Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine woza vumani bo - Printable Version

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woza vumani bo - Sobeille - May 03, 2024

sobeille’s sojourn through the lower arms of the teekon were not without hardship. she arrived at moonglow’s promontory with a few missing pounds; from both herself and her satchel.

setting the worn hide down, sobeille threw back her head in a howl for moonwoman @Kukutux — the woman’s scent here was thicker than the fringes, leaving sobeille with the conclusion this was the moon-mother’s camp.

RE: woza vumani bo - Kukutux - May 14, 2024

kukutux knew this face, and offered a smile to see the sea-woman upon the path of the spine.

not so girlish now, but still with youthful light, she had been called.

"it is good to see your face," the duck crooned. "do you have much weariness from your journey?"

RE: woza vumani bo - Sobeille - May 15, 2024

it is good to see your face. this greeting, while strange to a girl raised in a apphique, was most pleasing. sobeille liked learning the different expressions and expectations of each culture — for it rounded out her perspective of the world.

‘ello. she did her best to curtsy, pushing the satchel forward. no, not tired. i am here to learn more of your village, if you will ‘ave me.

RE: woza vumani bo - Kukutux - May 25, 2024

bones inside i believe? lmk! <3

a bundle of sorts was given, and kukutux took it gently. "will you come and see firemother now? or do i open this first?" she said, her face alight with pleasure to see sobeille, and kukutux felt quite respected in this moment that one had traveled to see her.

RE: woza vumani bo - Sobeille - May 26, 2024

yes! <3

sobeille did her best to stand in a way that was polite, but she realized being in another woman's camp, she had no perspective of how respect was perceived in any culture but her own.

she thought of the feral child athalia -- and what respect must have meant to a wolf that lived by the teeth of the world.

whichever you want to do first, moonwoman. sobeille's tone was quiet, but she spoke up again. dere are bones in dere i found, on de way. some maybe 'ave use. some may not. moonwoman sialuk told me to pay attention to de bones, and some dat 'ave power will speak to me. did any of them speak to kukutux?