Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine yellow - Printable Version

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yellow - Elk - May 20, 2024

He was not all that sure what "stay" meant, and at this point, he was too afraid to ask. He stuck close, but he still did not feel quite welcome deep within the territory. Mainly that meant he haunted the glacier, but today he felt lonesome enough to venture toward the village.

He had five more feathers still to give. He carried them with him in their deerskin bundle, but he did not expect to meet anyone he might give one to today. Rather, this felt like a day of rest. A day off.

He gazed up at the clouds as he walked, his tail swishing idly as he thought about the path he was on, and how he really didn't know where it was headed.

RE: yellow - Iaghe - May 20, 2024

iaghe ventured into the village, for once unaccompanied by those who shared her encampment beyond the borders. this, however, was not the source of nervous energy setting her form to trembling. 

she could not imagine how she could help much, how she could repay the moonwoman for her knowledge and hospitality. but reaching out, offering an empathetic ear during a time of tragedy seemed a good place to start.

it was a man she came across first in her search, both pale and dark with coloring like a seabird. 

"hello," the nightwisp demurred liltingly in what she assumed to be his own tongue. she attempted a friendly smile, whilst her heart attempted to stutter its way right from her chest.

she could not remember a time she had not been wild and half-mad.

RE: yellow - Elk - May 22, 2024

He was not surprised to run into another, though this wolf was far smaller than the one he'd hoped to find. He was startled by her stature, in fact, and gazed blankly at her for a moment before he adopted a winsome smile.

"Hello," he replied, setting aside his burden in favor of conversing with the woman. "My name is White Elk. I hope I am not intruding on your day?"

He felt sure he was not — for the woman had approached him! — but it was polite to offer an easy out to company. White Elk was nothing if he was not polite.