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Neverwinter Forest Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Printable Version

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Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Morning broke like an egg, dripping molten yellow light like runny yolk over the frosty mountaintops. Before long, it seeped down their steep flanks to the forests below. Tiny fingers of sunlight crept into the den Turquoise and Rivet shared, eventually reaching the Gunner's closed eyelids. They fluttered, opening even as the tawny she-wolf raised her head from its perch atop the slope of Rivet's back.

Afraid to move—lately, the slightest movement made her feel like crap—Turquoise lay very still for a while, even as the cobwebs of sleep receded. She could not ignore the terrible case of cotton mouth assaulting her for long, however. With a groan, she began to push herself to her stockinged feet. She moved gingerly, trying not to jar her sick body too much.

Surprisingly, she didn't feel nearly as cruddy as before. Tentatively, Turquoise stretched out her long legs and took a few steps toward the den's entrance. She felt a little tired but otherwise relatively normal. "Oh, buíochas a ghabháil Dia," she murmured. Reminding herself to still take it easy, she padded through the foyer and outside.

After drinking from a nearby puddle and licking the stray droplets from her lips, she swiveled and peered back into the cozy dwelling. "Hey, Riv," she called quietly. "Pssst, wake up, sleeping beauty!" When Rivet didn't immediately stir, Turq reentered the den and stood over her, tugging playfully at the tip of the DeMonte's right ear before nuzzling her brow.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013

Exhaustion had claimed her just a few hours before morning broke through the forest. She’d been almost going none stop, except she hadn’t been doing anything for the pack as a whole. Instead, she’d been busting her rump doing everything within her power to take care of her sick companion. When Turquoise had come down sick, Rivet had put a complete halt to doing anything for the pack and had focused well more than one hundred percent to tending to and taking care of the woman she loved more than life itself. But not without a cost to her own self. She’d been running herself almost ragged in her attempt to care for the other woman.

She didn’t even stir when her lover woke and rose to go get a drink. Rivet was oblivious to anything and everything going on around her at the present moment. She wasn’t even having any dreams in her exhausted slumber. Nor did she hear her lover calling to her. It wasn’t until Turq was tugging at her ear that Rivet finally began to stir. The feel of the nuzzling to her brow brought forth a content sigh from her. But then she seemed to remember that she was supposed to be taking care of her sick girlfriend. She hadn’t meant to allow herself to fall into such a deep sleep. Heck, she hadn’t meant to really fall asleep in general because taking care of Turq was far more important than sleeping at the present moment.

Her mismatched eyes shot open and she lifted her head, taking care not to bump Turq’s head in the process. “I’m sorry,” was the first thing that poured out of her mouth, running her tongue against the roof of her mouth for a moment. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep. What can I get for you? Are you feeling okay?”

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

I shouldn't listen to Enrique Iglesias while writing posts, lol.

When Rivet finally roused and lifted her head, only to immediately begin apologizing, Turquoise rolled her eyes affectionately. "Calm your tits," she said without a trace of meanness in her voice. "You needed your rest. Besides, I'm fine. I'm actually feeling a lot better, finally."

As if to demonstrate, Turquoise took a few steps sideways to stand behind Rivet. She then stepped forward so that she stood over Rivet, her four stockinged legs creating an effective cage around the sylph's body. She licked the crown of her lover's head, then dropped her rump slightly so that it rested on Rivet's lower back. Turquoise was careful not to rest her full weight on the much smaller she-wolf.

"I've been meaning to ask you something," she said lowly, ducking her head to whisper into Rivet's ear. "First, though, I want to establish something." She paused and wiggled her bottom suggestively, then stopped. "I want you to promise me that, starting today, you'll stop tripping over yourself trying to please me. Don't get me wrong, Riv; I love that you do this. But you do it to a fault and it needs to stop. I want you to make yourself a priority and bring back some of that old fire. Do you think you can do that—for me but, more importantly, for yourself?"

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013


She was glad to hear, and see, that Turquoise was feeling better. It had seemed like she was never going to get better, or at least that was how it had seemed to feel to Rivet. She didn’t plan to do much by way of relaxing, though, until she was sure that whatever it was that had caused the woman of her heart to get so terribly sick and that it wasn’t going to end up coming back or getting worse again. Turquoise meant the world to her, and everything Rivet did, she did for her, including giving the other woman her blessing to do whatever she wanted with other females.

