Wolf RPG
it's a wild love that i have - Printable Version

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it's a wild love that i have - Sidewinder - November 28, 2014

With or without Mordecai's permission, Sidewinder had departed Ouroboros Spine and headed to the east. He would be gone a day, three at most, even if he was able to find the whereabouts of his brother. He would continue until he found at least one pack to question, and then he would return to the spine to replenish his health and begin all over again. If he kept it up, he would eventually gather some knowledge on his brother Viper. And if not, he would move on in the spring.

He rounded the northern tip of Big Salmon Lake, where he had once met a dark wolf seeking out somebody else, then Sidewinder crossed a river. Another half-day's journey brought him to a moody wooded place, and it was there that he encountered the sharp scent of a pack. Sidewinder strayed far from their borders, ensuring that he would cause them no immediate alarm, and began to pace down the eastern boundary of the pack. If they had any ounce of sense, they would have patrols and would spot him sooner rather than later.

RE: it's a wild love that i have - Slade - December 02, 2014

◆Goin for the Warden. :D ◆

Slade had been around the territory for the second time now. The lustrous fur that seemed to be composed of thickly layered shadows, blew about him in an ominous manner that could have him appear almost phantom like. Like the dark king that he was.
The Nightmare looked about, as his patrol came to a bit more of an intresting turn. Another lupine was here. And not one he had recognized as a member of the BlackFeathers.
Someone who had a deal to strike with the devil, especially consider he could be mistaken for such, for his eyes had the very embers that could have been struck in the fierce furnaces of Hell, itself.

He assessed the position of the snow lupine, and decided the darkness before them, would be his entrance.
With that, the massive king pivoted, and made his way to the aboding darkness before the pale company. Stepping regally within view, he held his neck at an arched crescent, his cool yet volcanic irises piercing the air between the two.

"Description of your presence is necessary, in order to continue to live. Speak now, or never speak again."

RE: it's a wild love that i have - Sidewinder - December 17, 2014

It was so strange to note the different ways that packs approached him. Some chased him off on sight. Others welcomed him warmly. A few wanted an explanation. Even more wished to garner his loyalty. The latter was a particularly amusing one, especially considering Sidewinder was about as loyal as a stray kitty cat. But this dark wolf had requested an explanation, so an explanation Sidewinder would give.

"I seek my brother, Viper," he replied, "though he may not go by that name any longer. He is a white wolf, like myself, with white eyes." If no information could be gotten from here, Winder would be on his way. But if there was any chance of finding the male, Winder would investigate further.

RE: it's a wild love that i have - Slade - December 17, 2014

◆Is Keith his brother? W_oV ◆

The description that this wolf gave of his sibling almost erupted him in a snarl. Yet, he kept his face calm. If this wolf that he described was who he thought it was, then Slade would be tempted as the blood thirsty murderer that he was, to assassinate Bane's brother.
He could have no one interfering with his teachings of the youth. That included blood relations. Yet, if this wasn't his brother, then this strikingly similar male could continue on his way, unscathed.

Mind games would have to be issued, just a web of truths and lies to beckon information out of this wolf. And if Slade could get the identical image from the man, then he would make up his mind to tell the whelp to go away.

"This Viper, White fur, white eyes. We actually do have a wolf. White. Artic heritage. A new member, but I haven't had the chance to get contact with the eyes. Them, being in a lower tier, of course. Yet, this brother, is he muscularly built?"

Slade kept a look of genuine interest imprinted on his face, his words weaving in and out, the tantalizing and imperceptible lies, and the undetectable truths.
The shadow sire would not disclose the name of the wolf in which this interview could lead to.
He would not lose his pupil.
He would not.

RE: it's a wild love that i have - Sidewinder - January 02, 2015

I'm pulling Sidewinder from the game soon, so I'm gonna go ahead and pull him from this thread. Thanks for replying, and apologies for the abrupt ending.

That was enough for Sidewinder. His job here was done. Considering that was the description he had been given, he could return this (much belated) information over to the wolves of Stavanger Bay. He gave the pack wolf a long, even stare, but did not bother to answer his question. Instead, Sidewinder abruptly did a one-eighty and broke off toward the coast. Until he got there, he would not stop. His relentless searching had finally proven fruitful, and he could put yet another manhunt to rest.

RE: it's a wild love that i have - Slade - January 07, 2015

Slade met his stare, and every second that passed was one that made the ruff on his shoulders raise that much higher. Something wasn't right. And Slade could feel it in his bones.
Suspicions were confirmed when the white wolf swiveled and ran away. Any wolf who was searching for a loved one would not take off at proper information,...
This was a trick.

Not bothering to watch te wolf retreat, Slade committed to his own heel swivel, now in search of the Pale One.
There was a story to be told.
And a life to be hidden.
