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Blacktail Deer Plateau the little paws against my side - Printable Version

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the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 02, 2014

[size=x-small]It is all welcome but hoping @lasher, @Dante or @Osprey or even all 3 :D forward dated about 2 days 12/4/14 just so excited :D[/size]

Blue shifted in her sleep and woke with a start. Her nausea was finally settling and it was not as often now. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was expecting, it was clear in the roundness of her belly. She padded gently from the den mouth and took a deep breath of the chilly, brisk morning air. She looked around with green eyes.

She curled her tail around her paws, she would attempt to hunt here soon, her center of gravity all over the place lately though. As she sat there a funny fluttering came across her sides and she froze for a moment. Looking down she thought perhaps it was just indigestion, but then it happened again and again and it dawned on her rather slowly that she was feeling them moving to and fro in there. She sucked in a breath and a howl of sheer joy rose out across the lands as she opened her maw and let it loose.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 04, 2014

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he heard her, and heeded, sweeping into the clearing with maw curved into a radiant smile. willow! he exclaimed, eyes falling to the lush roundness of her sides. he did not know exactly why she had crowed triumphantly unto the sky, but the beta wished to revel in her joy, and presently he crossed over to her and nudged her shoulder gently with his muzzle.

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 04, 2014

Blue heard the quiet tones of Lasher and she met his own radiant smile with her own. Her tail wagged and she wanted to gambole all around, but instead she just kept herself grounded even though the joy soared in her chest. She tilted her head and happy laughter came from deep within her throat. Come here! Come here! Their Moving their moving! In her joy it didn't even dawn on her he may not be able to feel them, for was so sheer her joy she could not think straight. It was very real now, it always had been, but now that little movement had sealed it completely in her mind.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 04, 2014

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at first he did not understand what she meant, but her laughter, the joy that aureoled her every movement, soon had him place his cheek against one velveteen swell. he felt nothing, but shared her excitement all the same, lifting himself to grace her cheek with a gentle lick. what does it feel like? lasher inquired of her breathlessly, ears cupped forward with interest and anticipation.

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 04, 2014

Blue shifted as he leaned against her side. Her tail wagging, happily joy ever present. She frowned at his question and then the knowledge dawned on her, far too early for others ot feel them. She chuckled softly a little embarrassed, but then she shrugged who really cared. She was allowed to be joyous on such an occasion. LIke little flutters, I thought it was just sickness again at first, but then i realized and i just got happy. She smiled again her green eyes bright.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 04, 2014

small powerplay to get them to this place :O

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flutters, he repeated, eyes bright. recalling suddenly that he had created a gift for her, lasher pulled away somewhat. i have something i wish to show you, blue willow, he said, rather more formally than he intended.

gesturing that she should fall into step with him, the beta led her toward the edge of a brook, where a large willowtree hung its head o'ertop the bank. having selected such a bole as was farther back from the water, lasher lifted his paw to point out the den, its comfortable innards decorated with all manner of pelts and the crushed petals he had found.

it is to be a place for the children, but i was only struck with a whim, taltos murmured bashfully. if you wish to keep your current home, i will not be offended. i felt that you would keep both domiciles, the latter for your invalids.

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 04, 2014

That's okay with me :D

Blue willow was a little concerned about the formality with which he spoke. But she assumed it wasn't meant to be that way so she shrugged it to the back of her mind. For once keeping her emotions from taking over her already hormonal issues.

Blue stared at the willow tree and a small tightness lay deep with in the recesses of her throat. Her wide eyed wonder ever present as she stared. She went forward as if in slow motion and studied the outside of it and the inside. It was absolutely beautiful. She sniffed gently at the petals that littered the ground.

Turning her gaze back to him she listened to him. Then with a small watery chuckle she threw herself at him and licked his face. It's beautiful Lasher! She nudged his neck and tugged gently at his shoulder to over joyed to really speak, silent in her happiness.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 04, 2014

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blue willow was pleased, and lasher released a tension he did not know he had been holding. returning her lick, his gaze again traveled to her sides; he could not help it. how long will it be now? he queried somewhat absentmindedly; he was picturing the children splashing like golden fish in the soft curve of her rounded belly ... how tiny they must be now!

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 04, 2014

there's one moon in a month yes I'm pretty sure right?

Blue chuckled good naturedly as his eyes again found her sides. She didn't mind, she imagined she would be getting a lot of attention in that region as she ballooned. She couldn't get over the beauty nor the thoughtfulness of his gesture. He was a good man and Peregrine was a fool for letting him go. She tilted her head as he spoke and dipped her muzzle to think. about 5 more weeks, a moon and a few suns. and I cannot wait. She chuckled softly at her admission it was true though.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 09, 2014

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lasher's face spread into a wide smile; he could not contain it, and yet some feeling of nervousness flared into his breast at the suddenness of their birth. a horrid thought struck him then, and the smile faded quickly from his gaze, from his lips. blue willow, how do you know you will survive? taltos whispered the words as if they were an evil spell, suddenly racked with terror and worry for his lover and their beloved unborn.

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 13, 2014

Blue Willow blinked in surprise at both his question and the grisly turn of subject. She wasn't going to say that she hadn't thought about it, but it wasn't likely. She smiled softly I have thought of that and I have hope that I will be fine. I am healthy, there is nothing wrong with me as of right now. I am also not small so there is no need to worry about the babes being to large. I do have to worry about bleeding, but if I take the right herbs and precautions that should also not be a problem. And if I should lost my life I know that they will be taken care of regardless so I do not worry too much.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 18, 2014

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he had not meant to ruin the moment, but the mention of blood caused a burst of queasiness within his gut, and he stared at blue willow for a tense moment before a brief scuffle carried him to the nearby bushes and he gave up what was in his gut. i am sorry, he whispered, trudging sheepishly back to her. i have not the countenance for blood. but i will be at your side, no matter what.

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 19, 2014

Blue couldn't help it, but she laughed. She nudged him under the chin when he came back to her. It's quite alright Lasher. You do realize though there will be a lot of blood when they are born right? She chuckled again in good humor, she was not making fun of him in anyway. She found it a little endearing that he was sickened by blood. Especially since he was a fairly good hunter. She shook her head at him in a teasing gesture.

RE: the little paws against my side - Lasher - December 24, 2014

fade here? i answered a new thread of yours :)

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he became sick yet again, but this time for the bushes he did not dash. rather, taltos sank down and lay his muzzle beside her forepaws, a regretful sigh escaping along with a self-deprecating laugh. i suppose i shall have to survive it! the man jested, though he presently brought his muzzle unto her cheek and began to preen her in a comfortable silence.

RE: the little paws against my side - Blue Willow - December 24, 2014

Blue gave him a devil may care grin, laughing at him kindly. She didn't mind it at all really, it just added more depth to the man she was choosing to raise children with and in a way she supposed love, at least in body.

You will do fine Lasher. And a small sigh escaped her at his gentle ministrations and she returned the favor where she could.