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Ouroboros Spine snow white is doing dishes again. - Printable Version

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snow white is doing dishes again. - Harlyn - November 25, 2014

@Mordecai if you has time, but AW still!

Where oh where did that Mordecai go... Harlyn couldn't help but hum softly to herself as she slipped between the evergreens, her bright Autumn eyes drifting back and forth between the frost-bitten trunks. She hadn't seen her alpha since their last hunt together and she found herself craving his attention. She had done her prayers and her worship to the forest to beg its favor and thrive for them so that they may also thrive. But she knew worship could only get you so far before more practical measures were required, and the Cinderloch was ready for some practicality.

Her nose could only take her so far until it was time to switch to her mind. She stopped in her wanderings and thought back on the day that they'd first met. The things they'd discussed, the places he'd taken her... And suddenly, she knew where to go. She knew also that it was a long shot, but Harlyn was willing to take the chance.

An hour or so later and she was standing upon the precipice, gazing out at that first brilliant view of the Spine. Harlyn took a few moments to stand and gaze at their kingdom, simply admiring it. Then, after taking in a deep and soothing breath, she tossed back her head and sent her voice to the wind, asking for him to join her.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Mara - November 25, 2014

Hope you don't mind if I join :P

Mara had been sniffing around the spine for a while, still looking to meet some new friends. So far her efforts had been fruitless. That was until she heard a calling howl of a packmate she had yet to meet. The call was directed to their Alpha but Mara hoped the source of the howl wouldn't mind meeting someone new.

The silver eyed girl trotted towards the sound and soon found herself above the rest of the spine, an astonishing view surrounding her. She took a moment before speaking to just look around and admire the wild beauty of her new home.

When she was done staring she turned to the other wolf standing on the high cliff. It was she wolf she had never met before. She hoped that she wouldn't be disappointed by her arrival. She padded up to stand next to the she wolf, her storm grey eyes surveying their surroundings as she spoke.

"I hope you don't mind, me joining you. My name is Mara." she introduced herself to the tricolored she-wolf standing next to her.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Mordecai - November 26, 2014

These days, I have plenty of time for threads! Just gotta keep myself motivated haha. Kept things a little vague in regards to his opinion of Mara, especially since those two are just meeting in another thread! <3

Harlyn would have been fairly right in her guess about where to find Mordecai. He was, in fact, lingering near one of many viewing points along the higher climes of the Spine. A round inside of the borders was just as important as outside of them, and most importantly he was delighted to some degree to recognize from who the call came from. As it receded and became swallowed up by the surrounding sides of their basin, Mordecai made his way to her timely, a brisk jog for an equally brisk day.

As he climbed the ridge leading up towards her, he paused for a moment to take in the sights with a modest sense of pride. The Spine felt as though it were beginning to finally come together and achieve the balance it had only held fleetingly. He knew the time was coming upon him to call them all together and settle things once and for all, to finalize that claim and effort he had put into their pack. But now was not that time, and so he pushed onward and upwards, until Harlyn's figure came into view.

Just beyond her though, he spied out the figure of Mara with her. His greeting stayed the same, a fair wave of his tail as a hello and a wolfish grin split evenly across his muzzle. He had taken a liking to Harlyn from the moment they had met, though she was far from the only one. She was however, among some of the only ones that he had been able to recruit within the sloping confines of their territory. “Showing off the views today, Harlyn?” he queried, gesturing to Mara being with her. Mordecai was completely unaware that the two were just beginning their own meeting.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Harlyn - November 28, 2014

HI GAIZ! *gives cookies*

Harlyn had not been expecting another to join her who wasn't Mordecai. She turned to regard the woman with surprise, not remembering exactly when it was she'd called for anyone in the pack to join her. Hadn't she called specifically for Mordecai? She bit back the irritation on her tongue and merely gave the girl a smile and a soft shake of her head. "Of course not," she assured her--Mara, "How can I ever mind meeting one of my pack?"

The Cinderloch swallowed her disappointment and settled in to meet the girl, only for Mordecai's appearance to suddenly sweep away her attention. A pleased smile swept quickly across her muzzle at the sight of him, and she bowed her head with fallen ears in deference to him. "You know I can't help myself," she replied with a soft laugh, "I am just so enamored with our home. Mara, have you met Mordecai, our alpha?" It gave her pride to introduce them, if that was indeed what she was about to be able to do.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Mara - November 29, 2014

I'm just going to say they met, it seems less complicated ;) also, sorry its short :(

Mara, seeing disappointment cross the other she-wolf's face, felt immediate guilt. It was soon replaced by relief when she stated that she didn't mind. Just then their Alpha, Mordecai, stepped out of the woods onto the ledge. The she wolf attempted to introduce him to Mara but, remembering their meeting complete with her clumsy incident, just smiled.

"We have actually. Nice to see you again, Mordecai." she greeted, before turning back to the female, hoping to learn her name.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Mordecai - November 30, 2014

That works with my timeline, because our prior thread does take place before this one. So yeah, they would have met. But Harlyn wouldn't be privy to that knowledge of course. :P

Closing in the gap between the duo of females, Mordecai offered Harlyn a friendly nudge. She seemed to be fairing well as they proceeded into winter, and he was thankful that she continued to stay with them. He extended a similar offer to Mara as well as she mentioned to Harlyn that they had in fact met, at least trying to give her the feeling that she too, was included. Mordecai was learning that inclusion was at least half of the battle in leading a pack, if not by the subordinates themselves, then by him. But he had his ideas for that coming further on down the road.

“It's good to see you both,” he said, letting his gaze shift between them. “How are things?” Whether it had been a few days or hours since he had seen both of them, Mordecai didn't care. He was curious about what they had been up to, curious of what they had come across and learned. This was a bit more in the case for Harlyn, because the days had stretched out that he could not recall them conversing at length. But no doubt in his mind, that would change now that they had come together on that particular day.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Harlyn - December 03, 2014

Mara replied that she had indeed met before, and immediately Harlyn began to wonder of their meeting. She eyed the female for her regard of their alpha as he approached, then turned to see his regard of her. A thought had been brewing in her mind since coming to the Spine. And judging by their perfectly respectful greeting of one another, it didn't appear that Mara would be one to get in the way of it.

The druid gave Mordecai a soft smile as he touched her in greeting, returning the gesture with bowed head and laid back ears. She kept her gaze upon him as he spoke. "Very well," she replied, then paused to allow her other packmate to say the words upon her mind.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Mara - December 17, 2014

Sorry its so late, I got a little busy. This is my fade :)

Mara smiled, her days had been pretty uneventful lately. Filling catches, checking the perimeter of the territory, the usual.

"Yeah, they've been pretty good. And its Harlyn, right? Nice to meet you." The russet girl wagged her tail happily. She could tell that these two had some sort of connection and she suddenly felt like she was intruding on a private meeting. Trying to think of an excused to get out of their fur, she flicked her ears.

"Well, I should probably get going, the catches aren't going to fill themselves, are they?" she said quickly, hoping they wouldn't see her gesture as rude.

"It was good to see you Mordecai." she smiled at them before she turned and headed away from the pair of wolves.

RE: snow white is doing dishes again. - Harlyn - December 21, 2014

Mara was quick to make an exit once Mordecai had joined them. Although she hadn't really minded the girl, Harlyn felt pleased at her departure nonetheless, for it meant that she would have the alpha all to herself. The dark girl bid the other farewell in turn before casting her gaze upon Mordecai to address the reason she had called him there in the first place--so that they could discuss the assistance Harlyn could give to the pack, and.. a bit more importantly to her, she was beginning to realize... How she could make herself of use to the handsome Alpha.