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Iktome Plains Crash Love - Printable Version

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Crash Love - Sumac - February 16, 2024

Tags for reference or to join; looking for Raindrop, Easy and her group, or any Moontide wolves, but all are welcome! Surprises are fun.

He was careful to skirt the Moontide Plateau, lest he attract unwanted attention. It was only a matter of time before they became aware of his presence and he'd have to come clean, that he'd fallen head over heels for one of their own, but for now he'd remain the rogue, the vagabond singing through the open window to his lady love. Thankfully, the miniature cougar (@Raja) was silent for the time, content to pitter-patter after her chosen companion.

They had just broken through the Sentinels, whose ghastly, skeletal remains interspersed amongst new foliage still gave Sumac contemplative pause. Truthfully, he was thankful to be free of those confines, those reminders of the destructive power of fire. They were now on new terrain: a wide-open plain that began to the southwest of the Moontide Plateau and continued onward beyond sight's range. It wasn't the most hospitable terrain, and 'Mac found he had to pick his way carefully through the gravel and clumpy grass. It was rough going, but he slowly worked his way around the western side of the plateau, heading toward the fragrant aroma of the bay. Eventually, the feline had enough of the terrain and began complaining, resulting in 'Mac begrudgingly picking it up by the scruff and carrying it like a pup.

The crystal-clear night was growing old as he caught sight of the bay. Fatigued, hungry, but still light in spirit, Sumac gently placed his traveling partner down and sat back on his haunches with a grunt. He savored the briny air, wrapping his tail tightly around his hindquarters as he stilled himself, listening, smelling, tasting... The coast was quickly becoming his favorite biome. Oh, how he'd love to show @Easy the coast; at least, how he saw it. Had she seen it? If so, when was the last time? He mused over this, a slight smile curling his lips.

But where, oh where, would his beloved @Raindrop be? Was she nearby? A pang of guilt struck him - he'd taken so long to return to her, but he'd kept getting waylaid. He should have come back sooner! He hoped he didn't worry her. Now that Easy was aware of what happened, he felt a bit more secure in venturing away from her for more lengthy periods of time. Sumac felt his heart leaping, galloping full speed as a wild stallion through his chest as he anticipated their reunion. The suspense was unbearable.

Filling his lungs with fresh sea air, Sumac lifted his maw to the sky, lips parting into a glorious baritone that echoed over the plains, reaching the cliffs. Would she hear?

I'm here!

The cat, of course, joined in.

RE: Crash Love - Raindrop - February 16, 2024

She had been awoken in the night from a light sleep to a sound that she only thought was part of a dream, her imagination. She sat up, listening intently to the call that rang out over the land. Could it be? Was it real? Was it really…. Sumac!? He’s really home! She climbed out of her den, forgetting her pain in the name of love and hobbling towards his baritone voice.

She’d hobbled as fast and best she could, towards his voice, her heart beating like the waves crashing upon sea rocks. She made it as far as she could until she was forced to sit down, take a rest for her body’s sake. But this didn’t stop her, as she raised her own muzzle to the sky, her voice dancing back to him. “Come to me, my love!”

It was here, that she would wait for him to come, to embrace him, her lover.

RE: Crash Love - Sumac - February 16, 2024

'Mac ended his serenade, lowering his maw as his golden sunshine eyes slid to the persistent feline. It continued to yowl for a few moments afterward, before finally stopping and fix Sumac with an unblinking, wide-eyed stare. 

"Really? You're going to attract everything within a hundred-" he stopped abruptly as his call was answered in kind with a familiar, welcome song.

Raindrop's sweet voice bathed his ears in its harmony, and without waiting for another breath, he was up on all fours, his paws pounding the rugged terrain relentlessly. Every muscle worked overtime, propelling his lanky figure over the plain with lovesick abandon. Cat completely forgotten, mind laser-focused, he was unstoppable in his sprint.

His eyes drank in her profile as she came into view. How was she? Was she well? Oh, a thousand thoughts whirled through his mind! He didn't slow until he was upon her, touching her nose with his before eagerly licking her face in greeting.

"I've missed you so much!" he finally panted, "I'm so sorry it took me so long... Things kept coming up." He rubbed the back of his head with a forepaw in his sheepish fashion. "How are you?"

RE: Crash Love - Raindrop - February 16, 2024

Oh, the feeling of being reunited with ‘Mac. She nearly melted in his kisses, his touching of her nose. She drank in his scent, until he prompted her with his questions. She pulled back from him, looking into his gilded eyes, “It’s okay. Really. Family is important.” She reassured him, “And I’m okay, it’s just been a bit of a rough week. But, I’m glad your back, just having you here again make me feel better.”

