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Qeya River if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Printable Version

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if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Sparrow - May 02, 2024

sparrow barreled through the bodies of his family, kicking @Rowyn, tail-smacking @Bryony and shoulder-shoving @Phoebe Aquilanera as if he were a division one contact footballer. either @Wren or @Silvertongue shouted at him to stop but this baby just kept on moving. 

he scurried his way to the entrance of the den before taking a mad dash to the left to escape the eyesight of watchful parents. the sound of footsteps hot on his trail sped up his wobbly sprint, and he gave a quick glance behind to see who was after him. 

unfortunately sparrow was still learning the controls to his limbs, and since there were no training wheels to attach to his hips, he took the inevitable fall face-first to eat a bite of dirt and stone. 

he recovered quickly enough, jumping up to spit blood and...oh look, a tooth, from his mouth. he let his tongue draw out to lick at his split lip before opening his mouth to feel the now gummy remains of where a newly acquired milk-tooth once was. 

the tooth fairy was arriving early for little sparrow.

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Rowyn - May 03, 2024

Sparrow kickd him and Rowyn let out a yelp and it turned into a baby growl. Eyes narrowing on his sibling.

He was in hot pursuit. Yapping, whining babbling on and on about the absolute unfairness of his brother.

He almost caught him. Then sparrow hit the dirt like a felled tree in a forest. Blood and snot and spit all over and mixed in the dirt. Mouth all bloody round the rim. Rowyn was certain his brother was dead.

He howled for his mothers, his current irritation forgotten and tried to wrap limbs around Sparrow to see if he was alright. But he too didn't have very good control. And probably bumped him in the face, poked his eye,  something

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Silvertongue - May 04, 2024

already they were so big! silvertongue snickered problematically when their most boisterous son careened out of the den only to undergo a massive spill. "la tierra te quitó el diente, muchacho!" she called, moving in her unique gait to the child's side. "esta bien, roywn!" smoothing both boys with a kiss, she gestured for poor sparrow to tilt his head back. "se fue," she told him, "but maybe you want to keep it? look. i think it fell."

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Sparrow - May 08, 2024

he continued to mess with the gummy remains of his injury, smile now broken by a gap off-centered in his mouth. he'd not bothered to take noticed of his brother until the other was practically dragging him back down to the earth he'd collided with. he shoved off rowyn with a smear of blood now staining his littermate's cheek and a few angry cat-taps to the boy's head. 

tripod-mama came hobbling over and sparrow turned to look to her with expectant eyes. she motioned to where his tooth now lay, and in that moment, the hell-boy decided that yes, he did indeed want to keep it. he bent down to grasp his lost tooth, scooping it into his mouth and shifting it around with his tongue before — GULP. he turned to look once more at his mother, mouth opening wide with the belief that his tooth would now be magically back in place once more.

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Rowyn - May 09, 2024

The sharp taps to his head turned him against his brother. He had wanted to help and this was the thanka he got.

He growled and slunk away from his brother. Though he did lean into mamas kiss.

He mumbled baby babble under his breath. Kicked a few stones.

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Bryony - May 10, 2024


Tail-slapped and just ...

... Bryony stared after her brothers, much too cautious to jump into action like them. Their ripping and running could be a little intimidating to her, as she seemed somewhat removed from the others' general rambunctiousness and ferocity, but she was still curious.

From the denmouth, she peered after her brothers, observing - soon to retreat into safety again.

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Silvertongue - May 18, 2024

they were so funny! she was too stunned to even laugh, however; her paw had flashed with a mother's quickness to stop @Sparrow from hitting @Rowyn once more, only for her eyes to goggle as the first boy swallowed his tooth. incredulous, she gave a gasping little squeak and glanced toward @Bryony as if to say are you seeing such things!? "goodness! do not hit him, no, pajarito! it will not hurt you to swallow your tooth, either." she sighed, then kissed their squabbling little heads and chuckled a deep sound.

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Sparrow - June 03, 2024

he was halted from the rapid patter to his brother's forehead by a soft sweep of a mother's paw. the word swallow did not register with the boy and so he assumed he had properly set his tooth right back to where it belonged, a triumphant little puff of his chest given in victory. 

he accepted the kiss before stumbling off back toward the den, brushing past bryony with a smirk before settling next to phoebe with an exaggerated yawn. he stretched himself out like the bed-hog he was before closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep where he dreamt of all his teeth falling from his mouth.

RE: if my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike - Rowyn - June 06, 2024

Rowyn retired to the den then too. But he did take a moment to brush his nose along his sisters silky ear. And give her a soft greeting. Before he stretched out far away from Sparrow.