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new moon rising - Printable Version

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new moon rising - Scimitar - November 27, 2014

For @Kieran

He paced – it was a mild day, compared to others, though he knew winter would soon be upon them. The sky was clouded, though a storm did not seem to threaten them. Inhaling softly, the male rolled his shoulders back, attempting to release some of the tension between them. He would need to gather the pack soon – to discuss many things. Primarily, Paarthurnax’s presence and pregnancy, and, the ever looming presence of Shadow with it. He hated to put her on the spot.. but her companions were entitled to know if trouble was brewing.

They also had a right to know that Bazi was back. Many had been disappointed when the ivory Alpha had fled from them – and while he held no question that this was her home.. he wanted to make sure others realized it too. Finally, he wanted to announce Kaskara’s promotion to Beta – it was something he should have done awhile ago, but had not wanted to hinder her desire to scout.

With a low chuff to himself, the cinnamon wolf sat uneasily at the Creek’s edge, one creamy paw lifting to toy with the waters.

RE: new moon rising - Kieran - November 28, 2014

Kieran shifted his wide shoulders and placing one paw in front of the other he started at a low trot and increased his pace. He wanted to work off some of the burning issues he had with some of the decisions made by both Bazi and Scimitar. The two of them were fools and he knew it, but he could not tell them such a thing. It was not kind. If you were in love with another you took a hold of that and you held to it as tightly as you could, because he alone knew how easily they could be ripped away from you. He chuffed quietly to himself, who was he kidding he couldn't tell them that, because then questions would be asked. Questions he did not want and had no intention of answering, because he wasn't about to tell anyone of his life.

As he loped along a scent tickled his nostrils and teased his senses and he froze for a moment trying to find out. Fast realizing it was his alpha and the thoughts that he had about him were less than kind, though he supposed he could understand the wariness. Dipping his muzzle low to the ground he followed the scent as best he could and chuffed in greeting when his green eyes lit upon Scimitar.

RE: new moon rising - Scimitar - December 04, 2014

The low noise stirred the Alpha, and swinging his muzzle over his shoulder, his bright eyes met upon the green of his companion. Kieran was a wolf Scimitar understood very little verbally, but he had proven time and again to not only be an asset to the pack, but one he could rely on as a friend. “Kieran,” he rumbled in ways of welcome, his nose pointing back in the original direction.

“How was your scouting trip?” The question was a basic one – Kaskara had informed of things, but the dark male might also have a few key points to offer Scimitar. The onset of winter was only stirring his desire to stake claim on Neverwinter Forest even further – and now, with the threat of the Bypass looming over them, he was certainly more prepared to do so. The only true thing stopping him was the pack that now overshadowed the brink of it.

RE: new moon rising - Kieran - December 04, 2014

Kieran averted his eyes quickly, he did not wish to be considered a challenger. Granted he could certainly hold his own had proven that time and time again as he had grown. But that didn't mean that he liked to prove that, or wish to cause challenge. Scimitar He grew quiet then and moved to sit beside the male, keeping his eyes downward.

Kieran thought about his question, how was the scouting trip? Hadn't Kaskara told him. It was uneventful for the most part. Though the leaders were missing and Bazi had been frail."It wus uneventful for de most part. tuwawi an' njal are gone, dare is a new leader. oi don't nu why though. bazi wus frail. oi spent most av de trip keepin' an mince pie on de birds from a distance an' scoutin' ahead so they did not run into trouble"

RE: new moon rising - Scimitar - December 04, 2014

Kaskara had told him parts, certainly – but she had been railroaded by Scimitar’s own news which he had yet to share with the entirety of the pack. He gave a small cringe with this notion, knowing he could not put the news off any longer. Paarthurnax would begin to show soon, and they needed to know what they were dealing with. Somehow, he wanted to keep the she-wolf from the limelight for as long as he could.

Listening intently, the Frostfur gave a gentle nod of his muzzle. Njal and Tuwawi’s disappearance surprised him – and while he thought carefully back on the Sveijarn family, and his once admiration he had felt for the silver male, nothing else stirred within him. They had determined to leave – a shun to Bazi in the moment they had claimed to do so. It was a pity the family had spiraled downward so.

“Thank you for keeping an eye on them,” he offered then, his brows just barely holding back the thoughtful frown as he recalled the sickish look Bazi held when coming back to Creek lands. He would also need to talk to her soon, as well.. avoidance could not go on forever.