Her tail swayed against the ground behind her at the feel of Turq licking her head, as well as the feel of her weight lightly upon Rivet’s lower back. But it was her lover’s words that she focused on the most when Turquoise began to whisper in her ear. A small smile began to spread on her muzzle at the suggestive wiggling and the feel of Turq’s breath against her ear. However, as she continued listening, her ears slid backward against the top of her head. How could she possibly make a promise that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep? Lately, everything she did, she did for Turquoise. Well, since coming to this area, and even more so since joining Neverwinter.

Wiggling herself so that she could roll over onto her back without unseating her girlfriend, she gazed up at the larger female. Rivet was honestly unsure of how to respond to the request being made to her. Was this a trick question? Was there a right or wrong answer? Would her response end up spurring an argument between them? They hadn’t had one of those in a while and, honestly, Rivet had been doing whatever she could to avoid causing any to crop up, especially since Turquoise had been sick.

“I like taking care of you, doing things for you, and pleasing you,” she finally began to answer, truly hoping that her words wouldn’t cause any sort of argument or fight. “What if pleasing you is what makes me happy, too?” She did understand, though, because she didn’t even feel like she was the same being since they’d come here, and especially not since after Turquoise had told her about having flirted with another female, leading to Rivet stomping all over her own pride to grant Turquoise permission to do whatever she wanted with other females so long as it was to Rivet that she returned to at night and didn’t tell Rivet about any of the details.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Turquoise couldn't see Rivet's face from this angle, yet she imagined there was an expression of surprise or maybe even confusion there. She didn't have to guess for long, as the sylph suddenly rolled over, unseating the larger female and forcing her to stand up again. Turquoise blinked down into Rivet's dark, pretty face as the DeMonte answered her proposition.

"I know you do," Turquoise replied, her voice a low purr. She touched noses with Rivet. "I know that you like to put me first. I'm not saying I don't like it or that I don't want you to do it. Just... not all the time. You need to think of yourself first sometimes, you know? I just see you falling over yourself—hurting yourself, even—for me... and that's not okay."

Lifting her feet, she moved to sit beside Rivet, no longer hovering over her. "Like when you agreed to let me see other people, to your detriment. I shouldn't have asked you to do that and you shouldn't have agreed to it. It hurt you too much." She paused, rolling her tawny shoulders. "On that note, I want you to know something: I decided I'm not interested in pursuing other people. I want to close this relationship." Her turquoise eyes seemed to darken momentarily but then, just as quickly, she brightened again. "And seal it—with a kiss."

True to her word, she bent down and nuzzled the corner of her lover's mouth, then swiped her tongue over her cheek. A beat later, she straightened up so that she was peering down at Rivet again, a happy, lopsided smile on her face. Her eyes were not only bright but warm. I'm a damn lucky girl, Turq caught herself thinking.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013


Gazing up at her lover’s beautiful face, staring into her intensely stunning eyes, Rivet felt herself falling in love with her companion all over again. That love shone brightly in her own mismatch colored eyes. She remained lying on her back even as the other female moved to sit beside her. Not a word escaped from Rivet as she listened to Turquoise’s words. She gave a slight shake of her head, which wasn’t easy in the position that she was lying in but she didn’t want to roll over.

"It wasn’t so much me agreeing to that, nor you asking it of me," she began. "It was my suggestion, and my choice, because I just want you to be happy. And if that means you finding what you want or need in the arms of another, then so be it." Deep down, though, it really did hurt her because she wanted to be what Turq wanted and needed. She wanted to be the one to fulfill Turq’s every desire, not some other woman. She fell silent, though, when Turquoise continued speaking, causing Rivet to tilt her head to the side, slightly, as curiosity began to fill her.

Rivet was curious both about Turquoise’s words, as well as the brief darkening in her eyes before they brightened again. She readily accepted the kiss from her lover, not ever turning away from Turq’s touches. But she was still curious, and that showed in her mismatched eyes. "What are you saying, Turq?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, not wanting to do or say anything to kill the moment that they were currently sharing.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Rivet's response made an unpleasant heat flash across Turq's skin. The idea of falling into the arms of another now fully repulsed her. It helped that she always pictured that faceless other as Dany now. Although she hadn't expected it to go down the way it had, that conversation with Dany had really been a turning point for Turquoise. She'd quite literally had an epiphany, which had been further driven home by the Rho's bewilding response to it.

