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Redhawk Caldera don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Printable Version

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don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - November 25, 2014

Finley knew that when Peregrine left, he had been off to fetch @Ashton so he could check on her wounds. Even so, she was out like a light the moment her alpha was out of sight. The journey had been long and grueling, and this was truly her first real chance to get any rest since she'd left the Plateau. Even at the Plateau, her sleep had been restless and punctuated by the comings and goings of multiple patients and doctors in and out of the den all the freaking time. It hadn't been too bad when it was just her and Willow, but add in Junior and what's-its-face and all of their many visitors and the place had quickly become cramped and noisy.

But here, wedged in her cozy little den in the protective arms of the pines, she finally felt like she could sleep. And in seconds, she proved it to herself with a series of soft, lady-like snores that floated out of the mouth of the den and into the stillness of the Caldera.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 02, 2014

The golden dude had been 3 kinds of unconscious, 8 kinds of high, and 15 kinds of delusional when he took the dark green shroom.
Holy mother of Nature, that was narley. Hella narley. Maybe adding a bit of basil could twinge the...
what was who? Who called him? Obviously something needed to be checked out by the Doctor, and opening his emerald vibes to the world, he almost forgot where he had been. His den. On bed of furs. Sleepin off shroom.

Ashton shook his head, almost swaying as he took his place once again, back up on his fours. Hell, he was surprised he even woke up. That was a seriously hardcore coma he had to work off.
But duties, duties. Hup, two, three, four, and hop to the beat. Kick up ya paws, move them feet.
Gotta see what that howl was about, amigo.

The sandy pelted teen dug up a bit of rabbit he stashed not too far from the den site as he left, eating the haunch to satisfy the hunger that gnawed at his tum till he got his strength back, and soon, he made himself take long strides straight through the woods, and beeline towards the remember led direction of the call. Pretty soon, a short and stubby but humble and respectable den was in sight. This was the place.
And something else that was in place was a song of snor-tational greeting emminating from inside the darkness.
Who's pimped out crib had such a pimped out snore?

"Knock, knock, fix the clock."

What the hell kinda greeting was that, Ash?
A greeting, a weird one, but one nevertheless, right?
Fight me.
Back to reality, Ash awaited any sort of disturbance within the lyrically colorful breathing.
Can't just barge in someone's shack. Rude as hell.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 03, 2014

Fin awoke slowly at the sound of approaching pawsteps, hazily wavering between full awake and sleep up until the point that a voice disturbed the quiet even more fully. The beta lifted her head and shook it, blinking blearily out her front door to spy shards of golden fur. She canted her head, first wondering what this wolf was doing there until she'd remembered that Peregrine had sent him, and then wondering what the crap a clock was.

"Pomegranate-guy?" was Fin's reply as she pulled herself up and slipped out the small entrance to her den, shaking herself more thoroughly as the sunlight fell upon her silver pelt. She turned to look at him, her tongue roving around her mouth and muzzle to share its moisture with her lips. She had no doubt Peregrine had probably filled him in on what was expected for him, and she hardly needed to point out the livid gashes along her back. So, Fin focused more on waking up and just let the doctor come to his own conclusions and get to work.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 03, 2014

◆I had to read the thread between Finley and Peregrine again, because it was just too damn cute. Like gah, Stevie. Also, attempted to assess how you got Fin to have such a monsterous level of gashery, so im gonna just flop Ash in there and be like, 'dont know what ya did, but doin ma job here, babe.' Perfected him xD ◆

Ashton heard the shuffling from within the little hut like putt, and the teen quirked his ears at the response. Which followed through with a genuine laugh. 

"I guess ya don't have any damage to your nog, now do ya, beautiful? Welcome back home, Finny Fin Fin. "

It was obvious work of some massive brute that did this to the fellow Hawk, and either this babe got into a fight with a bar of bears, or a shack of sharks, and neither one of em dealt pretty bruises. Or scars. Hell, the way this girl was shredded made the hippie recall of a piece of bark he had to slice up for a ceremony he did back in some paganistic path in his natal pack. 
Focus, dude. 

"If ya don't mind, could you do a pretty little twirl for me? Gotta get a full view of ya. Not like you gave me a chance on such a treat before, but atleast I got a decent reason for it now. If I'm gonna be the Doc of this cozy little Dera, gotta doc em' right."

