Wolf RPG
Verdigris Ravine This one sees - Printable Version

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This one sees - Andanari - May 07, 2024

Mismatched eyes peered at the miles of sand. The small little paradise they lived in. She jumped from one place to another. Paws sinking in the sand. The arid wamrth seeking into her very bones. 

She felt alive. She felt free. She lifted her nose to the sky and howled out her joy.

RE: Thia one sees - Gaara - May 12, 2024

Gaara watches with a quietness, his front legs stretched in front of him, his back legs splayed outwards so that his belly could press flat to the sand. 

She bounded around and when she calls out, Gaara too lifted his muzzle and yowled out in those high, ear-splitting noises.

RE: Thia one sees - Andanari - May 14, 2024

She had not known many of the older desert dwellers near her age. Other than her siblings.  So when a new howl found her ears twitched and she turned.

A swift bound scross sand
 Between toes, up her legs. A small smile as she met his gaze with ears twitching. Giving him another Awoo awoo.

RE: This one sees - Gaara - May 15, 2024

Gaara woofs again, short and deep (or as deep as it could get at this age) and he lifts a paw to stomp it on the ground. Then he gets up, slowly making way into her direction, his ears back but neck stretching out to reach and sniff her. 

He had seen her only once, when their parents had introduced them and now as they were able to roam more freely, he would know the S'ari sisters better. Already, he had been watching his father as he cared for and protected the grown women of the Tribe fiercely. Gaara would do the same.

RE: This one sees - Andanari - May 15, 2024

Puppy blue and brown. Two halves in each eye as she got closer. Tiny nose twitching. She pressed forward to his side. Taking a deep lunful of his scent.

This one is Andanari.

A tilt of brown ear. A small wiggle in her side while tail windmilled. A boof a stab of paw in sand. An invitation to play or run whatever he wanted.

RE: This one sees - Gaara - May 29, 2024

She is welcoming of him, curiously looking with those eyes of earth and sky. His own eyes still a solid blue, yet darkening from their once puppy-blue color. 

She presses to him as she takes in his scent and his own nose trails along her ginger-brown limbs and feet. Gaara. He informs and answers her silent questioning of play with actions of his own. He woofs and nudges her neck with his nose and then takes off through the sands.

RE: This one sees - Andanari - May 30, 2024

Mask of deep sand red covered eyes of blue. he stared at her as easily and kindly as she stared at him. She was curious what this one was like.

Andanari, but call this one Andi.

A tickling sensation at her neck. A laugh as he ran. She followed suit. Turning on shaky limbs, paws and knees going askance as she tried to keep up. The even burn of the sand in her paws. The gentle breathing. What fun it was to race the sand.

RE: This one sees - Gaara - June 06, 2024

Andi. He parrots the name back. It was much simpler them her whole name. Then again, Gaara's own name was a long one. His full name, at least, passed down from his mother's culture. It was unlikely he would share it with many. After all, it would mean speaking far more then natural for him, having adopted both his parents nature of speaking little. 

The puppies ran. Over rolling hills of sands and then through the ravines and under red rock archways. Still getting his barring as a puppy, he would stumble and tumble, his ankles twisting, yet still he romped with joy until the sun, the run and his dark coat got him heavily panting.

RE: This one sees - Andanari - June 08, 2024

A small smile lit up her darker face. Lighting up her two tone eyes. She liked her little nickname she had given herself and everyone had called her. Because her name was difficult. She would have probably blinked and not even tried if Gaara had given her a longer name. 

She would lead and sometimes he would. On and off. Rolling and playing. It was a ungainly run of disproportions, but lord it was fun. 

She stopped to stand next to him her own quiet pants breaking the silence. Good. Fun.

RE: This one sees - Gaara - June 18, 2024

Gaara would rumble in response and lay, his blue gaze casting out over the sands. Running with her had been good fun. He imagined one day the both of them running together after prey. Prey like dad always came back with. Again and again he watched his dad get smaller and smaller along the horizon as he went to venture. Gaara thought of himself doing the same.

RE: This one sees - Andanari - June 19, 2024

fade and new one sometime soon?

Gaara had filled her day. She settled near him. Wondering if he would let her nestle her head in the back of his neck like her sisters did.

No harm in trying. She watched his dad too. Wondering if they would hubt someday soon.

This one wants to do that. She said with a yawn.