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Hushed Willows Clearing the Air - Printable Version

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Clearing the Air - Tuft - March 04, 2024

@Reina I figured that just before Reina leaves, it would have been a good idea to have Tuft say he was sorry. Let me know if that's okay!

Tuft couldn't sleep. So many things had happened in such a short amount of time, and he hadn't said a single thing about it to Reina. To help him think about this conundrum, he decided to head out in the early morning to the lake. The gentle fog stood lazily over the lake, forming a thick blanket. Pacing back and forth like he usually did, his thoughts kept going over what had happened between him and Reina. Of course he wanted to have told her about Minnow, but just didn't have a good opportunity to do so.

He needed to let Reina know that he was sorry for causing any pain and heartache that he might had inflicted to her. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he made.a howling call for Reina. He went back to pacing around the lake.

RE: Of Hard Goodbyes and Breakups - Reina - March 04, 2024

Back to where they started. Though, in truth, it had been nothing more than a coming together of kindred spirits, misconstrued into what both thought may have been…love. Both desperately wanting the same thing, but they weren’t made for each other. Instead, there was more of a kinship between the two, a sibling-esque feel to the ties that bind them.

Reina had known for a while now that Tuft and Minnow were together; she was beyond happy for them. They were to all travel together to the Moon pack—for different reasons, of course—but it would be best to clear the air between herself and Tuft.

So she heeded his call, meeting them at the lake where they first met. It was as though things were coming full circle, and she felt good about where they were in their lives. He was pacing, seemingly nervous, and it made her giggle as she greeted him.

“Hey, Tuft. You called for me?”