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Firefly Ravine kawagishi - Printable Version

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kawagishi - Raijin - April 30, 2024

Something veered her away from the coast. 

A trail? No, fainter - more incomprehensible. A sign, perhaps? Raijin was no stranger to spirits, but their tracks were confusing and difficult to differentiate from reality. She wished her mother was here; she'd know what to do.

The path she picked through the gorge was precariously steep. Each step forward sent another shower of little stones down into the river, fast-flowing and full from snowmelt. Unlike the ocean, rivers were far more unpredictable and dangerous - she really didn't fancy taking a dip. 

She breathed a shaky sigh of relief once she reached the bottom, paws sinking into the mud that lined the swollen riverbank as she calculated the best way to cross.

RE: kawagishi - Redd - May 12, 2024

tags are for reference! Hope you don’t mind me setting this to present <3 (no need to offset the date unless you want to)

The Berserker had been injured out here.  It was not in this part specifically, but with knowledge of @Mulherin’s encounter (as much as she had at the moment, however gained), Redd pressed into the surrounding territories with careful purpose.  She had no quarrel with those who resided within or passed peacefully through.  Only with those who were deemed threats.

Ulfhedinn and Caru, and their children, had the safety of the pups well assured.  Wealda concerned herself with the safety of their hunts.  She would not have violent strangers pick hunters off alone, especially one who had managed such violence with the fight lead.

She traveled a distance while seeing no one, but just as she reached the ravine that she knew would force her to return, a shape appeared near the river.  Wealda immediately lowered defensively, approaching with a careful tension and observing as she did so.  They did not appear to be a threat, but first appearances could always deceive.  She would let out a low, questioning sound to announce herself when she’d drawn close enough.

RE: kawagishi - Raijin - May 12, 2024

no problem!

The river was strong and chilling. Once, her paws slipped on the pebbles below and she almost went under, her position saved only by a frantic doggy paddle until she emerged bedraggled on the other side. A quick shake of her pelt was enough to rid it of most of the mud, though the ordeal had left her more shaken than she would have liked.

Thankfully, the bank here was less of a cliff as she began to ascend until a noise made her visibly jump. Looking up revealed the owner; a reddish wolf around her size. A pack wolf, judging by the scents of many others that clung to this one's fur. 

She released a gentle whine in return, tail buffeting her hocks in an effort to show that she was no threat, though she made no move to retreat nor advance.

RE: kawagishi - Redd - May 25, 2024

The other wolf was polite and held body language that clearly invited approach.  Wealda’s own bearing was wary, though as she got close enough to detect that no others accompanied the stranger, caution gave way to curiosity.

Berserker would have left marks of his own, so this was not the threat he’d faced.  Nor did she sense any affiliation.  A wiser wolf might have seen the slight chance for further information worth pursuing, but this was the only conclusion that Redd needed to dismiss the thought completely.  Instead she now wondered where it was this wolf traveled to.

She would come close enough to exchange scents if allowed, her tail swinging in an open and friendly manner by the time she came within contact.  The threat was not here, therefore Wealda had nothing to defend.  

I’ve been a touch slow, so we can wrap this anytime if it gets too out of date!  Otherwise I’m def happy to thread it out, I love her already XD

RE: kawagishi - Raijin - May 26, 2024

No worries! I'm happy to thread this out. She's a v low priority toon rn!

To her relief, her submission invited the approach of the other. Raijin's nose came to rest near the fluff of her cheek, drinking in the information that came with the scent of her fur as her tail picked up sped behind her.

She drew back after a moment, having gathered what she needed. From up close, she admired the hunters build, the ripple of strong muscle beneath a fire-kissed coat. It spoke of the strength of her pack, though the princess knew not what to refer to them as. "Where do you come from?" she came to break the friendly silence, curiosity driving her need to converse.

RE: kawagishi - Redd - June 01, 2024

perfect! <3

They exchanged greeting politely, the last of Redd’s reservations falling away as her investigations were met with friendly interest.  There was no threat here.

Only words.  Redd turned her gaze to the rise, then drew herself up slightly, Wealda for only a moment.  Redtail Rise.  Her voice was slightly roughened at first, an indicator that she did not use it often.

I am Wealda.  She did not clarify if it was title or name, but the look that followed invited further explanation from the stranger.  Did they seek something here?  Or was this just a path they walked?