The dark sylph seemed to understand that Turquoise was hinting at something. Turq smirked playfully. She didn't want to rush the moment. She was savoring the alone time with Rivet, especially now that she didn't feel like road kill. She enjoyed the teasing too, though the delay was mostly about getting Rivet to understand that she was making changes to the dynamic of their relationship—good ones.

"I'm just saying that you're the only one for me, Riv, that's all," she replied, her eyes glittering impishly as she spoke casually, playing it off like no big deal. Of course, it was a big deal for both of them. Grin broadening, she let that hang in the air a moment before adding, "And I want you to know that I'm committing and dedicating myself to you. You and you alone, Rivet."

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013


Rivet was completely unaware of the conversation Turq had recently had with Dany and quite likely was still unaware that Dany had even been the other woman. Though her fiery side had not come out for some time, it was something that still burned beneath her dark fur, simmering, boiling, waiting. So it was probably for the best that she not know that Dany had been the other woman, the one that Turquoise had flirted with, the one that had caused them to very nearly end up broken up for good. That was information that was best left from her.

Yes, she definitely knew that Turquoise was hinting at something, but figuring out just what that something was seemed to be out of her grasp. She could make assumptions, but that was something she tried hard to not allow herself to do, ever, because it rarely led to good things in the end. Something was definitely up, though, something was different about the way her lover was even looking at her, drawing the moment out. Alone time with Turquoise was something that always pleased Rivet. Truthfully, she could be quite the selfish bitch, wanting Turquoise to herself almost all the time, but knowing that it was something that seemed to be always just out of reach.

Surprise touched her face, spreading through her mismatched gaze, as Turquoise’s words began to fully register. A smile began to spread across her darkly colored muzzle as Turquoise’s words began to register and her tail swayed, slowly, against the ground between her legs. "Are you sure?" she asked, softly. Rolling off of her back, she pushed herself into a sitting position so that she was almost on even ground with her lover, though she was still smaller than the bigger female. "You’re the only one I have ever wanted, ever needed. I love you with every ounce of my being." There had never been any doubt in her mind about her own heart. Only ever about Turquoise’s.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Rivet's uncertainty gave way to tentative disbelief before quickly transforming into delight. Turquoise laughed when the DeMonte sat up and professed her love. Affectionately, she lifted up her right foreleg and draped it across Rivet's small shoulders, their black fur blending together. She tugged Rivet closer to her and pressed her nose against the other female's temple in a firm smooch.

"I know," she replied. "Yep, I'm sure," Turq added. She then lapsed into silence, keeping her snout pressed against the side of Rivet's head. She inhaled, Rivet's soft fur tickling her nose as she drew in her scent. It was lovely and heady.

Still speaking in a breezy tone, Turquoise suddenly wondered aloud, "I wonder if there's such a thing as a pirate-themed wedding ceremony." She drew back just enough to look down into her lover's mismatched eyes, wearing an expression of innocent curiosity.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013


She readily allowed herself to be pulled closer to the larger female, enjoying every moment of their closeness. Her eyes slid closed at the feel of Turq’s nose being pressed against her temple and a content sound escaped from the smaller female. She was clearly loving this moment, loving the change that had come to being. For quite a while, she’d worried so much that she was going to lose the woman she loved so much. She’d worried that Turq would end up finding someone else that would end up being the end of them. So many nights she’d not really slept, even while wrapped in the arms of the larger female, because of that worry.

Hearing her say that she was sure, there seemed to be a great weight lifted from Rivet’s shoulders. For the first time in quite a while, her heart felt at ease. With that weight lifting from her shoulders came a sudden flooding of so many emotions, though. Her eyes became watery as she looked up into her lover’s turquoise eyes. Was this really happening? Was Turq really wanting only her? Or was she dreaming all of this? Without a word, Rivet moved her head forward to press it against the larger female’s chest, sliding her eyes closed and breathing deeply. No, this wasn’t a dream, she was awake.

"Rivet Blackthorn…" she murmured against Turq’s chest, testing it out, assuming that was how it was going to work. Smiling, she lifted her head so that she could look up at the larger female. Her tail swayed against the ground behind her. "I like it…"

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Posting from ma' phone.