The shimmer in his irises were that of mischief, but his mind was professional. If anything, Ash found it smashing that the dudette came back, and though he didn't know exactly how she had vanished, let alone why, or how these tears were all up in her, he was just appreciative of the fact that Mother Nature let her back safely.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 03, 2014

Lol I do love her adorableness myself XD Here, she gave him a hint lol

Fin gave him a short smile as he welcome her back before turning to busily licking a patch of scruffy fur upon her shoulder, still not fully awake enough to muster a real response. She paused when he began to speak again, canting her head slightly as her ears perked, not wanting to miss his instructions.

Well, until he gave them anyway. Once he said his piece, Fin gave him a scrutinizing look. Damn he talked weird. And his request for her to "twirl" for him caused her suspicion to rise. She kept her thoughts to herself however. Peregrine trusted this "dude", so Fin would too. Until he gave her a reason not to, which she dutifully kept an eye out for.

"Forgive me if I don't curtsy," Fin quipped as she stood and spun slowly in a little circle for him, allowing him to look her over so that he could "doc her right". "What do you think--Go for a bigger bear next time?" she asked with a little smirk.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 04, 2014

◆my god, that explains the avi you had not too long ago. That thread was with Lasher, wasnt it? How did I not remember?! Gonna go pass away, now, brb. Lalwz. ◆

Ash's jaw almost landed on the floor. Well, imaginarily, of course, but whaaaaaaaatt?
This babe fought bears. And lived. Screw tryin' to be a macho man around her. She fought bears.
Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope,..
Not you, missy miss miss.

"You...fought,...a fucking bear?..."

Shaking his thick golden locks, the Doc was incredulous at the matter. But he did have to admit, that was kinda hot,..
Right, right, no touchy.

"Alright, bear banger. Gonna tell you this. Your cuts seem to have been healin' up at a nice rate. I have no idea whether you've been treated by someone else, or whether tou got the healin capabilities of a daisy, but the only thing I need to ensure for ya is that you don't catch any type of infection, or uneven healings."

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 04, 2014


Fin canted her head heavily to the right in surprise at Ashton's surprise. Had Peregrine told him nothing? That was kind of mean of him. Which in itself wasn't at all surprising, and when she thought on it further, it was actually far more amusing this way. Her smirk only widened then as he shook his head and began to respond to her unintentional "big reveal", taking his medical assessment in for about five seconds before she realized she didn't really care.

"Just do what you gotta do," Fin replied with another jesting grin, "Just know that if it hurts, I'll probably tear your face off or something." It was said in fun, of course. After all, Finley was not one to actually admit it when she was in pain, not to others and usually not to herself either.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 04, 2014

"You got it, Miss Man. I'll touch ya as delicate as a skydiving elephant."

Ash revved a low chuckle. Skydiving Elephant.
Dude. What. Even is that?
A elep...nevermind. Laugh at it later. You got a Bear Beating Beta to take care of.

"You up to crossin the Dera a bit, or ya sick, down, and out for the count? My herbs and tools are at the crib."

The Doctor glanced between the lower area of valley, and Finley, contemplating how the trek would affect her wound.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 04, 2014

God he said the weirdest things.

God and now I'm writing posts like him too. The Ash-spiration was sure contagious.

Fin gave him an offended look that was more or less made in jest. "Hey, it's just 'Miss'," she barked back at him, not entirely pleased at being called "Man" for whatever reason he had decided to. But then again, he really didn't seem completely like he knew where he was. And... why was she following him again?

Or was that even what she was doing? She managed to follow that the "Dera" was the territory they lived in. She understood herbs, but what sort of "tools" exactly was he going to use on her? And what the F was a "crib"? She took a deep breath and reminded herself that Peregrine trusted this nutjob. "I can travel," she said slowly, "If that's what you're asking."

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 07, 2014

◆Ash-spiration. Lawlz.◆

Letting out a vibrant laugh at her words, the hippie shook his head. Then after a beat, he nodded, and turned, making his way down the slope where her perch was.

Taking slow pit pats down the hill-like mountain, the doctor took his time relishing in the silence. Well, as silent as nature could get. Meanwhile, he pondered what concoction he could whip up for the grey toots.
Seein how the wounds were healin up extravagantly, he assumed someone had looked at the ouchies already. Maybe she needed a salve or somethin to skin em over, have a better chance of healing, and her having a higher chance of her pelt growing back in that spot. Maybe some almond oil, some hickory bark, something of a recovery trait.
He had plenty.