She didn’t want to alarm him with her injury, but he’d notice it immediately as soon as she stood up, or tried to. 

“‘Mac… I got hurt. My right back hip, it was an accident in the sentinels. A tree branch fell.” She didn’t go any deeper, except, “A young boy came to my rescue, he saved me.”

RE: Crash Love - Sumac - February 18, 2024

Sorry for the wait - busy weekend. I knew this post would be coming, but it was still on the difficult side to write.

"I can't wait for you to meet Easy. You'll love her - and she'll love you," he stated confidently, continuing to affectionately lick her face. He then pulled his head back for a moment, gilded eyes studying every last millimeter of her face, intent on memorizing her every feature.

His expression suddenly altered, the sparkle in his eyes unexpectedly extinguished as she relayed the news of her incident; it seemed frozen somewhere between an eerie blankness and shock, his lips slightly parted as his pupils contracted suddenly. Inside the confines of his mind, a hellscape had opened up, memories erupting from the ground of his consciousness of bodies charring in inescapable flames. Feelings of intense dread, helplessness, and panic began surging through his veins, running his blood ice-cold before it switched to the almost unbearable burn of a sudden adrenaline surge.

She got hurt. He was away, and she'd gotten hurt. What if it had been just like what happened in the summer? While he'd been out scouting, and he came back to the cries of the condemned. What if this boy had never shown up, and she'd remained trapped beneath the fallen bough?

'Mac tried to conceal his trembling, but it was an unconscious reflex. 

"I-I'm sorry," was all he could get out, "I-I should have been here." Guilt arose unbidden and unwelcome. "Are you okay? What can I do?"

Speaking was helping. He tried to calm his racing breathing, his wounded mind still reeling as it tried to process this information.

RE: Crash Love - Raindrop - February 18, 2024

You did well, Rain. It’s alright, I’ve been busy too. Research essay work, never really seems to ease up. ;)

He told her how much he wanted Raindrop to meet and, and how much she’d love Easy, and how Easy would love her. But, any of the happiness in body suddenly disappeared, under rough waves of emotion. His gaze went almost blank, an eerie dullness. She wouldn’t have any idea what was going through his mind, but still, once she saw him start to tremble and swiftly embraced him tightly.

She tried her best to reassure him, bring peace to his mind, as she gentle crooned, “It’s not your fault, I’m okay.” She rubbed her head against his cheek and the side of his neck, “Your here now, that’s all I need; you beside me and I beside you.” 

She felt guilty that her accident had brought him mental turmoil. — And in all this, there was the miniature cougar, somewhere in the background probably wondering what on earth was going.

“Why don’t we go home? It’s late, we’ll be together, just the two of us.” And of course the cat, but she’d hadn’t noticed it yet in all this drama.

RE: Crash Love - Sumac - February 19, 2024

Sumac eagerly welcomed her warm embrace, the feeling of her body wrapped around his grounding him, pulling him out of the maelstrom. 

He remained silent at her reassurances but nodded. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat, willed his tightened muscles to ease just a little.

"Yes... yes, I'd like that very much," he finally replied, finding that all he wanted to do was return to their den and meld himself to her, feeling her warmth against him.

It was at that precise moment that the miniature cougar caught up, complaining relentlessly about how he'd left her, and she'd had to come all this way by herself, not knowing if she'd catch up. How dare he leave her behind - her!

"Ah..." 'Mac said gently, rubbing the back of his head with a forepaw to try to alleviate his growing embarrassment, "So, I was returning through the Flatlands and this little creature just started following me. I think it's a miniature cougar. It, well... it's kind of demanding. But it's also kind of cute. I couldn't just leave it - what if a bear ate it? I'd never forgive myself."

Shall we fade after this?

RE: Crash Love - Raindrop - February 19, 2024

He settled like a child within a mother’s arms, she got him through his thunderstorm. He welcomed her embrace and then once he’d settled, his body ceasing its shaking, his tightened muscles, he replied to her.

"Yes... yes, I'd like that very much,"

Alright.She replied to him, a warm smile upon her face. But then, to her surprise, a little creature showed up, making strange noises. She cocked her head, looking at the little creature. A mini Cougar?

‘Mac explained that he’ found this “Mini cougar” on his way home through the flatlands, and it simply chose to follow him. It was demanding, but he didn’t want the poor thing to get eaten. Raindrop gave a chuckle, “Oh ‘Mac, of course it can stay. “ She then stood up, leaning against Sumac as the two, er, three, headed home.

Indeed we shall. I think these two can move on to the next step. Hint hint. ;D