Rivet seemed to be on cloud nine. She snuggled closer to Turq, pressing her sleek head against the Gunner's chest. Grinning a bit foolishly at this point, Turq wrapped her foreleg even more tightly around her sylph, then rested her chin neatly atop her head. They were so different, yet they fit together like puzzle pieces.

"What if I want to be Turquoise DeMonte?" she teased. She licked the top of Rivet's head. "So I'm the man in the relationship," she observed in a huh tone of voice. She didn't have any qualms with that, though they didn't fit nor subscribe to gender norms, so it was neither here nor there, really. If Rivet wanted to take her name, Turquoise would be happy to share it.

"Well, before we do this thing, I guess there's only one more thing I want to ask. This is a serious one," she prefaced. Since they hadn't been overly serious until now, the issue simply hadn't been broached yet. Turq knew the couldn't fool around with it if they wanted to commit. She was a little afraid they might disagree but she couldn't let that possibility prevent her from addressing it. "Kids. How do you feel about them?"

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013

I took a nap instead of replying lol Getting old sucks ;) lol

It didn’t matter to her, at all, that the two of them were so different. The saying ‘opposites attract’ was so fitting for the two of them. Through all their ups and down, Rivet never doubted where she belonged, never doubted her feelings for the larger female. The huge weight that had been lifted off her shoulders felt so good. She truly felt better now than she had in months, and this was clearly a good thing.

Though she hadn’t ever viewed Turq as being the man in their relationship, she had viewed the larger woman as being the more dominant of the two. She had instantly assumed that she’d be gladly taking Turq’s surname. However… "if you want to take my name, that’s fine too, or we could combine them if you wanted to." Either way was perfectly fine with her, and she wasn’t just saying that to appease her lover.

When Turq spoke of having one more thing to ask, Rivet pulled her head back from her lover’s chest just enough to be able to look up at her. Silently, she waited for whatever serious question was to come. A look of surprise flittered across her darkly colored face for a moment when the question was asked. "I don’t know," she answered honestly. It wasn’t something she’d ever thought about. "What about you?" she asked, curiously.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

I decided it was time I had a character that doesn't want kids. >>;

"Naturally," Turquoise replied, thick sarcasm coloring her tone even as she nuzzled Rivet fondly. "While I think that Turquoise Blackthorn DeMonte has a nice ring to it—sounds like royalty or something—it's too much of a mouthful. Let's be the Blackthorns," she said decisively, nuzzling Rivet's ear. This was much less about Turquoise being the "man" or the dominant figure in the relationship; she was actually giving Rivet what she thought the sylph wanted but would likely never insist upon.

She didn't realize she was holding her breath until Rivet provided a noncommittal answer. Turq let a low breath whistle out of puckered lips. "Well, I'm glad you didn't immediately say, I want thousands!" she said with a vague sheepishness. "So do you think you're... ambivalent? 'Cause I'm just gonna come right out and say it: I don't want kids." She paused, biting her lip, wondering what Rivet thought of this admission.

After allowing the sylph a moment to digest that, Turq said, "You'd think I'd be all about family, coming from such a huge one myself. I loved my parents and my brothers and sisters. But it's actually because of them that I decided a long time ago that I didn't want children. It's too chaotic a lifestyle for me. I'd rather just have you and me and nothing else. I'd rather be selfish and lazy," she confessed with a lopsided smile, still unsure of what Rivet really made of this news.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013


Rivet’s smile widened when Turquoise agreed with Rivet’s choice to take Turq’s surname rather than the other way around or combining the two names. It really was what Rivet wanted and not so much about what she thought would make Turq happiest. A while back, Rivet had secretly played with their names, coming to the decision back then that if Turq were to ever actually want to make their relationship official that she would want to take Turq’s name. But Rivet didn’t say this out loud because she didn’t want to seem like a daydreaming kid or something. "Good," she murmured, swaying her tail against the ground behind her.

