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Sun Mote Copse why I otter!!!!! - Printable Version

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why I otter!!!!! - Orca II - March 09, 2024

attn @Otter

New siblings. For most, it would feel like a joyous occasion. 

For Orca... well, she was still trying to figure out what she felt. She had just gotten over hurdle A: of feeling abandoned and forgotten. Now onto the next hurdle: were she and Seal being replaced? At least now, she had enough self-awareness to feel ridiculous over the feeling. But Orca only knew life with herself and her first sister (granted, they had been separated rather early but that never changed Orca's preference or protectiveness for her). 

Now, there was Otter. Orca stared down at her, and at Skipjack, who looked like two of the most heinous things she had ever seen if she were being honest. Tiny and fat. She did not feel endeared to them yet, that much Orca knew. They're really... somethin', she whispered to her mother, not wanting to disturb the two tiny suckling beings.

RE: why I otter!!!!! - Otter - March 11, 2024

Unaware of her looming sibling, whose opinion of her wasn't the greatest, Otter continued to eat her lunch. Her stubby legs pressed into @Meerkat's side like a baker kneading dough, and she put much effort into getting every last drop from her mother's teat! Milk escaped her parted jaws, dribbling down each side of her face, and she grunted every so often as she worked as hard as she could; it was undoubtedly messy and unattractive—especially to someone like Orca, who was already revolted by her newest family members.

RE: why I otter!!!!! - Orca II - March 15, 2024

Oh yeah, ew. Orca wanted terribly to look at these wee little lambs and think, aw, how precious! But they were messy, loud, and... no, not stinky at least. Her mom had done a right good job of cleaning up after them. But definitely ugly. And a little boring, too. Was this... it? What do ye do with 'em all day? Orca thought to ask @Meerkat in that same whisper-quiet voice. 

And then, was I like this? Hard to imagine that she could ever be so... euch. But maybe she could parse together some sort of positive feeling knowing that they both had gone through this bizarre ass phase of being grunting, milky, worm-like things that sucked, in the very literal sense of the word.

RE: why I otter!!!!! - Otter - March 15, 2024

Otter could feel the vibrations of the conversation, and soon enough, it enticed her enough to stop eating. Unlatching, the wee barin tipped her head back and blindly looked at the ceiling, her open mouth still full of milk. Her meal continued to dribble down the sides of her mouth, but she paid little mind to the mess.