Wolf RPG
Noctisardor Bypass GO TO THE MOOR. - Printable Version

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GO TO THE MOOR. - Goldfinch - April 10, 2024


The sound fell into silence as the flaxen little wolf stepped out under the stars. She'd never seen them before. For a time she only stood and stared, understanding for the first time just how vast the world truly was. How beautiful it was.

What she didn't yet know was how easy it was to lose this feeling. This wonder, this joy at simply being and being in this moment. That it would fade with time, that one day she would wake up and realize it was gone and had been gone long before she ever noticed. That she would spend the rest of her life chasing that simple contentment.

In this moment she knew only that she loved the stars. She loved their beauty, their light. She loved that they were so far away she would never be able to touch them.

Goldfinch heard that silvered sound again, and quickly turned to follow.