She was silent while she listened to Turq’s answer to the question Rivet had turned back to her. Rivet had never really thought about whether she did or didn’t want children. She, too, came from a large family, but had never thought about if she, herself, would ever bring more little DeMonte’s into the world or not. "Having kids would mean one or the other of us would have to be with a male," she began only after Turq had finished with her confession. Her nose wrinkled in disgust as she spoke, though. "And that’s just… repulsive. No way would I want to be with a male. Just… no. And, even though I’d said you could do whatever you wanted with whoever you wanted, I really don’t think I’d be alright with you sleeping with some guy…"

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Rivet pointed out the obvious: the two of them couldn't exactly procreate on their own anyway. Turquoise knew the facts of life, of course, but she'd never really contemplated them in any depth and only did so now as Rivet outlined them. Her smudged nose wrinkled. "Yeah, no," she agreed simply, disliking the idea of either Rivet or herself subjecting themselves to the acts necessary to produce children. "Maybe we're lesbians for a reason," she quipped.

Turquoise felt quite relieved to have this issue out in the open and she enjoyed knowing that Rivet genuinely seemed to share her feelings. "Well, aren't we just meant to be!" she crowed suddenly, bumping her muzzle against Rivet's shoulder. "We're going to have a long, selfish, lazy life together, you and me," she added, her voice becoming more of a purr there at the end.

Humming softly under her breath, Turquoise ran her muzzle along the underside of Rivet's chin, then licked the fore of her snout. "I love you, Rivet. Let's get hitched. I say we consider it official right here and now but we should totally make the pack throw us a party to celebrate." She grinned. "What do you say, mo ghrá?" she finished breathlessly, waiting for Rivet's formal acceptance, the word that would make them husband wife and wife.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 10, 2013


Yeah, the mere thought of some guy doing the deed with her woman was enough to bring forth the seemingly slumbering volcano that simmered beneath the submissive side of her that had been so very prominent since the two of them had gotten back together shortly before they came and joined Neverwinter. She would readily rip the male bits off of any male that tried to do that with her Turq. "Definitely," she readily agreed, giving a slight nod of her head.

She did wonder, though, if her family would be disappointed in her that she wasn’t wanting to bring more little DeMonte’s into the world. On the other hand, though, it wasn’t up to them. It was up to her, and up to her lover. If neither of them wanted kids, then so be it. Her family would just have to get over it. Her smile widened at the sound of having a long, selfish and lazy life with the woman she loved so very much. Rivet didn’t want it any other way. It was such a relief that she wasn’t going to have to be sharing her woman with anyone else beyond this moment.

Her eyes slid partially shut, enjoying the feel of Turq’s muzzle running along the underside of her chin. Hearing those words from her lover made her feel so very happy inside and it showed on the outside. Letting her mismatched eyes meet those of her lover’s, Rivet nodded before adding voice to her answer. "Yes," she breathed, leaning forward to touch the side of her muzzle to the side of Turq’s. "Absolutely yes." She felt like she’d dreamed of this moment her whole life or something.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 10, 2013

Rivet didn't make her wait. Turquoise smiled like an idiot when the DeMonte—now a Blackthorn—quietly but emphatically agreed to be her mate. Suddenly, the Amazonian she-wolf fell upon her lover, gently shoving her to the ground and then littering her with kisses. "Can I keep you?" she whispered playfully into Rivet's ear at one point. A minute later, she murmured, "Mrs. Rivet Blackthorn," against her new wife's cheek. "Oh, I like the sound of that."

Although she'd felt markedly better upon waking this morning, she felt a little weary after her affectionate demonstration. Having partially collapsed on top of Rivet, Turq rolled off her and slumped on the floor, still grinning idiotically. She let her head fall sideways to look at Rivet and she sighed. It was a happy sound, though there was an edge of wistfulness as it tapered into silence.

"I want to ravish you, Rivet," she complained, "and consummate this thing. But I'm afraid I'll collapse in the middle of it. Will you forgive me if we postpone our wedding night until—maybe the night of the party I make Cap'n Styx throw for us?" she suggested even as the thought occurred to her. It would only take a few days to gather the pack together for it, right? By then, Turquoise guessed she would be feeling fully recovered from her strange, lingering illness.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 11, 2013


She didn’t even flinch when her lover fell upon her, shoving her to the ground and kissing her repeatedly. "Always," she readily responded. Forever would she belong to her beloved Turquoise and to no one else. Her smile widened and her tail swayed more against the ground behind her as her mate murmured the name that Rivet would from hence forth be known as; Rivet Blackthorn. It had such a beautiful ring to it, and it made her insanely happy, that’s for sure. This would be the absolute start of a whole new life, as far as she was concerned.

