Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau Bored is the Word - Printable Version

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Bored is the Word - Koda - November 23, 2014


Koda laid on his side, his limbs sprawled out from underneath his body, the afternoon sun warming his fur. His yellow eyes, half lidded, watched tiny birds as they fluttered from branch to branch, foraging for seeds and bugs in the nearby trees. He recognized a few different types of birds. There were the chickadees, one of the most familiar critters, calling back and forth in their distinctive song. There were also golden-crowned kinglets mingling in the branches. Koda'd always thought they were especially cute little birds, little more than round balls of fluff with wings and a tail. He couldn't see the bird itself, but he could hear a woodpecker banging away in a tree somewhere close by.

Then there was one bird he couldn't identify, a busy little gray and white fellow with a red chest. The tiny bird crawled head first down the trunk, digging in the bark with his thin, black beak. Koda decided he would name it himself. Red-breasted upside-down bird seemed fitting and easy to remember.

With a groan, the budding ornithologist rose and stretched, only to flop back down to warm up the other side of his body. There, he waited for someone to come along and give him something to do, or drift off to sleep. Whichever came first.

RE: Bored is the Word - Lasher - November 24, 2014

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his appointment into the leadership rank had brought lasher a quiet sense of pride. he had not changed; he would not use his newfound role for ill gains, but a new confidence lurked in his step all the same. today he searched for a densite in which blue willow could give birth. it was a task that would lack true meaning until he suggested it to her — the healer's current shelter had been occupied by invalids as of late, and he wished for a space more replete with amenities for her.

koda, that was the man's name — lasher slowed in his trek to regard the young man kindly. he had not formally met the plateau wolf before, but knew that 'twas he who had offered to escort finley home, before the unseemly row instigated by osprey junior. yet taltos did not approach, not yet; he waited to be seen, and if koda did not spot him, away would he move.

RE: Bored is the Word - Koda - November 24, 2014

Movement in the background caught his eye, and Koda lifted his head to see Lasher strolling by. The sleepy wolf quickly got to his feet and shook out his fur, slightly embarrassed that the Beta male had caught him being lazy.

Koda approached his packmate, a sheepish smile on his face. "Hey Lasher, what are you up to?" he asked. Perhaps pestering his pack mate could keep him entertained for a while.

RE: Bored is the Word - Lasher - November 24, 2014

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the man seemed embarrassed, but lasher's demeanour as koda drew near did not intend that shame was important in their scene. how are you? the earthen servant asked softly, watching his packmate with a close eye. he knew little of the man, save that he had not attended the meeting before their last.

RE: Bored is the Word - Koda - November 25, 2014

Koda shrugged. "Eh, pretty good I guess, just a little bored," he replied. It suddenly occurred to him that he'd never spoken with Lasher before. He didn't know if the dark wolf even knew his name.

He'd been with the plateau for a few months, but he still hadn't made any meaningful connections with his pack mates. There had been a lot going on, and he'd tried to help out when he could, but it felt awkward, as if he was forcing the interactions. He felt as if he could slip away one night, and not one of them would notice he had gone. 'Until the caches start to get empty,' he thought bitterly.

"You look busy, I won't bother you," said Koda. Lasher was only here talking to him now because Koda had caught him trying to sneak by. Why did it always have to be up to him to initiate conversations with his pack mates?

RE: Bored is the Word - Lasher - November 29, 2014

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unbeknownst to the other, taltos did indeed know his name, his title, and his rank — it was his responsibility to know such things. he simply did not know the wolf's tale of heart and homeland, or how he had come to be at the plateau. the boy was a closed sort, but lasher would not let koda divest his presence, not yet.

i am sorry that osprey junior spoiled your kind offer, the dark man said softly. surely koda had meant to ingratiate himself in the eyes of the leadership; or perhaps he had meant no such thing, and had offered out of a good heart.