His den was unbelievably close to her own, and at this, he was relieved. Ash didn't want her to put herself in more pain than necessary, as he did for all his patients, so he insured she didn't stumble or fall, by being ever close to her.
Hell, she fought bears...who was he kiddin?

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 08, 2014

Finley walked steadily along with the golden wolf. He kept himself very close for reasons Fin struggled to assume were for her own good. She was extremely aware of how attractive and awesome she was and she had little doubt that Ashton was as well. She was beginning to suspect him of taking advantage of his position as the doctor and her the patient. But, it was helpful to be able to lean on him a bit as she moved being crippled and all. And who was she to deter someone from appreciating her charms? As long as her physician didn’t try anything with her, she had no qualms at being admired. Even if he did still strike her as being a little creepy and thoroughly unbalanced.

They arrived at what she suspected was his den in a rather short length of time. The golden wolf lived rather close, and she wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about it either. For the moment though, she was grateful. She’d done enough hobbling to satisfy a lifetime. ”Is this where you cut me open and start passing out my organs to your demon minions?” Fin asked, not completely in jest. She did a little bit worry about that being his intention. Peregrine trusts him. Let’s just keep remembering that Peregrine trusts him.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 09, 2014

Why did everyone assume he had kids? Hell, was he that old lookin? The Finny Fin Fin Fin spoke of demon minions. Where the hell could he find a babe that was willing to make more little golden Ashies? He wasn't ready for that just yet.

"Ya know, if I ever did have any demon minions, I think you could share a name with a cute one. Other than that, nah, sweets. Yea, this is my shack. Be careful, because I have steps, and its only a 1 wolf wide way. Down the steps, theres a hallway, and a whole row of infirmary dens. Choose whichever one ya like, and comfy yourself up. They all got nice soft hides on the floors of em, and smell nice. Also, theyre all sanitized, because I had a couple other Hawks stay here for treatment."

Stepping back from the greyscale toots, the blond plaited Doctor made a motions like 'ladies first' with a sweep of his layered banner.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 09, 2014

Fin quirked a brow at his response, not completely certain if she should take his words as a compliment or not. It was almost one--she was pretty sure he'd called her cute somewhere in there. But he'd also likened her to a demon minion, so... Maybe she should just stop reading into that one. She brushed the thoughts from her head and listened as he went into a description of what they were about to encounter. She was surprised and impressed at the lengths to which he'd gone to build his little hospital for the Caldera. Maybe Peregrine was right to put his faith in the golden fellow.

The beta crept forward at Ashton's encouragement, curiosity driving her paws as she ducked into the den and began to explore. Everything was just as he'd described, neat little rooms all pimped out with dead animal skins. They were all pretty much the same, so Fin contented herself with one near the entrance and slipped inside, tucking herself in against the fur upon the floor and turning her head to wait quietly for the doctor to join her.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Ashton - December 15, 2014

After the greyscale picked her pace down to his basement/ward, Ash checked to make sure everything was in order. He had OCD about things when it came to cleanliness, and with each and every fur he kept, he groomed them all with the varying amount of attention they needed to keep their sanitation properly. The little niche in the walls had to be filled with lavender, ensuring te place smelled nice and composed a relaxing sorta feeling.
After he appraised the room she picked, Ash assessed her wounds again, his mind already made up of the herbs he'd use for her treatment. Then figured he'd use the same poultice he used to get El's wound to heal up awesomely.

"Gonna give you the special treatment, alright, beautiful. I got all the things I need, so I'm pretty sure you're gonna have you less time to waitin, than healin."

His foresty irises kept themselves on her for her answer to his proposition.

RE: don't wake me i plan on sleeping in. - Finley - December 17, 2014

Last post for meee! You can post again or have it archived :D <3

Ashton offered her the "special treatment" and for once, Fin wasn't overly suspicious of what exactly that meant. She was far too cozy and warm in her little nook to be paranoid. She turned to glance at him lazily, her smile soft and tail tapping a gentle beat upon her back paws.

"Do whatever you need to, just as long as I can take a nice long nap when you're done," she told him. She blinked her heavy eyelids a few times as he shuffled about her, only to let them lay as he began his work, fully intent on starting that nap just as soon as she was able, whether or not it meant falling asleep right in the middle of treatment.