When Turq rolled off her and slumped on the floor of their den, Rivet shifted to snuggle against her. "It can wait," she agreed, giving a slight nod of her head. She didn’t want Turq to do anything that would cause her discomfort because of her lingering illness. In the meantime, though, Rivet would continue to take care of her mate. "Is there anything I can get for you? Are you hungry at all?"

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 11, 2013

Rivet didn't seem to mind the delay. Naturally, Turquoise thought to herself again, though she didn't voice it. Her mate asked if she could get her anything and Turquoise shook her head (as much as she could in her current position) and murmured, "Just you." She smiled almost lazily now, like a lion that has just eaten a hugely satisfying meal and found a nice patch of Serengeti sunlight.

Yet after a few moments of restful silence, Turq peered sideways and admitted, "Okay, maybe some food would be good." Before Rivet could rush out the door, she flipped over onto her belly and pushed herself to her feet. "But I'm coming with you to get it. I haven't stretched my legs in a while and a walk sounds really nice." She rolled her tawny shoulders, then gestured smilingly. "Lead the way, Mrs. Blackthorn."

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 11, 2013


The only reason she’d voiced that she didn’t mind waiting was because she was still very worried about Turq’s lingering illness. Plus, they had plenty of time to get freaky, a whole lifetime. Words were plenty enough, for now, that they were mates. It wasn’t like they hadn’t gotten freaky with it repeatedly up to now. Once Turq was better, though…

She could easily have curled up with her mate and gone back to sleep for a while if Turq didn’t need anything. When the larger female expressed wanting some food, Rivet didn’t hesitate to get to her paws. It wasn’t going to be just a quick trip, though, since Turq wanted to accompany her. "There’s a cache that I’ve been keeping stocked a little bit from here," she replied. Turning toward the entrance of their den, she glanced over her shoulder, mostly to make sure that Turq wasn’t going to suddenly fall over or something.

Leading the way out of the den, she headed in the direction of the cache. Taking it slow and easy, it was about a five minute walk from the entrance of their den to the cache. "I’ll dig something out for you," she said once they’d stopped, motioning for Turq to sit or something.

Turning her attention to the cache, she dug into the dirt that she’d covered the opening with. Reaching into the cache, she pulled out a fat rabbit that she’d killed just the night before. Giving her head a shake while holding the rabbit, she flung some of the dirt off of it before turning to her mate and setting the rabbit at her paws. "This one is freshest."

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 11, 2013

Turquoise didn't know what to expect—whether the walk would leave her feeling tired and weak or invigorate her instead—so she appreciated Rivet's slow, even pace. It turned out that it really did feel good to get some fresh air and sunlight. With that said, she was glad the cache wasn't too far away, as she didn't want to push herself too much.

When they arrived, Turq sat down while Rivet insisted upon waiting on her hand and foot. "Thanks, love," she said when Rivet brought her a whole dead rabbit. It made her think of Dany and she frowned gently as she began to nibble on the meat.

After quietly eating for a few moments, literally and figuratively chewing things over, Turq decided she should bring up the whole issue of Dany. She didn't want the Rho coming around and mouthing off about her to Rivet. She didn't want Dany coming around, period, but seeing as Dany was part of this pack, Turquoise couldn't control that.

"I need to tell you something," she announced. "I don't know if you've met her but there's this girl, Dany, living here." She paused, debating on how much to tell Rivet. When she looked into her wife's eyes, Turq decided to come totally clean. She wouldn't keep secrets from her. "I flirted with her once—she's the one that confused me about being monogamous—but I want you to know that I have zero interest in her. I mean that, Rivet."

After pausing to make sure Rivet understood her sincerely, Turquoise continued. "When I saw her the other day and told her I intended to ask you to be my mate and that flirting was out of bounds, she went totally ape shit for no reason I can fathom. We barely know each other but she seemed to take the news very personally for some reason." She paused. "She was only right about one thing: that I don't deserve you. I know I don't. I know I've treated you badly in the past. And yet you have me just as I am," Turq finished, both humbly and admiringly.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 11, 2013


Rivet would continue to insist on waiting on Turq hand and foot as long as the larger female was still sick whether she wanted Rivet to do so or not. Until then, she was just going to have to deal with it and accept it. "You’re welcome," she responded before turning back to the cache and grabbing something for herself. She did the same shaking of it that she did with the rabbit she gave to Turq to get some of the dirt off of it. Then she settled down near her mate to quiet her own belly.