RE: Bored is the Word - Koda - November 30, 2014

Koda shook his head as he recalled Junior's antics. He hadn't actually been there to witness the event, but if he had been he would've knocked some sense into her. He'd been raised never to raise a paw to a female, but taking into account her behavior over the past few weeks, it was something she desperately needed.

"That girl is out of control," he grumbled. Koda had little patience with the bratty girl. He hadn't known her long, but she'd been nothing but trouble the entire time. This latest development only served to help his dislike for the juvenile grow.

"Is she going to be punished for what she did to Finley?" He questioned Lasher. Even if the plateau and the caldera were not to be sister packs, Finley should have been allowed to remain under the healer's care until she was well enough to leave of her own accord. Osprey Junior had gone way too far this time. Even if she was the daughter of a former Alpha, she was still in no position to be making decisions for others. Someone needed to put her in her place.

RE: Bored is the Word - Lasher - December 04, 2014

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lasher allowed koda to speak, mindful that the man did not know the depth of junior's pain and hatred. she is troubled, was his only response to the first remark by the other. to the inquiry, lasher's jaw tensed somewhat, but it was not due to annoyance. the decision is dante's own, he rejoined with finality, unwilling to expound upon that point.

how have you fared since? taltos asked of his packmate, sidling closer in a carefully familiar manner.

RE: Bored is the Word - Koda - December 05, 2014

Koda looked at Lasher with disbelief. How could he be so chill about her obvious disrespect for authority? No wonder kids these days were so out of control, when they were allowed to get away with murder on account of being troubled. 'A good smack on the rear would probably solve those troubles,' he said to himself. He was no expert on parenting, but Koda's own parents had never hesitated to put him back in his place with a swift kick in the butt. He'd never have gotten away with any of the crap Junior'd been pulling.

He let the subject of Osprey Junior slide. She was not a topic he enjoyed discussing. He didn't really want to talk about himself, however. Koda's mood had been consistently low over the past weeks. He had no idea what his problem was, but he didn't feel like airing his issues. "I've been well," he answered, hopeful Lasher would take the hint and refrain from further probing.

Lasher's promotion, now that was a subject worth discussion. "So I heard you're the new beta," said Koda. "Must be nice to have some real influence around here."

RE: Bored is the Word - Lasher - December 09, 2014

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likewise, lasher did not attempt to pry into the affairs of the other man. inviting koda to walk alongside him, as he intended a patrol, taltos gave a small smile. dante and blue willow have tended the pack well. i am pleased that they elevated me for my aid. perhaps it was needlessly humble, but lasher saw no reason to change what the gunmetal man and the sable healer had wrought.

what do you know of redhawk caldera? the man inquired as an afterthought.

RE: Bored is the Word - Koda - January 09, 2015

last post from me, sorry for the wait.

"Nothing really," answered Koda. "Just that it's somewhere south from here." Another topic he really didn't want to discuss, as he was still a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be able to see the caldera for himself. The trip had been official pack business, but he'd been hoping to spend a little time inside the borders, seeing what was so great about the place that made half the pack leave the plateau.

Maybe he wasn't feeling up for a conversation today. The gray wolf padded alongside the black male in silence, quietly thinking up an excuse to get away. "Sorry, I'm just not feeling well," he said. It wasn't untrue, Koda was down in the dumps and it seemed nothing could pull him out of it. All he wanted to do was sleep away the rest of the day, and hope that tomorrow would be better. "I'm gonna go back to my den. See ya later."

He dismissed himself with a polite nod and split off on his own. As he strode through the trees, he suddenly remembered he didn't actually have his own den.

RE: Bored is the Word - Lasher - January 13, 2015

no prob! <3

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koda was vague and sharp, and momentarily lasher found himself blinking in consternation at the man's sudden departure. perhaps koda did not care for his company. as this was a personal choice, and because the wolf had been gentle with his words, taltos continued on alone, somewhat hurt but moreso confused as he moved into the light and ended his patrol.