planned to take their life. Even if their life took them beyond the boundaries of the caldera, Fox would not be upset. She had lived in several packs at this point, so she could not exactly fault anybody for wanting to move on.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 29, 2014

What sort of plans did Somnia have? "Well, for now, I'm striving to help the pack as much as I can. I'm planning on staying here for a long time, if not forever. I'm planning on getting the Gamekeeper trade, and I'll also start pursuing Counselor soon. As for my third trade, I'm not quite sure. I've had a few ideas, but it's still undecided." That was pretty much what she had for plans. Nothing major or life changing. Somnia preferred stability.

The one thing that liked to intrude her mind when she was all alone was that third trade. What would she choose? Warden, as she could help defend her family? Caretaker, so Somnia could partake in raising the future youngsters? What about Naturalist or Chronicler? Stories and learning always intrigued her.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - November 29, 2014

Somnia spoke of trades and her wish to stay in Redhawk Caldera. Fox had never been terribly concerned with the little boxes that wolves wished to put themselves into. Personally, Fox just did what was instinctual, and others called her a warden, warrior, and chronicler. It garnered her some respect from others, but they were just labels for what she did best. She had never attempted to become any of those things, she had simply been doing what she excelled in. Wardening had just been part of her duty as a leader. She loved to start fights, which would explain why she was recognized as a warrior. And her time spent in the Teekon Wilds had allowed her to gather the history of Swiftcurrent Creek, Blacktail Deer Plateau, and Redhawk Caldera.

“Do you aspire to have a family of your own one day?” Fox asked bluntly. She wanted to ensure she knew the intentions of others, even if they weren't intentions that she was particularly comfortable with. The sooner she knew, the sooner she could prepare. It would be better to hit the issue head-on rather than deal with it when emotions were high. If Somnia did plan for children in the future, Fox wanted to ensure that the underling knew that Fox and Peregrine's children would come first.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - November 30, 2014

Fox pretty much brushed off all that Somnia said about her plans. She frowned slightly that Fox hadn't responded in a more positive manner, even though Somnia wasn't in the position to do anything about it other than think about it. She knew that she was an attention whore liked to be the center of positive attention; the problem could even be traced back to her history as the lowest ranking in a strict pack. There, she had learned that to rise above -even though she never did rise above- you had to be in the spotlight and get noticed. But also, she had practically lived to serve. It felt good to be paid attention to.

Putting that aside, Fox also asked Somnia about plans for family. So that was the secret intention about asking plans. She'd never put too much thought into family, let alone a mate. "It might be nice to have a family one day, but it's not what I'm actively seeking out for the time." Pssh, she couldn't imagine someone wanting to be her mate within... well... ever. Even harder to grasp, was the idea that she could one day have pups.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - December 08, 2014

Fox had never been known for her tact, and it was unlikely that part of her would ever change. Almost a year had passed since she had arrived in the Teekon Wilds, and she had done quite a bit of growing, but that part of her seemed set in stone for whatever reason. Fox was not the best at emotions, least of all when they did not concern her directly. If it had been Peregrine speaking... well, that was different. He was one of the few wolves in her life who had been able to elicit some form of empathy from her. Haunter was one of the others, but he was long dead now.

"Any aspirations to lead?" Fox asked. If that was something that Somnia desired, Fox wanted to know. Not because she wished to push her away immediately. No, Fox wanted to make sure that Somnia was on the right track if that was her wish. Even if it was not here, in Redhawk Caldera, Fox really did want the best for her "family." It would also help Fox to determine longer-term plans for the girl. Finley was their Beta now, but who knew what the future would hold. Fox didn't even know if Finley would eventually end up wanting to spin off and do her own thing.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - December 08, 2014

"No."She replied simply. Somnia, a leader? Very funny. The girl had always, always been a complete follower. She only took the lead when interacting with friends, which was often used to initiate silly behavior, or when it was necessary. It all came down to the fact that she would rather serve others to make them happy, rather than being served to be made happy.

It felt like Fox was interrogating her. Not that Somnia minded, and Fox hadn't cared for Somnia asking questions back. If anything, Fox had encouraged her to ask questions. Well, she had a question. Somnia had expected Fox to answer it without the question being asked, but the subject had changed before then. "What are the rules about mates and families here?"

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - December 16, 2014

No strong aspirations for family. No desire to lead. It was odd to Fox, if only because she had always been an incredibly ambitious wolf her whole life. Granted, that wasn't entirely true. When she'd come to Swiftcurrent Creek, she'd been more or less directionless. It was there that she'd found her purpose, so perhaps Somnia would find her purpose here in Redhawk Caldera. If that meant one day running off to do her own thing, Fox wouldn't hold it against her. In fact, doing that was far less of a conflict than staying here and being unhappy with the situation.

Somnia's question, however, made it clear that she was perhaps more ambitious and driven than Fox had taken her for. “Perry and I agreed that our children will be the only litter this spring,” Fox replied. “If you prove yourself a loyal member of Redhawk, I don’t see why you couldn’t raise your children here as well.” She said this with a warm smile. She did not want to push Somnia's hopes down, even if the thought of other children made her extremely protective of her right to breed. “As for mates, well… that’s just up to you. Perry and I won’t tell you who you can and can’t screw, so long as they’re also a member of Redhawk.” Fox couldn't imagine hooking up with somebody outside of her own pack, even if she'd done so with Peregrine. Their situation had been... different.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - December 17, 2014

You want to wrap this up, as it took place three weeks ago? I could have my next post be my last if you want.

Somnia showed her understanding with a nod. A slight smirk appeared for a moment on how Fox had worded it, but it quickly disappeared. It was good to know these things ahead of time, even if she didn't have any goals for such a thing yet. As much as things seemed it at times, nothing was ever stable. Emotions were an exceptional example of that.

Now, there was that awkward moment for Somnia when you didn't know how to continue the conversation. She had nothing more to say. So what now? Topic change. "Anything you would suggest me doing to better help the pack?"

RE: shake your tailfeathers - RIP Fox - December 20, 2014

Sounds good to me!

“Can’t think of anything offhand,” Fox replied. Somnia was doing a fine job of being a helpful member of Redhawk Caldera, and she would no doubt continue to keep on doing what she had been doing. “What do you say we go track down some grub? I'm starving. That was an exaggeration, of course, but Fox was mighty hungry, and she felt like she could eat a horse. Not only that, but it would mean good bonding time with Somnia.

“Perry said something about a rabbit warren nearby,” Fox offered, taking the first few steps toward a hopeful meal. If Somnia wished, she could come along, and Fox had a good feeling that they'd be able to catch something. If not, Fox would go on without her and wish her a good day.

RE: shake your tailfeathers - Somnia - December 20, 2014

Somnia would take Fox up on her offer. After all, the aspiring Gamekeeper would take all the experience she could get. The bonding was a good reason as well, for you could never know a person well enough to not bond with them by doing simple activities. With a nod to show she was in, Somnia followed Fox towards the warren. Whether or not they succeeded, Somnia would still be glad for the chance to bond with Fox.