The darkly colored female was happily chewing away when Turq began to speak. The moment the snowy female’s name was mention, Rivet’s ears slicked back against her head and she felt a sickening feeling forming in her stomach. She had only just met Dany shortly before Turq had gotten sick but had no idea about any of the rest of what Turq was now telling her. Mismatched eyes grew dark as she stopped chewing on what was left of the small rabbit she’d been eating, pushing it away from her a little bit.

Rivet did understand Turq’s sincerity, but that didn’t make this any easier. Her hackles bristled when Turq spoke of Dany having gone ape shit at the news of Turq intending to ask Rivet to be her mate. Silently, Rivet’s mismatched eyes slid shut as she took a couple of deep breaths, letting them out slowly so that she could recompose herself. "She’s nothing," she finally said, opening her eyes back up. "She doesn’t matter, and neither does what she said to you about us. All that matters now is us." And she meant it. Nothing else mattered except them and their future.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 11, 2013

I picture Rivet one day going off the deep end and killing everyone... it's always the quiet ones... xD

Turq didn't say this to placate Rivet; it was simply the truth of the matter. Anyway, she knew nothing would likely soften the unpleasantness of this news. She watched Rivet carefully, secretly fearing that the former DeMonte would suddenly denounce their brand new marriage. Turquoise held her breath. Rivet did the opposite, sucking in several deep, steadying breaths as her eyes closed.

When she seemed to regain her composure, Turquoise could only nod emphatically at her words. "I couldn't agree more, Riv," she said, "although..." She was about to say something about how Dany had still been right about her in a way. She didn't deserve Rivet. Yet she let that half-finished statement simply trail away.

"You're right and you're the best," Turq conceded with a lopsided smile. "I think I'm full and ready to head back for a catnap. Would you like to resume your post as my most comfiest pillow in the world?" she asked, her nose twitching as it quested toward Rivet's cheek, rubbing against her soft fur when it hit home.

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Rivet - October 12, 2013

lol I can actually see that happening at some point...

Regardless of the fact that finding out the name of just who it was that Turq had been flirting with, the name of the one that had very nearly ended their relationship, Rivet was not about to give up what she’d just gotten; marriage to the woman she loves with all her heart and soul. But it was something that would remain fresh within her mind for some time to come, and heaven help that specific individual if she tried to do anything to screw up what was finally developing between Rivet and her woman. For too long had the volcano beneath her submissive exterior lay dormant. One day that volcano was going to end up erupting. Today was not that day, though.

Even though Turq probably didn’t deserve Rivet, Rivet deserved to be happy. And if forming a mateship with Turq was what made her happy, then so be it. She was finally getting something that she wanted. That was how she looked at it. When Turq began to say something, letting her sentence trail off, Rivet shot her a bit of a look. It was one of those ‘don’t say it’ looks and nothing more. She didn’t want to hear anything more about Dany, anything Dany had said, or that Turq didn’t deserve Rivet. It was Rivet’s choice to remain with Turq, and it was a choice that she’d made long before they had come here, even though they had been broken up for a few days.

Rivet nodded, pushing herself to her paws. She gathered up what was left of what she, herself, had been eating on and returned it to the cache that she’d been keeping. If there was anything left of Turq’s meal, she’d do the same with it as well, followed by covering up the cache once more so that it was tucked away safe and sound. When she was done, she turned to her mate, her wife, and smiled. "Ready when you are."

RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - Turquoise - October 12, 2013

Rivet returned their leftovers to the cache, then announced that she was ready to go. Turquoise smiled, then turned and began padding back in the direction of their den. On the way, she noticed how much the forest had changed during the course of her illness. The greens had given way to flaring reds, oranges and yellows. The sky was a perfect, striking shade of blue. It all sort of made her eyes hurt, albeit in a wonderful way.

"Let's go for another walk after our nap," she suggested even as they reached their den. She walked inside, shook out her pelt, then made herself comfortable on the floor. She waited for Rivet to join her, curling her larger body around her smaller wife's. She let her head rest gently on Rivet's back and was sound asleep in minutes.