Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley You be the moon, I'll be the earth, and when we burst - Printable Version

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You be the moon, I'll be the earth, and when we burst - Reverie - May 14, 2024

Open to single post replies from those tagged! Powerplay is all with permission but regardless, anyone can shoot a message for changes <3
They left in the quiet of night without a word to the others. Just her and @Dusty Rose, their children in tow. Most of their children. @Blossom had chosen to disperse on her own, and so with tearful goodbyes they'd parted from the girl to allow her to find her own way. @Dahlia and Foxglove, in spite of the changes, seemed eager for the journey ahead; @Petal remained as reserved as ever in her thoughts.

As their path took them further from the woods, Reverie made quiet conversation with the healer @Dhalia. She still had misgivings about bringing her along — but she would have to trust Dusty Rose, wouldn't she? They were each all the other had, now. They would need to learn to live with that.

She didn't think it would be all that difficult.

Unbeknownst to her, another was on their trail. @Abel, not invited but soon to join them nonetheless. They would reunite somewhere on their way to the desert; a happy little surprise to see the little family off to their new beginning.

Through it all, Reverie thought only of tomorrow.

RE: You be the moon, I'll be the earth, and when we burst - Dusty Rose - May 14, 2024

Dusty was there too I'll edit this later but I need it in my threadlog or I'll forget. He was pretty psyched to get going though.

RE: You be the moon, I'll be the earth, and when we burst - Forsythia - May 14, 2024

Petal did not understand.

This was not a new thing — the whole not understanding. Every day there was something new for her to see, do or hear. Newness was not so new. Yet every day she kept her thoughts and feelings on any kind of newness to herself.

How did you talk about things you did not understand?

It was easier to simply just be. She tagged along and found that any sleep had now would be leagues better than it had ever been before. Perhaps because she had not been this exhausted ever. Somehow there was a comfort in that. The kind of exhaustion that cleared her mind of any thoughts and seeped into her bones.

She only yawned and gently headbutted her mother's hind limb before they carried onward.

There would be more things to exhaust her in the days to come.