RE: new moon rising - Kieran - December 05, 2014

Kieran would not question any problems the pack had, but rather run at them head on. It was how he had lived this long by tackling problems as they came. It was normal for the irishman to not panic. Had he known of Paarthurnax and her impending child rearing, he would have done his best to take care of her with food and shelter and anything else she needed. It was how he was, how he would always be.

Kieran shrugged softly at the word of thanks. A little uncomfortable at it, as it was what any good male should do. Take care of their pack and the females that resided in it. After all they were the bearers of the future. "'tis waaat any paddy worth 'is salt wud chucker. naw nade ter tank me."

RE: new moon rising - Scimitar - December 09, 2014

Scimitar, in his attempt to understand the swarthy man, was likely staring at him quite rudely, his jaws slightly slackened. Clipping them shut as Kieran spoke something – the Frostfur did get a ‘tanks’ out of it, he instead let the conversation drift elsewhere. The report was almost the same as Kaskara’s, and he would not pry further. Duskfire Glacier’s situation was an unfortunate one, but one that did not affect the wolves of the Creek – after all, Njal and Tuwawi could barely wait to leave them behind.

“Are there any trades that interest you?” It was a question that could potentially entice an answer he would not understand past Kieran’s heavy accent, but one worth gaging – he could not help his pack mate further his skills if he did not know what he potentially aimed for. Giving his pelt a light shake, Scimitar’s muzzle dropped down to smooth a stray piece of fur on his shoulder, withholding his tension and trying to force his muscles to relax.

RE: new moon rising - Kieran - December 14, 2014

Kieran stood still while he was stared at. It was a thing he was used too, not many could understand his broken english. He wasn't sure what Kaskara had told the other, but he was fairly certain that it was near about the same. After all they were on the same journey.

He wasn't quite sure what would entice him trade wise. He could be a warden perhaps and a gamekeeper but the third he wasn't sure. He always loved pups perhaps a caretaker? But could he manage not to break the little souls that would be entrusted to him?"Oi'm not sure exactly scimitar, but oi nu for sure warden an' gamekeeper. perhaps a caretaker but dat is still in de wind"

RE: new moon rising - Scimitar - December 27, 2014

He did manage to understand the few trades the loyal male before him offered, and Scimitar gave a thoughtful nod. He had yet to call the pack together to announce Paarthurnax and her news, but it was not because it was a well guared secret.. He was simply awaiting for his few travelers to settle back in one more. "The Creek will be home to a new litter soon, so there will be a few young minds to teach," he offered, his tone shifting to a lower murmur.

At one point he had felt the pull of parenthood as well -- Bazi's enthusiasm for it and certainly enticed him, but now, with things so shaky between them, the notion had once more slipped away from him. While he was uncertain if he would ever father pups of his own, though, he knew he would do everything he could for Paarthurnax's brood.. And he even looked forward to doing so.

RE: new moon rising - Kieran - December 31, 2014

Kieran looked at him in surprise, he had not known that Scimitar had babes on the way. It was a forgone conclusion that it would be Scimitar to have babies after all he was the alpha. Kieran did not question it as of right now. It was not his place, and he would find out soon enough he supposed. He would have to search out the female and give his regards and food, pregnant females always deserved food. "Dat is gran' babes are de future after al'."

Keiran shifted his weight, he was a bit disappointed that the male before him had a litter that was not Bazi's. As he had been certain they were an item, perhaps his instincts were going to the way side as he aged. It was possible wasn't it. Tilting his head he spoke softly, "Is dare anymore oi can chucker ter 'elp our family prepare for winter? oi 'unt an' patrol, but if dare is more dat is needed oi wud loike ter 'elp."

RE: new moon rising - Scimitar - January 01, 2015

Going to have him exit here? Feelf ree to stop him though if you want the thread to go elsewhere!

If Scimitar had realized Kieran's assumption, he would have been quick to remedy it -- instead, the question of what could be done was posed (or, that's what the cinnamon Frostfur assumed he was asking), and he gave a small nod. "The cache's need to be stocked -- Paarthurnax should be fed above all, as well as Bazi, since she's healing. We've had many poor hunts the past few weeks."

He quieted in contemplation, as if debating what else there was to talk about. The man before him was a mystery, though he made no motion to break down the wall -- doing so would only chip away at his own. Instead, the Alpha gave his comrade a small nod, moving forward to gently bump his nose to the wolf's cheek, should the touch be allowed.

"I should get back to it. Thank you again Kieran, for going with him." With a nod to the chocolate wolf, the agouti male sidestepped him then, his pace slow as he began to lope in the direction toward the borders.